Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 808: Derailment storm

Come, it is Su Qingyu.

Ye Shikai looked at the person in front of her, her eyes widened slowly, showing an extremely shocked expression, how could she be here.

Red eyes, angry eyes, and body trembling slightly. Needless to say, this time something big happened. Ye Shikai stepped forward and wanted to explain.

"Wife, this is a mistake ..."


The sound of loud slaps made people nearby stop suddenly and looked at the three people in the middle of the airport.

Ye Shikai was so surprised that he was shocked to the spot. A red palm print on his face slowly emerged. Su Qingyu's silver teeth were biting, her eyebrows were wrinkled, and her eyes stared at Ye Shikai fiercely. Europe is very embarrassed on the road. An Lan reminded that Elena's words were endless, like red signals, let her imagine imaginatively, but got off the plane, but encountered such a scene.

Ye Shikai and Ji Qian kissed each other deeply, and these were seen by her, she was angry, she panicked, she was desperate ...

Su Qingyu knew that the relationship between the two was extraordinary, but did not expect that An Lan's conjecture was fulfilled, and Ye Shikai was derailed.

"Pour rain, listen to me explain."

"What else do you want to explain." Su Qingyu yelled suddenly, tears couldn't hold up anymore, and burst out like a dyke, seeing her husband kiss other women together, a normal woman would not stand this Exciting, and the deeper Su Qingyu loves, the deeper she hates now.

"Ms. Su, things are not what you think, I can testify." Ji Qian turned around and knew that she had made a big disaster. She wanted to have a perfect birthday memory, but she made it awkward and let Su Qingyu see How can this be explained?

Su Qingyu turned his head and stared at Ji Qian fiercely. The moon **** who had experienced life and death even felt a horror. Su Qingyu's eyes looked like beasts, and the previously suppressed resentment was released at once. She had opened her eyes and closed her eyes about Ji Qian and Ye Shikai, and they turned out to be so kind to themselves.

"You get me off, I don't want to see you." Su Qingyu roared coldly, Ji Qian turned around and didn't know what to say, after all, her current image, in Ye Shikai's eyes, was a small third, justified by the exit, Not only is it useless, it will also make Su Qingyu more excited.

"Qing Yu, calm down, I'll explain it to you." Ye Shikai said quickly, Su Qing Yu is right now, it is impossible to listen to her. At the same time, Su Qing Yu's quarrel also caused airport personnel and passengers attention.

"Three respected passengers, this is the airport. You cannot make a loud noise in public." A female staff member approached and persuaded that the three were not in the right mood and did not dare to bomb the three out. They had to persuade them first.

Su Qingyu turned around and quickly walked away from the airport. Ye Shikai immediately wanted to catch up, but she repelled than she did.

"What to do now." Ye Shikai was very anxious and wanted to go up to explain, but was afraid that the fire would fuel the fire, but if not, wouldn't it be more embarrassing.

"Hurry up." Ji Qian repeatedly said, she has always become calm and calm, so she blame herself for this misunderstanding. If she did not make this request, this would not happen.

Outside the airport.

"Let it go, I say let it go." Su Qingyu shook off Ye Shikai's hand vigorously, and slapped him in the face again.

"Qing Yu, can you calm down a bit, can you wait for me to finish?" Ye Shikai also knew that she was in front of her, so she tried to use a calm tone.

"I don't want to listen." Su Qingyu covered his ears in pain, and crashed into a car. This was a car that Qing Yu bought in Europe. He used it on business trips in Europe. Ye Shikai wanted to come in. However, Su Qingyu was the first to lock the door.

"Dip Yu, you open the door." Ye Shikai slammed the window glass in a row, Su Qingyu gritted his teeth, stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out and left the airport.

"How about the rain?" At this time, Ji Qian also rushed over and saw that only Ye Shikai was standing alone on the open space and asked quickly.

"She ran away."

"That's not chasing fast." Ji Qian quickly drove the car over, Ye Shikai calmed down and slammed into the driver's seat. Ji Qian moved to the sub-seat. As soon as she stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out, but fortunately there was no Bifurcation branch road, Ye Shikai was driving a car, soon saw Su Qingyu's car, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly followed.

At the same time, Su Qingyu's heart was chaotic and she wanted to vent. Seeing the scene just now, she even thought of Ye Shikai's purpose to come to Europe. She really did not expect that Ye Shikai would betray her.

Just now, she wanted to kill Ye Shikai for a moment.

"Qing Yu, calm down a bit." Ye Shikai drove the car in parallel and lowered the window ~ ~ Want to persuade Su Qingyu not to get excited, now the speed is 140 yards, and She's emotionally unstable now, and she'll be troubled in case of an accident.


Europe, wilderness.

Su Qingyu drove the car so hard that she had no oil. She did n’t have a goal. She just drove everywhere. There are a lot of wastelands and grasslands in Europe. This place is far away from the town.

Of course, Ye Shikai followed all the way. When the car drove to the wasteland, he saw Su Qingyu leaning his head on the steering wheel, his body was shaking, and she was crying.

"Qing Yu, let me explain." Ye Shikai's blame, he wanted to get Su Qingyu's understanding, but he didn't know how to speak. In fact, he and Ji Qian did not do that kind of thing except Beyond the farewell, any other action did not exceed the "friend" line of action.

Ji Qian sent the positioning to the Temple of the Moon, and sent some people over. This is a wilderness, and it was bitterly cold at night.

Her identity was somewhat inconvenient to explain. In Huaxia, this was the derailment of a naked husband, and Ji Qian's identity in this relationship was obviously not so "right and bright."

"What else do you have to say." Su Qingyu opened the door, cursed loudly, raised his hand to the sky, and slowly dropped ...

"She and I didn't do that kind of thing."

"Hehe, you still want to quibble, I saw it with my own eyes." Su Qingyu suddenly said this, angrily anti-smiling, shouting at Ye Shikai.

"We are close together, because I am leaving, that ’s why I did it." Although Ye Shikai was depressed, it was her fault after all, as a family member, no matter what the circumstances, You shouldn't kiss another woman.

"Ye Shikai, you are so disappointed."

End of this chapter

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