Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1864: There is no danger

Humans always burst out of great potential in times of crisis, even for practitioners. Ye Shikai knew what monster was behind him. He had to leave as soon as possible. Suddenly, he felt a big hand holding his ankle tightly. Pull him out.

"I go."

Ye Shikai was unprepared for a while, and the latter half of the body was directly pulled out of the ventilation duct. Later, he would be completely pulled out, and then torn to pieces by the monster. In anxiety, Ye Shikai took out You Xijian and pressed hard against his back. Wave.

With the sword up and down, Jian Feng easily cut off the monster's arm, Ye Shikai kicked out a kick, kicked the monster to the ground, took advantage of the situation to quickly drill into the ventilation duct, and desperately climbed forward, about five or six meters, Seeing that the monsters behind could not come in, he was relieved. These monsters were indeed terrible. If he had taken a step late, or had not cut off the monster's hand, he would be dead now.

Ye Shikai gasped, dared not delay, and could only keep crawling forward. Although these monsters wanted to chase, but because of their huge size, they could not get in at all, and eventually they could only give up. Ye Shikai climbed about half of them. At a distance, I suddenly felt a trembling sound behind me, and the surrounding metal plates also made a "dongdong" sound. The three of them should have climbed out, that is, something was chasing behind.

When I turned my head, I felt something was approaching and there was no light in the ventilation duct. Ye Shikai took out his flashlight and found that the monster a dozen meters behind was similar in size to humans, but it had a crocodile head and limbs. It looks like a crocodile with a long tail behind it.

Good fellow, Ye Shikai was so shocked that he didn't even dare to breathe. He didn't think that these monsters even resembled humans. He really couldn't figure out why the organization behind the scenes produced so many monsters.

The crocodile monster made a terrifying sound at the back. Ye Shikai used his limbs to crawl forward, but in the "climbing" action, the crocodile should be a natural expert. He caught up in a few steps. Ye Shikai had some Anxious, took out a pistol and pulled the trigger again and again against the monster.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

The bullet hit the crocodile monster's head, but did not penetrate it. The scales on the head were like heavy bulletproof vests, and even armor-piercing bullets could not be penetrated.

Ye Shikai took out the fire element again, a flame sprayed out, the crocodile monster screamed, and the narrow ventilation ducts allowed the flame to condense on one point, and it was not a good thing to burn on the skin. The crocodile monster rushed. Come here, it looks like it's getting fired. The space here is too small and it's difficult to reach out, let alone wield a sword here to fight. You can't bite this crocodile monster.

Ye Shikai used his internal force to form a barrier behind him, temporarily blocked the impact of the crocodile monster, and then climbed out little by little.


"Mr. Ye has been down for so long, why hasn't he come up yet?" Jing Xie asked anxiously.

"It's moving, it's Mr. Ye." Tian Jing put his ear on the ventilation duct, and could clearly hear the sound of crawling, and the monster's hiss ...

"No, some monsters are catching up." Tianjing immediately reacted and took out the flashlight to take photos, but he couldn't see the situation below at all. The ventilation duct was too dark, and it was not a straight line. It is vertical, so it is much more laborious to go up than it is to go down, and the speed is naturally slower.

"What, what to do, shall we go down and help."

"This ventilation duct is so narrow, how to help it down." Tian Jing was also very anxious, but was helpless.

five minutes later.

"Tianjing, I saw Mr. Ye."

Tianjing hurried forward, at this time Ye Shikai was only 20 meters away from the exit. He clearly saw that behind Ye Shikai, there was a monster with a crocodile head.

"Mr. Ye, are you okay." Tian Jing shouted towards the bottom.

"Relax, I'm fine, but the monster behind is still chasing me." Ye Shikai also shouted loudly.

"Hurry up, let's deal with this monster."

"it is good."

When Ye Shikai climbed to the exit, Fear quickly took his arm and pulled him out, Tianjing, Phoenix, and the SAD special forces and Longya special team behind them, all aimed at the muzzle. Ventilation ducts.


When the crocodile monster appeared, Tianjing ordered all of them to turn on their firepower. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of bullets poured onto the crocodile monster.

"Stop the fire."

After nearly half a minute of scanning, even the mutants were beaten into a sieve. Tianjing stepped forward and pulled the monster out. Everyone saw it, and they all tremble, as if they were alone in the crocodile's skin. Here, but in fact, this is a crocodile monster, half human half crocodile.

"Mr. Ye, are you okay." Tian Jing quickly asked.

"Relax, I'm fine." Ye Shikai took out the remote control from his pocket and pressed the button as everyone watched.

"Let these monsters be buried here."


Even if it is underground, everyone on the ground still heard a number of loud noises, the foundation trembles, like an earthquake ~ ~ so many powerful explosives exploded underground, enough to blow up the entire basement, this should be What a powerful energy, the explosion flame even sprayed along the ventilation duct ...

One minute later, the whole factory fell into silence again.

"Put the remote control robot into the ventilation duct to see if it collapses." Tian Jing ordered that the robot had a camera on it, and everyone could observe whether the basement was collapsed through the computer screen.


"Scared to death, almost died below." Ye Shikai gasped for a long time, still feeling terrified.

"Ah, what is this." Cheng Luoqi suddenly called, and on Ye Shikai's ankle, there was a tightly clasped hand, to be precise, it should be a claw.

"Just now I was caught by a monster. If it wasn't for me to cut off my sword in time, I was really dragged out." Ye Shikai explained, pulling the broken claw hard, just now he was very anxious, even No broken claws were found to be "stiff".

"Report that the ventilation duct has been completely blocked, and no movement can be detected below."

"Great." Tian Jing is very excited, the task is completed, these mutants are finally eliminated, and everyone is also in a panic.

"It's just a pity that we didn't get the pharmacy results of the HST project. Frankly, these monsters were also transformed by those **** with living people. They are not terrible. The behind-the-scenes organization that has not been found is really terrible." Ye Shikai sighed.

"We will definitely find them."

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