Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1889: 1 call 0 response

Having said that, your Gu is really amazing. "Ye Shikai exclaimed, without words, he just casually used a trick to kill all people, even making everyone unable to move, losing his ability to move and resist, or this kind of tiny but deadly deadly bug, as long as he didn't take the antidote one day, it would Killed and killed, and there is no one to understand, no matter how strong the cultivator is, it is also life-threatening, it is impossible to make a joke about his own life.

Using Gu is completely another way of combat, leaving no traces, not noticeable, but deadly enough ...

When you think about it, Ye Shikai feels cold in the back. Fortunately, no words are malicious to him, otherwise it is really difficult to do. Even if the internal force is strong, it will have little effect on the grub.

"These are just the fur of my Gu Zong Zong. In my Gu Zong Zong, there are many Gu Zongs that are unknown to outsiders. Do you want to try it?"

"No, certainly not." Ye Shikai quickly refused.

"Then you'd better get some peace. This time you are too violent. You have a fight abroad. The entire Chinese cultivator's family is about to move. Before I set off, someone started to move."

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Shikai asked back.

"You will know when you go back."


Everyone returned to the base of the HST project. Those mutants were following the "command" of Ye Shikai and were motionless, but most of the mutants were killed by them. According to Ye Shikai's request, only five were left for the study.

"Speechless, have you ever seen these?" Ye Shikai asked. He had heard before that there are guts that can make people turn into monsters, so I would like to ask the speechless opinions, whether the potions and worms of the HST project will There are similarities.

"That's not true. These monsters are half-human and half-beast. I can't think of this kind of technology now and can produce this kind of monster." Wu Yan shook his head.

"What's more powerful is that these monsters will also obey orders." Ye Shikai ordered the people in the three halls to put the five mutants in an iron cage. The materials of the cage are all specially made and hard, even if those mutants want Break free, and I can't break free.

"You guys, dare to do this kind of experiment." Wang Kai kicked the next researcher, scolding loudly.

"Injustice, injustice, we are also forced, if we refuse, then there is only one way to die."

"Pharaoh, stop." Ye Shikai ordered.


"By the way, do you know this person." Ye Shikai beckoned, and the Dark Guard dragged the black robe's body over.

"Know, know, this person is responsible for supervising here." A researcher replied that they are now startled birds and cannot lie.

"Aphrodite, didn't you say ... this person is just an ordinary person." Ye Shikai turned around and asked.

"Hades, you wouldn't be so naive, this is just a base. Is the person in charge of management necessarily the behind-the-scenes ambassador, in the final analysis, this person is just looking at the scene." Aphrodite replied.

"Lao Ye, don't listen to this woman talking nonsense, kill her."

"Stop it," Ye Shikai said quietly. "She has fallen into our hands, and she has also been poisoned. I am not afraid of her tricks."

"You have all listened, Doris has been killed by me, and Aphrodite has also fallen into our hands. From now on, the entire underground world will be the world of our three halls." Wang Kai went outside, facing Thousands shouted loudly and put Doris's body on the ground to let everyone "watch."

Now that the overall situation is fixed, Doris is dead, and no one is the opponent of the Three Palaces. Everyone congratulates and expresses their willingness to surrender. Ye Shikai, as the leader of the Three Palaces, is actually the "Emperor" of the entire underground world. His prestige and fame reached the extreme at this moment, and he responded with one hundred ...

Without opponents, the power of the Three Halls will surely expand wildly, and there will be no hindrance. Even the Temple of the Kings in North America and the Sea Palace in South America will be the sphere of influence of the Three Halls.

Of course, Ye Shikai didn't care about this. Doris was dead, Aphrodite was arrested, and the underground world no longer had his enemies. Next, it was the HST project. After the complete eradication, he would have nothing else. After worrying, you can go back to Yanjing to live your life.

Of course, if you want to completely eliminate the HST project, I am afraid it is not so easy. For now, you still need the "help" of Aphrodite, which is the intelligence in her mouth.

"The Dark Guardian hearing order, do a good search here to see if there is anything valuable, and in addition, nothing here should not be damaged."



The next day, early in the morning.

"You are late." Ye Shikai looked at his watch and said lightly.

"I have heard that you guys went well last night." Tian Jing replied ~ ~ Okay, give you a meeting gift. "Ye Shikai led Tianjing and others into the base. This time it was much smoother than last time. The equipment, results, and personnel in it were too late to retreat, so they were taken away by the people in the three halls, so all the things were saved.

"This should be the pharmacy of the HST project." Everyone came to the pharmacy library. According to the identification of the researchers, they found the pharmacy. This small tube of pharmacy is enough to make people become monsters.

"Yes, you all take it back to the game and then develop it according to the pharmacy. Mutation is an irreversible process, and you may not get an antidote, but you can also study the" weapon "that makes these mutants die, right? "Ye Shikai's idea is naturally to hand over all these things to the National Security Bureau. These medicines are too terrible to fall into the hands of others. According to these medicines, the research institute of the National Security Bureau can develop a response medicine with only one injection. The mutants can be killed, so that even if they meet the mutants again, they can easily deal with it, instead of fighting hard.

"Thank you." Tianjing agreed.

"In addition, there are five mutants here. You can bring them back alive, but this thing is very dangerous. You better send more people to be vigilant." Ye Shikai suggested.

"Relax, I will send someone to do it."

Tian Jing ’s hasty visit this time only brought his squad to see so many cultivators in the underground world, as well as killer organizations and mercenary organizations. His face looked a little dignified, but here is South America, they are not convenient to say more What can only pretend not to see.

"Tianjing, the behind-the-scenes leader of the HST project, may still be hidden under water. You and I can't relax our vigilance. In addition, Aphrodite said that she knows the identity of the behind-the-scenes leader, and I can't judge her for the time being. It's true or false, but I will notify you as soon as there is news. "

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