Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 874: Ji Qianlai Yanjing

Chapter 874 of the Personal Wife's President's Wife Volume 1 Chapter 874 Ji Qianlai Yanjing "hat" Ye Shikai could not help but talk about it. This is a horse race, not a horse race, and this kind of operation.

"Haha, now it's my horse crossing the finish line first, naturally even if I win." Ji Qian stood up and laughed, looking proud, like a little girl who just finished her prank.

"No, no, aren't you cheating?" Ye Shikai quickly waved and said, no wonder, how could Ji Qian, such a powerful practitioner, landed because of a horrified horse, all of which she performed. Isn't this deceiving his feelings? .

Ye Shikai had a black face, and he felt malicious from this world ...

Woman, is really a born actor.

"Why not, now that you and I are not on the horse right now, so the victory or defeat is naturally determined by our two horses." Ji Qian is usually cold and serious in daily life, compared to "pitting people".

"This ... how can I, I don't agree." Ye Shikai turned his head away, aggrieved, "I still worry about you so much, you're actually calculating me." Ye Shikai pretended to be angry, and quickly planned to leave.


Suddenly, a cold wind passed, and Ji Qian's body moved and appeared directly in front of Ye Shikai.

"Hee hee, soldiers are not tired of cheating, why do you want to repent?" Ji Qian seemed to see Ye Shikai acting and asked directly.

"You are obviously playing tricks, otherwise you let them judge." Ye Shikai turned his head and asked the staff members, but they were silent, and almost forgot that the owner of this racetrack, but Ji Qian ...

Who will disobey his boss?

"I just don't agree with it anyway." Ye Shikai turned to look at the black fierce horse standing on the runway, and suddenly laughed. "Since your horse has reached the end, then the bet should be my horse to bear, you Go and ask for it. "Ye Shikai smiled and turned away from the racetrack.

"Well, I want to get a job."

In the end, under the soft and hard conditions of Ji Qian, Ye Shikai agreed, and owed her a request. There was no way. If a woman was attached to a certain thing, it would be "time-consuming and labor-intensive." In this case, it might as well be agreed to be simple.

"You want me to agree to your request." Forced to agree to a request, Ye Shikai felt uneasy, always feeling a big rock in her heart, this request, but to agree unconditionally, in case she made some very unreasonable Request, that's not easy.

"Don't worry, I haven't figured it out yet. I'll let you know when I want it." Ji Qian is very proud. Although the relationship between the two is very close, the commitment is a commitment, and it must be done before Ji Qian does not think about it He has always been "raised".

"Well, in fact, it will not be particularly difficult, you can rest assured." Ji Qian said with a smile.

"Well, I don't even think you're going to play tricks. You know how worried I was when the horse was frightened." Ye Shikai pursed his lips and said dissatisfied, this joke can't be messed up.

"Okay, I worry you, I'm sorry." Ji Qian also knew it was her fault, and the apology was relatively sincere.

"I don't know how Qingyu is in Yanjing these days in Europe." Ye Shikai put his head on his head and sighed softly. Rarely wanted to relax for a few days, but he couldn't help but miss Su Qingyu and worry about her. Happening--

It seems that Ye Shikai is really a life of worry and cannot relax in the slightest.

"Are you worried about her." Ji Qian's face changed slightly, I don't know if it was because Ye Shikai mentioned Su Qingyu, or she was also worried about Su Qingyu's current situation.

"Well, I had a quarrel with her before, and it was very unpleasant. Now she is busy with the affairs of the company every day, and there are still people who are staring at her secretly." Ye Shikai was as restless as ever, even if the Hades would Here, but in protecting Su Qingyu, he only trusted himself.

His woman, naturally only he can be responsible.

"If you don't worry, let's go back in a few days." Ji Qian saw Ye Shikai's thoughts and said quickly.

"Um." Ye Shikai nodded, and frowned slightly. "Qian, are you really planning to go back with me?" Ye Shikai said seriously, but he knew that Ji Qian seemed to hate returning to Yanjing, and about The reason, she never said, Ye Shikai did not know, over time, he did not ask more.

Now, Ji Qian said that she was going back to Yanjing, but it was beyond Ye Shikai's surprise. Is she really willing, and has her heart knot unlocked again ...

Seeing Ji Qian's face hesitated, Ye Shikai seemed to understand something.

"Otherwise, forget it, Hades can handle it." Ye Shikai gently touched her head and said softly.

"No, I still want to go back with you." At this time, Ji Qian gritted her teeth and said firmly ~ ~ two days later.

A man and a woman appeared at Yanjing's airport. The man seemed familiar and steady, while the woman was as beautiful as a fairy. The fish and the wild goose caused a big sensation in the crowded airport. They were Ye Shikai and Ji Qian.

"How is it, how does it feel to be back," Ye Shikai said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's almost the same as when I came back last time." Ji Qian said faintly, with a cold look. Last time, Ye Shikai needed Ji Yu's help. Who thought that little girl had a tougher temper than a stone? It was still Ji Qian who moved to make her obedient.

"I asked the ghost to arrange a place for you. If you are not satisfied, you can change it at any time." Ji Qian was determined to bring the spirit of the Moon Goddess, but was rejected by Ye Shikai, if she did not want to return to Yanjing at that time Then, there is no need to let the subordinates toss and toss. In addition, bringing the elite of the Moon Temple and the main department departments is also a big "project".

"Take me to see it first."



"Master Luna, are you satisfied looking at this place?" Ghost took Ji Qian to a suburban manor. Unlike the base of the Hades, the base of the Luna Temple is not very hidden, but it is a suburb. Not many people are not conspicuous.

The base of the Hades is laid out underground. If it is an outsider, it will not be found at all.


"Qian, if your people are coming, you may not be able to live here, but rest assured, let the ghost expand the house here." Ye Shikai said with a smile. This time Ji Qian only brought Yuewei, which is her confidant unit. The villa is OK, but if more people come, then it needs to be expanded.

"No problem, there is something I will tell the ghost."

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