Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 825: Ask Li Rongqi

Recommendation: Witch Doctor Awakens https: //


"I haven't made this thing for a long time." Ye Shikai smiled lightly. Since the practice, the firearms are not so easy to use. However, the Longya special team's housekeeping skills, but he did not forget the day, pulled the bolt, according to the bullet just now. Ye Shikai judged that it should be another sniper, but for the practitioner, it is still more difficult to hurt him with a bullet alone.

"I hope you are also a cultivator, otherwise ..." Ye Shikai said coldly, turning to raise his gun, aim, pull the trigger, and in one go, killed the sniper on the top of the building in an instant.

"Report, cleaning is complete, all nearby snipers have been removed." At this time, Ye Shikai's headset also heard the voices of members of the National Security Bureau.

"Very good, escorting Dr. Li immediately." Ye Shikai said immediately.

"Yes." Ye Shikai asked several members of the National Security Bureau to come and clean up the body, and he had more important things.

"Hey, Tianjing, how are you there." Ye Shikai drove the locomotive and shuttled in the traffic. Now he is going to catch up with the convoy of the National Security Bureau. If these people fail to snip, then they will definitely **** the convoy on the road.

"OK, no enemy attack." Tianjing turned on the headset, and he and several people from the National Security Bureau were sitting in the armored vehicle with Li Rongqi. There were four **** vehicles around. In fact, Tianjing He did not feel very safe. When he led the National Security Bureau, he was also attacked. The other party appeared in the white mist and disappeared in the white mist. The mystery was unpredictable.

But that time, it was Ji ’s “White Mist Army” that helped the Hades to throw away the pursuit of the National Security Bureau. It was Ji Yu ’s credit. Because of the last incident, Tianjing was a lot more cautious, not to mention this time What Ye Shikai has ordered, must not cause any trouble.

But this time, maybe Ye Shikai was too cautious.

Twenty minutes later, when the armored vehicle entered the building of the National Security Bureau, when Li Rongqi was sent to the security room of the National Security Bureau's key defense, everyone was relieved. Ye Shikai drove in and followed him.

"Dr. Li's condition is not bad, and we did not encounter any attack on the road." Tian Jing said to Ye Shikai outside the security guard.

"That's great." Ye Shikai nodded comfortably. "I'll go in and ask him, yes, in the last few days, please pay attention and send more people to protect Dr. Li, those people won't stop so easily, I think , Maybe tonight, they will act. "

"You can rest assured, I have already arranged."


"Dr. Li, I'm so sorry to invite you over here in such a hurry." Ye Shikai first apologized and bowed deeply after entering the guard room.

"I understand your intentions, and thanks to your coming in time, otherwise I will die in a mental hospital." Li Rongqi also seemed to have slowed down, knowing the intentions of Ye Shikai and the National Security Bureau. Those people who were hesitant before did not move, today The arrival of Ye Shikai and Tian Jing made those people make up their minds to kill Li Rongqi, but it was a pity that they were one step behind.

"Well, I blame me for being confused, my colleague was also involved, and the research results were used to kill people. I ... guilty." Li Rongqi confessed constantly and Ye Shikai had to comfort him first. This matter The main responsibility is not Li Rongqi, but the ambassador behind Zhao Rou.

"Dr. Li, here we are, there is one thing I want to ask you." When Li Rongqi was calm, Ye Shikai began to enter the topic.

"what is the problem."

"Can you tell me about the hst project in detail?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Of course, I know everything about this project." Li Rongqi and Ye Shikai talked for half an hour, and many of the details caused Ye Shikai to think deeply. As everyone saw, the moth and human genes were mixed to create a In the "Story of the Strange", Zhao Rou also used "high-pressure policies" on the scientific research team, including restricting personal freedom, cutting off their communication with the outside world, and even threatening their lives to speed up research.

"You mean, the hst project just mixes the moth and human genes to create the Sphingoid."

"That's right, I researched the medicine myself. There was a semi-finished product before, and it was later improved, and the day when the finished product was completed, you came in to save people." Li Rongqi said firmly, not like a lie.

"Dr. Li, look at this." Ye Shikai handed a stack of photos.

"What, how is this possible." Li Rongqi turned over one by one, gradually showing an extremely shocked expression on his face, and collapsed the photos on the table.

"How could this be."

"how could be."

Li Rongqi kept talking to himself, shaking his head with both hands, his expression was complicated.

"Doctor, what the **** is going on."

The photo Ye Shikai handed over was nothing else. It was a picture of Lian Ye, more precisely ~ ~ It was a "mutation" photo after the fierce battle with Nightmare. Green scales were found on his face and body The severed limbs grew back at the speed seen by the naked eye.

This seems to be the characteristic of the lizard. Ye Shikai suspects that the mastermind behind Zhao Rou is not only a hybrid gene of the "Sphingoth-moth", but also a mixed gene of the "Lizard-human". Expanded.

"They ... they are still working on the project, it is really making evil." Li Rongqi cried suddenly.

"What do you mean."

"After the original research results came out, we used to have backups, but they should have been deleted by me. How could there be." Li Rongqi looked innocent.

"You mean, this lizard man was researched on the basis of the hst project." Ye Shikai heard this, and slammed the table with excitement. At the beginning, the Hades was suspected that the mutation of the puppet was injected with some special potion. It now seems that it is related to the master of the hst project.

"I don't know. I really deleted it. I really ..." Li Rongqi realized that it was his fault and kept apologizing.

"Perhaps they also backed up." Ye Shikai relieved.

In this way, the exorcist's four arms may really have something to do with the hst project. Unfortunately, there are no photos, otherwise Li Rongqi must be identified.

"Doctor, are there any genes that can be mixed with humans other than the Sphingothylus?" Ye Shikai asked a more "perverted" question.

"This, it is difficult to say. We did this at the beginning because of economic distress. Otherwise, I wouldn't have studied such a damaging thing. I don't know what other creatures are."

(End of this chapter)

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Recommendation: Witch Doctor Awakens https: // mobile read.

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