Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1870: Full Moon Wine

Xiaoxin, don't worry, it will be fine. "Ye Shikai hugged the beautiful woman in her arms tightly. He fell into hesitation. On the one hand, Doris must get rid of it. Even if Ye Shikai was so kind and did not care about her, Doris will take the initiative to find the door sooner or later, Yu Qingyu Reasonable, public and private, he should lead the brothers of the Three Palaces to take revenge, but he is responsible for Chen Yuxin and Ye Di, as a father, let his wife and children take risks, this is not a man should do thing.

"You have a good rest during this time, I will be by your side." Ye Shikai asked Chen Yuxin to rest earlier. With this promise, she also relaxed.

With Ye Di, the quality of sleep of the two people was severely "lost". The baby always cried and yelled in the middle of the night, and the two would wake up once, sometimes, less than half an hour. , The two were awakened by Xiao Yelong's crying, bringing baby was never an easy thing, in fact, the Chen family will not lack a servant, Ye Shikai once suggested that the waiter in the family take care of Xiao Yelong, there are so many people Taking care of him wouldn't let him have anything wrong. The clothes would stretch out his hands and the meal would open his mouth, but Chen Yuxin would not let it go. She would rather sleep less and take care of Xiao Yelong herself.

"Boss, I heard that you have dealt with the HST project again last time." At the Yenching Base before the Hades, Ye Shikai and the people in the Three Palaces were discussing something.

"Yes." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Then why don't you tell us that those people are not easy to deal with, especially those monsters." Soul Extermination asked.

"At that time, you were busy recruiting staff, and Doris looked at the Hades, so I concealed the news." Careful calculation, it has been four or five months since the last time we dealt with mutants in Hong Kong , I do n’t know how far the HST project has developed.

"Furthermore, there are Longya, the National Security Bureau, and the SAD special forces, which is enough to cope."

"Adult, if you are in danger in the future, please be sure to tell us."

Ye Shikai knew that this was the good intention of everyone, and he nodded happily. In his view, Doris and Aphrodite must be dealt with, but the behind-the-scenes organization of the HST project should be removed sooner, and he felt that, Compared with Doris ’s Sea Palace, the organization behind the HST project is more dangerous. No matter how strong Doris is, it is just a person. The strength of the HST project is that an ordinary person can become a powerful mutant. In mass production, no force can withstand it.

"Do not worry."

Unconsciously, another month passed.

Ye Di's full moon naturally requires a full moon wine. The Chen family is not a small family. As one of the four major families in Yanjing, Ye Shikai's identity is even simpler. Once the Hades, even now, he It is also a "remote lead" Hades. Many families have already known this open secret, and Xiao Yezhang is the eldest son of the two, and naturally is the future heir.

Chen family, mansion.

"Congratulations, Master Chen."


On this day, almost all of Yanjing ’s heads and faces came. Not only that, but dozens of Chinese family heads came in person. If it were n’t for the Chen ’s mansion, I ’m afraid it could not be accommodated.

"Boss, this is the gift we sent." The ghost led everyone in the Hades to the Chen family. Although they had conflicts with the Chen family and the film agency before, today is the day of Ye Yue's full moon. They are here. Congratulations, you can't smash the scene. When they came, they had already agreed. Even if they saw the film agency, they should pretend not to see it, let alone fight at the Chen family.

"You are here, hurry in. It's raining outside." Ye Shikai greeted them to come in. Many of them were Chinese families, but they were the main foreign gods. Although they are all dressed in formal clothes, they are temperamental. But it seems a little out of place. Some of them should have recognized their identity, but this is the Chen family's place after all.

Ji Tao, of course, also came. Ji Qian followed behind, wearing a white cheongsam. She was a beautiful woman, and the cheongsam looked more charming.

"Mr. Ye, congratulations." Ji Tao said with a fist.

"Senior Ji came in person, thank you very much, please inside."

"Today is a good day, why do you look so unenergized." Ji Qian walked to Ye Shikai and said lightly.

"I'm a little bit uncomfortable. There are too many people coming today. In fact, I don't really like to be crowded with so many people." Ye Shikai waved his hand and found a very "bad" reason.

"Well, whatever you want, but I still want to congratulate you, this is a gift from me." Ji Qian took out a jade bracelet.

"This was the last time I got it at the Kunlun Ruins, and it is also an artifact. Although I don't know how to use it, it is also my heart."

"This jade bracelet is so beautiful, the color is very good, but ... Ye Yefan doesn't seem to need it." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly, this bracelet is good, but it is also worn by women, let alone Ye Ye is just A little baby ~ ~ I won't wear it even when I grow up.

"This is what I gave to Miss Chen, don't get me wrong." Ji Qian explained.

"Well, come in quickly, the ghosts have all arrived."

"it is good."


Chen family, front door.

"Come on, hurry up, and move the gift in." Chen Ruoya is the steward of the Chen family. The so-called one hundred people, all kinds of people, this time Ye Di full moon, the Chen family put on a banquet, so many people came, She didn't dare to relax at all, and the servants were very busy. They moved Heli into the Chen's warehouse one after another.

"Oops." Suddenly, a waiter slipped on one foot and accidentally fell on the ground. The gift in his hand accidentally fell on the ground. Under a bump, the gift box was also opened.

"Why are you so careless." Chen Ruoya quickly stepped forward to blame, the servant quickly apologized and hurriedly closed the gift box.

"Ah." Suddenly, the maid screamed, and the lid in his hand was thrown out in shock.

"Mr. Chen, there are explosives."

"What." Chen Ruoya hurried forward and looked into the gift box. As expected, the gift box was not a precious gift, but a bomb with a countdown.

"Don't panic, don't panic yours." Chen Ruoya has seen the world after all, he is calm and steady, and he quickly calmed down. After watching this countdown, it exploded in more than an hour.

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