Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1886: Smash

Ye Shikai, Nightmare, Wang Kai and Destroyer led more than a hundred Dark Guards, quietly sneaking into the Rotten Tail Tower.

"Everyone, wearing thermal imaging night vision, we still don't know where they are, we can't fight grass and startle snakes," Ye Shikai ordered.


The cultivator's night vision ability is outstanding, but Ye Shikai believes that there must be many dark whistle arranged by Doris nearby. They are all lurkers. If they want to enter the core zone, they must first solve these dark whistle.

"There are a lot of people watching around here, and there are probably cameras. There are a lot of signs of life activity in the central base. I think that should be their base, and Doris must be there." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Lao Ye, don't say so much, just a word, what should we do." Wang Kai asked urgently.

"Adult, they haven't found us yet, so there is no movement. Once they are found, they will definitely run." Nightmare also hopes to attack immediately. The so-called late changes, they finally found the base, they must not let go.

"Well, nightmare, extermination of souls, you take the people, first kill their dark whistle, move cleanly, and don't disturb them. Within ten minutes, you must solve them, and then arrange our dark guards in several important places, Block their retreat. "Ye Shikai ordered.



"When the dark whistle is eliminated, I will send a signal, all the people are surrounded, arranged layer by layer, three layers inside and three layers outside, it is absolutely impossible to let Doris and the mutants run again."

"it is good."

Ye Shikai looked at his watch and stared closely at the time. He was worried that Doris would rush out now, and that their actions were discovered by the Dark Guard.

"Sir, all the dark whistle has been killed by us, and all commanding heights and intersections are also controlled by the dark guard." Ten minutes later, the voice of a nightmare came from the communicator.

"Okay, let's send a signal." Ye Shikai took out the signal gun and shot it toward the sky. The red "fireball" slowly descended in the air, and the members of the Three Temples ambushing around, as well as the organizations of the League, rushed forward. The entire group of buildings was surrounded by water.

Ji Qian is a very good organizational leader. Although the Temple of the Moon is not very powerful, it has a high prestige in the entire underground world. They are willing to obey Ji Qian ’s leadership and are well arranged.

"Come here, rush in with me." Ye Shikai and Wang Kai rushed in directly. There were no shortage of guards at the Neptune Palace shooting at them, but they were only sporadic resistance. The dark whistle they had arranged had been eliminated, and Ye Shikai led the people. Straight into the central area, rushed into the middle building.


Wang Kai had already slapped his eyes, rushed to the front, shot a line, immediately picked up a few people, and kicked the door open.

"Doris, come out to lead the death." Wang Kai shouted loudly, he had long wanted to take Doris's life, to avenge the dead brother of the Temple of War, Ye Shikai, Soul Extermination and Nightmare followed, and A large number of dark guards also rushed into the building, and outside were surrounded by thousands of people.

"I didn't expect you to come here, well, you will all die here today." The result of this time did not disappoint Ye Shikai, Doris is in it. Not only that, the researchers of the HST project also have mutants. It ’s all here, just do n’t know if the principal behind the scene is here.

"Be careful, these variants are not easy to deal with." Ye Shikai reminded softly.

"Relax, Lao Ye, all of us are outside. None of these people want to run today." Wang Kai said proudly.

"Doris, you can't think of you as a divine master, even colluding with these mutants, don't you feel ashamed," Ye Shikai said ironically.

"Haha, Hades, you are really naive. In order to be able to achieve your goals, you can do everything you can. In the eyes of ordinary people, what is the difference between us powerful cultivators and those mutants? These mutants But it looks scarier. "

"You really are a lunatic." Ye Shikai scolded. It seems that talking with Doris about being open-minded is a love for the cow. This woman, as she said, is extremely versatile and does not even disdain to cover up ...

"Lao Ye, this woman is a lunatic, and she has no reason to speak with her. She can only speak with her fists." Wang Kai ordered the members of the Temple of War to rush up, and Ye Shikai also led the members of the Hades.

"Go on, Mutant Legion."

Many mutants suddenly appeared from both sides, all kinds, Ye Shikai did not dare to carelessly, let everyone form a formation.

"Exterminate the soul, go to inform the outsiders, come in and support." Ye Shikai is not sure how many mutants there are, but he still has enough confidence to destroy them.

"Doris, take your life." Wang Kai ignored the mutants rushing from both sides, UU read directly rushed up, straight to Doris, this is his goal, he is impossible to put Ever.

"Hades Jurisdiction-Shadow Doppelganger." Ye Shikai launched the main divine skill, and instantly transformed into many doppelgangers, entangled with those mutants.

"Kill kill."

At this time, all the people outside also rushed in. For a time, the sound of killing, gunshots, and a mixture, this time they appeared very brave, probably because several main gods rushed to the front, the scope and narrowness here, Although the number of mutants is quite large, but for a time, they were hit by the fire of everyone and could not move.

The battle was in full swing, Ye Shikai suddenly saw a person in a black robe flash from the far corner, he instinctively noticed the anomaly, this person is most likely behind the HST project, if you do not catch him, even if you destroy The base is meaningless.

"Stop." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, rushing towards the man's position, killing two mutants who were in the way with a sword and a sword.

"Hugh wants to go." Ye Shikai ran inside, and rushed to the corner in a few steps, just to see the man in black robe.

"Element of Fire." Ye Shikai hit a ball of fire with the element of fire, hitting the man in black robe. He was staggered and almost fell. Ye Shikai rushed up, and the man in black robe pulled out a dagger. , Turned back to stab, but he was obviously not Ye Shikai's opponent, not even the opponent of the sword, only a knife, he cut off his entire arm.

Ye Shikai didn't want to kill him, but he even rushed directly at him, reached out another hand, grabbed You Xi's sword body, and then violently leaned forward, hitting the sword body directly.


Ye Shikai hadn't responded yet. You Xijian had pierced the man's body and was killed in the blink of an eye.

He committed suicide.

Ye Shikai never thought that he chose to commit suicide.

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