Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 894: Su Ziqing was arrested

Ye Shikai laboriously turned his head, a white figure descended from the sky, and then several silver shots shot directly into the black people around Ye Shikai, almost falling to the ground.


And the man in black who was preparing to assassinate Ye Shikai hid sideways and hid Yin Guang from it. Ye Shikai now saw it clearly. These silver lights are really silver needles. Do n’t think about it, this silver needle must be highly toxic. Lying on the ground, a woman wearing a white veil stood beside him, but because of the angle, he could not see the woman's face.

"What kind of person are you?" The martial arts black man made a mechanical sound with a voice changer, apparently surprised by the woman who broke in suddenly. Ye Shikai wanted to stand up to save Su Ziqing, but his whole body All of them fail, it is difficult to move at all.

"I see who dare you come up." The woman's cold voice suddenly aroused the memory in Ye Shikai's mind. He was too familiar with this voice. It was Xi Zong who was in charge and speechless.

How come she came here.

"Retreat quickly, bring that woman." The man in black said coldly, with Su Ziqing under his hands, and quickly retreated toward the rear. The man in black also smashed two smoke bombs on the ground. The forest was full of smoke and blocked After silent speech, when the smoke dispersed, a group of people in black also evacuated, but Su Ziqing was captured by them.

"Hey, where are you going?" Silently, turning his head, Ye Shikai braced his sword and forcibly held his body up, shaking, as if the wind was about to fall.

"Crap, of course, to save Qingqing." Ye Shikai spit out this sentence in a difficult way.

"In your current state, you are struggling to walk, and you want to save people, hum." With a sigh of silence, she went thousands of miles to come over from the city of Yun to save people. As a result, Ye Shikai was so disrespectful, according to her disposition, How could it not be angry.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, help me detoxify, I'll talk about other things later." Ye Shikai was anxious, but his internal force was unavailable. He could not even use the storage ring. In this case, he could not take out the Shennongdan detoxification. Already.

"Huh, begging is so horizontal." Although speechless, he still stuck the Ye Shikai's acupuncture point with a silver needle, and then used the internal force to force the poison out. Ye Shikai should have been injected with a control poison. Disabling internal forces is an extremely vicious and insidious poison for practitioners.

Ye Shikai recovered a little internal strength, immediately took out Shennong Dan, swallowed it directly, and took out two more quick healing Dan to restore physical strength.

"No, I'm going to save Qingqing. Those **** dare to catch her. I want to break them into thousands of corpses." Ye Shikai cursed fiercely, but he was blocked by words when he wanted to move.

"Wait, do you know where they ran away and still want to chase after, such a large forest, you can't find it for a lifetime." He said silently and rudely, this boy is usually very clever, but once it involves His family, then all of a sudden.

"But ... I have to find it." Ye Shikai shouted.

"Don't be excited, if this group of people want to hurt Su Ziqing, then she has already died, and she is just an ordinary person, and it is impossible for them to be worthy of their teaching. The goal of those people is obviously you." Wuyan Hurry up and say, although Ye Shikai is anxious, but think about it, it makes sense to say nothing. Su Ziqing is just a college student and has no enemies. Those people want Ye Shikai's life, so now, they will definitely use the hostage of Su Ziqing. , Seduce Ye Shikai over.

"Then what can you do?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Of course."

"Say it."

"Wait." The word spit out indefinitely.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shikai was a little surprised, not waiting to save people, but waiting here, how can this be.

"Just wait, you can rest assured, at the latest tomorrow morning, they will come to take the initiative to look for you." The expression of self-confidence, as if he had anticipated the actions of the other party, although Ye Shikai was very unwilling, but there was no other way. You can't find it if you paint it.


"How did you know that I was in danger? Come and save me." Ye Shikai fell asleep without thinking, and she just talked to the speechless. Speaking, if she didn't take the shot in time today, I'm afraid Ye Shikai would not be able to survive.

"I ... I can't figure it out, if things are like God, of course I can know."

"Cut, talk nonsense, the seniors of Dugu told you." Ye Shikai flung her eyes, and the words were directly exposed. She was so shy and gave him a soft kick.

"This time ... Thank you very much." Ye Shikai was thankful for nothing, and came as soon as he heard Ye Shikai was in danger.

"Che, you are my husband, you are dead, shouldn't I be widowhood." The muted tone is overbearing ~ ~ frankly, if anyone can marry her, it will definitely be enough, no The words not only have Ji Qian's strong strength and background, but also Su Ziqing's temper, it is simply terrible.

"Ahem, why are you still thinking about this, here is Yanjing, not your place, give me a break." Ye Shikai coughed twice, suddenly feeling a little guilty, this time without words, you need to take it again Get married as a condition.

"Huh, but you and I are the only ones here. The long night is worse than ..."

"Get me out," Ye Shikai shouted.

Speaking of them, Wuyan is two years younger than Su Ziqing. Why is she anxious to marry herself ...

Also, such a powerful woman, sad to marry.

"No words, aren't you the head of Xunzong, are there any other means to help find someone?" Two hours later, Ye Shikai's heart was slow to let go. He worried about Su Ziqing's safety, and every second was suffering .

"Well, I'll let you see it." Waving wavelessly, Ye Shikai secretly smelled a faint scent.


Suddenly, a sound of bees came from Ye Shikai's ear, and he avoided it instinctively.

"What, bee."

"Earthworm, this is the spirit bee of my Emperor Zong, specially used for reconnaissance." Wuyan said lightly, in just a few minutes, thousands of spirit bees flew.

"How does this work?"

"These spirit bees can detect the location of the group and report it to me."

"It's so powerful." Ye Shikai couldn't help but marvel, there is such a spiritual bee in the world that he can understand people.

"Here, I already know where they are." Muyan said suddenly.

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up." Ye Shikai exclaimed excitedly.

"No hurry, they are coming here, they should be here for us."

End of this chapter

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