Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1851: Land lease

Ye Shikai's personal wealth is really a lot, but he is just a stubborn treasurer. He has never been involved in the management of famous industries. They are all done by the subordinates of the Hades. One, he has no interest in business. Both, he Not much interested in money ...

At this time, they were slowly opened, and a young man walked in quickly, followed by several bodyguards.

"Long Xiaotian is here, you are all quiet." Tian Jing said softly.



"Dragon Master, hello." Ye Shikai slowly stood up, adjusted his collar, and extended his hand to shake hands with him, but this Dragon Xiaotian was extremely arrogant, not only refused Ye Shikai's handshake, even his eyes did not sweep After him, there is no one in the eyes, that's it.

"I heard Wu Gongzi say, you are a businessman from Yanjing, are you." Long Xiaotian said while playing with his mobile phone, he was not sincere at all, perhaps because of the arrogant temper developed from childhood, or, He simply couldn't look down on Ye Shikai.

"In Yeye, from Yanjing." Ye Shikai made a self-introduction. Ye Yi was the name he gave himself. After a lifetime, he took a wooden character next to it, which was the word "Yi".

"I don't know you. If it wasn't for Wu Gongzi's face, frankly, I really don't want to come." Long Xiaotian said coldly, with an arrogant look, and the bodyguard behind him was also powerful. He is powerful and always proud of people, but today, Ye Shikai will give him a lesson.

"Okay, then." Ye Shikai clapped his palms, slowly sitting in the position, tilting Erlang's legs, also a proud look. This made Long Xiaotian unhappy, and he was always the only one who looked down on others. Dare to be so brazen in front of him.

"Since Master Long wants to open the door, I don't want to go around, who is this." Ye Shikai took out a document and threw it directly to Long Xiaotian, which not only shocked Long Xiaotian, but even Tian Jing behind him The four were also shocked. The document contained Howard's information. Ye Shikai had to ask directly.

"Mr. Ye, you ..." Tian Jing wanted to stop but was stopped by Ye Shikai.

"Relax, wait for me to listen to my orders." Ye Shikai said softly.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of Ye Shikai ’s “courage”, or for other reasons. Long Xiaotian did n’t lose his temper. If he changed to another boy, he might just set the table, but Long Xiaotian turned out to be angry. I really picked up the document and read it carefully.

"This is ... Howard, you are not a businessman, who are you in the end." Long Xiaotian saw this, his face changed greatly.

"Do it." Ye Shikai ordered that the four Tianjing who had already prepared to do it at the same time, almost instantly stunned the bodyguard behind Long Xiaotian.

"What do you ... what do you want to do, dare to do it in Hong Kong City, don't you know who I am, offended me, you have no good fruit to eat." Long Xiaotian was shocked and paralyzed when he saw this. He didn't want to move, but he couldn't move at all, his legs were shaking and trembling, so soft as noodles, he couldn't stand up at all. His bodyguards were evened out easily, whether they were humans or monsters.

"I know your identity well, and frankly, I don't care if you are dead or alive. Even if you kill you, no one can get me." Ye Shikai's tone was cold, and Long Xiaotian was also brave, and saw this posture. , Can only obediently obey.

"You let me go, I can give you money, a lot of money."

"You can rest assured, I am not for money, and I will not kill you." Ye Shikai pointed to the information "You should know Howard."

"When ... Of course."

"What is your relationship?"

"It's just a cooperative relationship." Long Xiaotian said immediately, it doesn't look like he was lying. Under such a "fright", a person of his guts should not have the guts and ability to lie.

"Did you not reach him recently." Ye Shikai continued, "He is dead."

"What, dead." Long Xiaotian was surprised when he heard the news. Howard sent an autopsy immediately after his death, and the actions of the SAD special forces were top secret. The outsiders didn't know it at all. Hua is missing.

"You do n’t have to be so surprised, his death is not strange, you do n’t have to go into the cause of his death, it does n’t make any sense to you, on the contrary, it will cause you trouble, you are a businessman, you should understand.

"Understand, understand, I don't ask." Long Xiaotian nodded again and again, Ye Shikai's "intimidation" was very effective for him, and now the chatting efficiency is much higher.

"The next thing I ask you, you must tell the truth."

"of course."

"You and Howard are in a cooperative relationship, what is the method of cooperation." Ye Shikai asked.

"This one……"

"Say it."

"I said, I said, this Howard is a gambler, but although he is a gambler, he is quite rich, he was also introduced to me by others, saying that he has money in his pocket and wants to rent land to do it. Click to buy and sell. UU reading "

"Looking for you is to rent a piece of land. Is it as simple as that? Don't miss anything, otherwise you will have something good-looking."

"Absolutely not. I must know everything. He wanted me to rent a few pieces of land under the name of the group and said that he wanted to build a factory or something. I do n’t know the specifics, but he paid very quickly. And because of the large amount of money, I naturally did not refuse it. "Long Xiaotian quickly explained that he spoke quickly, and Tian Jing had learned the skills of interrogation. He didn't seem to be lying.

"Lease land to build a factory, this makes sense." Ye Shikai suddenly realized that since Huo Hua is going to build a factory here, it means that their base is here.

"Which land did they rent for you?" Ye Shikai asked.

"This ... I don't remember clearly. He rented several plots. I have to go back to the company and look at the documents to find out. I just remember that these places are very remote, there are no people, and they have been vacant, so I It will be rented to him. "

Ye Shikai hesitated, and Long Xiaotian said it should be true, but if he returned to the company, wouldn't he be out of control, and then Ye Shikai would be passive. Who knows if this dude's pretending to be a grandson asking for mercy is confusing them In case he was left, he might even get revenge.

"Do you have a secretary." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Yes ... of course."

"Well, let your secretary send you all the information you have cooperated with Howard, please rest assured, I am not interested in your life. As for today's things, Wu Gongzi will give you an explanation in the future."

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