Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1874: Union

A battle a few days later decided the moment of life and death for both camps. Ye Shikai did not dare to slacken off. He was the one who took the initiative to fight the war. In the entire underground world, the challenge to the opponent was extremely extreme. Rarely, the struggle between the underground world, big and small, will inevitably fight openly. Intrigue is the best strategy, so if you want to get rid of someone, or an entire group, the sudden sneak attack is undoubtedly the most The best way is to fight undeclared, unexpected, and unprepared. This is the best decision, but Ye Shikai chose to take the initiative to fight the war, and also reserved a few days, which will definitely cause uproar in the underground world.

He is not sure whether Doris dare to really face the battle. After all, from the battle point of view, the strength of the three halls is stronger. The Hades, the Temple of War, and the Temple of the Moon, there are many masters. If you use Huaxia ’s cultivation level Judging from that, at least they are masters in the later period of distraction, and Nightmare and Wang Kai have even reached the training stage of the fit period. Although Doris is superior in martial arts, although Aphrodite is insidious and cunning, his hands may not be able to unite.

"Boss, there are already many organizations speaking out to join our camp, and they have set out to come to the base." The worm shouted excitedly.

"Great, anyone who comes, as long as they are willing to help me, I will never be ill-treated." Ye Shikai continued, "It is sincere to take out a batch of cultivation resources from the warehouse of the Hades."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Soul Extermination nodded.

"Everyone, come to the meeting room, we have a good discussion."

"it is good."


Ye Shikai was sitting in a chair, smoking a cigarette, carefully looking at the map on the table, and his face was staring. According to his speculation, the probability that Doris would accept the battle was only 50%. If she agreed, then the two camps were positive. Confrontation, life and death, Ye Shikai has an absolute advantage. In addition to the help of the masters of the underground world, he also has several Chinese families to help. She wants to defeat Doris, she is 80% sure, but if Doris has no challenge, although afterwards She will definitely damage the prestige of the Sea Palace, but she will use conspiracy to cause significant losses to Ye Shikai.

Having said that, if Doris should not fight, then where would she appear and where could cause fatal damage to the Three Temples ...

Ye Shikai looked carefully. Before the war, he had to predict where Doris might appear.

"Boss, Emily is here." At this time, Moji came forward to report.

"Apollo, Emily." Ye Shikai murmured. He still remembered this person. The first time they met, it was at the main meeting of the gods, when Doris and Aphrodite set traps here, let Everyone suffered heavy losses. Emily wanted to be alone, but in despair, she could only choose to stand on the side of Ye Shikai to help the three temples escape from danger. Although she is a "speculist", in the final analysis, she also It was considered to have helped the Three Temples. This time she came, I don't know why.

"Please, please." After all, Emily is one of the twelve main gods, and is also famous in the underground world. Since Ye Shikai actively invited them to help the war, he must "treat with courtesy", not to mention Emily is the main **** The face was always given, and it did n’t take long for Emily to come in, with blonde hair and golden soft armor, the same as the last time she met.

"Master Pluto."

"Wait a minute, I'll correct it. I'm not Hades anymore, nightmares are." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"Well, although you are not Pluto, but you are the commander of the Three Temples." Alimi is very good at talking. This is actually flattering. Ye Shikai's status is "light and dark rise", although he is not Pluto now, But even the current Pluto, that is, the nightmare, is also under his staff. In addition, he also commands Wang Kai, Ji Qian, and a large number of organizational forces, which can be said to be "a party to the order."

"The words are good, please sit down." Ye Shikai greeted Emily to sit down, and the people around him were neither lukewarm nor talking to her, causing a little embarrassment.

"Cough, after hearing the last meeting of the Lord and God, you disappeared." Emily casually found a topic.

"Yeah, it's a nine-death life, but fortunately, God didn't want me this life, gave me a chance to let me come back alive." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Emily, let's go straight to the point. Are you here to help me." Ye Shikai asked.

"Yes, you sent a war letter to the Neptune Palace, and you sent an" invitation letter "to everyone in the underground world. I think I shouldn't be late." Emily said lightly, although she was a "speculative" "Islamists" may not be trusted by Ye Shikai, but at least she is still a main god, and there is a main **** to help the war, Ye Shikai should not refuse.

"Of course not, you came in a timely manner, and you are the first Lord to come here. I am very grateful. When things are done, I will be grateful to UU reading" Ye Shikai said.

"This time, Doris will definitely die."


Today is the first day of publishing war books. In just one day, many people have joined the alliance. Ye Shikai counted them. There are nearly a thousand people, which is much more than Ye Shikai predicted. It is the first day. He believes that there will be more people tomorrow. After three days, the number of people joining the alliance should be no less than 2,000. This is close to the total number of the three temples. With their help, Ye Shikai's chance of victory is great. Too.

"Qian, do you think Doris will accept our decisive battle." Ye Shikai asked, Ji Qian used to be his "think tank" and should have good opinions.

"I don't think so. They are not light-minded and arrogant. It's almost impossible to make them stand upright and fair." Ji Qian said what she had in mind, which was also consistent with Ye Shikai's conjecture.

"Then what should we do if they don't show up."

"Then we rush directly into the Sea Palace, where is her old nest." Ji Qian continued: "If you occupy it, Doris will definitely come."

"How can you be so sure." Ye Shikai asked back, Doris is a person who does not use any means to win, and does not want to face, confrontation head-on, they suffer, so they will refuse to fight, and occupying the Sea Palace is essentially to attract more Liz came out, how could she come out foolishly, she will continue to refuse to fight, even if Ye Shikai smashed the Sea Palace, she will never come out.

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