Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 803: 4 arms

"Exorcist, you can't run this time, hurry up and surrender." Shenwu said with a whip, the five people surrounded the exorcist. If nothing happens, it is not only the National Security Bureau, the Hades The chief, as well as the special police, will all come over immediately, blocking the exorcist in this alley.

"Haha, come." The exorcist has no fear, turning his head to Ye Shikai is a sword, but this sword first let Tian Jing fight it. His cultivation seems to have improved these days. The exorcist's tricks did not show much effort.

"I'll help you." At this time, Fright also rushed up with two wide knives and attacked the back of the exorcist.

"Sculpture of worms." The exorcist turned a sword and steadily resisted the tricks of fright. From the type, the frightening attack belongs to the attack type. Ye Shikai is also a martial arts expert. This frightful sword is quite deserted. The appearance of this set of swordsmanship is about thunder, that is, victory over momentum, and it has a great deal of lethality, but it is still parried by the exorcist, which makes Ye Shikai even more worried.

"Let's go." Phoenix took a Tang sword and gave Shenwu a wink, both nodded, and their bodies moved at the same time.

"it is good."

The four men worked at the same time, but Ye Shikai did not immediately go to help. On the one hand, he was worried that the exorcist would suddenly make the plan to escape, so he stood at the exit. On the other hand, he also wanted to see the special group of Shenbing. Ability, after a while, the five of them have fought hundreds of rounds, but the most worrying thing for Ye Shikai is that there are already hundreds of rounds, and the average practitioner is already five points tired, even if he himself has fought for so long, There must be a physical loss, and Tian Jing and others are already slightly tired. Although Ye Shikai can't see through the face behind the mask, the speed of the exorcist's shot has not slowed down, which makes Ye Shikai even more worried.

The exorcist still has a backhand, he hides his true strength.

"Tianjing, be careful, do not fight fast," Ye Shikai immediately reminded, holding the metal sword firmly in his hand.

"Smelly boy, the one in front of you is the exorcist." At this time, the voice of Sword Spirit sounded again.

"Well, he is the latest sensational criminal."

"His swordsmanship is superb, but he is not alone in the face of the four masters, but do you know what matters most?" Sword soul said mysteriously.


"The sword is aggressive, but the sword is very gentle. It is not so much a fight as a sword dance."

"Soul Calibur, what do you mean?"

"Such strong skill is extremely low-key. His sword skills are also the same. It doesn't seem to be a groundbreaking sensation, but once he accepts the move, he will find its power." Sword soul's words caused Ye Shikai's thought, just as The hibernating snake bites the most fierce people. Maybe they underestimated the exorcist from the beginning. The last time he caught him, it was because he didn't resist. If you think deeper, they let the worm black the exorcist. The post is just to seduce him out. Ye Shikai could have planned it. Wouldn't the exorcist think of it. Since he knew it was a trap, the exorcist still dared to come. It can only explain one point. Last time, he was early. It was expected that he would be caught, but he was confident that he could escape.

It's really terrifying.

"Nightmare, Jayton, are you here yet?" Ye Shikai turned on Bluetooth and said.

"Coming soon, sir, you hold on."

"I don't care, but someone can't hold on." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly.

"Let me do it." Ye Shikai rushed forward, stabbing into the heart of the exorcist, and his joining broke the balance of the battle, and the exorcist faced Pluto and the special group of soldiers at the same time and began Powerless, the pace began to mess.

"People who know something, surrender quickly, otherwise I will kill you now." Ye Shikai said coldly, alleviating the pressure of the war situation, and Tianjing and others were relieved.

"It seems that it is necessary to use the true skill." The exorcist's cold voice made the five feel a chill.


Suddenly, the exorcist yelled at the sky, and everyone couldn't help taking a step back. Two large holes suddenly broke on the sides of his black clothes. What was even more shocking was that two arms extended out of the hole. The five men widened their eyes and couldn't believe the scene in front of them. The exorcist had four hands.

"I rely on it." Even the knowledgeable Ye Shikai couldn't help but hold back. Did the exorcist hit the radiation mutation? How could there be four hands? Is it an institution, Ye Shikai stared with his eyes fixed on these four? The appearance of the hand is not different, but it may also be an organ.

At this time, the exorcist came up with three long swords, four hands and four swords, pointing at everyone.

"Haha, come on." The exorcist laughed.

"No matter, go up." Ye Shikai rushed forward ~ ~ A sword was split directly, but was blocked by the exorcist's double sword, and the other two hands stabbed from left and right.

Bang, bang.

Two figures flashed out suddenly, Tian Jing and Jing Xie left and right, parrying the other two hands.


"How haven't arrived." Zhang Ting rushed up with several members of the National Security Bureau, but the alley was deep, and Ye Shikai was a cultivator, and his pace was relatively fast. Now they seem to be lost.

"Captain Zhang, look there." At this time, an armed man patted Zhang Ting's shoulder and pointed aside. Several people with weapons rushed into the alley, looking panic-looking. suspicious.

A closer look, this is not the nightmare, Jayton and the alligator. They are going to rush to support Ye Shikai.

"Captain Zhang, will it be the exorcist's party, they are not members of our National Security Bureau, and their actions are suspicious."

"The person in front, stand still." Zhang Ting agreed. She was worried about Ye Shikai's safety. Why did the exorcist go into the empty alley just to seduce Ye Shikai and then block the road with his men , Surrounded Ye Shikai.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ting could no longer bear the anxiety in her heart. She had subconsciously thought that these people had come to attack Ye Shikai.

"Nightmare, those of the National Security Bureau seem to want us to stop." Jayton looked at Zhang Ting and others and said lightly.

"Don't worry about them, let's rush to meet the adults."


"Frontier, stop me." At the same time, seeing the three kept accelerating, verifying Zhang Ting's conjecture, raising the sniper gun and pulling the trigger against the three.

Bang, bang, bang.

{End of Chapter}

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