Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 899: Wait for an escape

It seems that in the future, beautiful women come to add WeChat actively, and can't stupidly pass the mobile phone, the danger is often hidden behind the beauty ...

"I don't know now, don't you think it's too late, now I'm going to let you guys and girls go to **** together." Dong Fang Lian slammed his body, rushed up violently, the dagger waved away, Ye Shikai stepped back, the blade Swipe across the tip of his nose.

So fast.

The next second, a jade hand suddenly stretched out and buckled directly on Dongfang's wrist, looking intently, wasn't it speechless?

"You want to touch him, you haven't asked me yet." As soon as the silent voice fell, the wrist turned around, and several silver needles suddenly popped from his fingers, piercing the acupuncture point on Dongfang's arm, but her The action seems to have stopped seeing through. Dongfang Lian's body retreated, and he jumped silently, shooting silver needles, Dongfang Lian hid sideways, and the silver needles shot directly at the black men behind him. The answer fell down and whine.

"I can't think of him, there are such powerful people, who are you?" Dong Lian asked coldly.

"Yuncheng, Xi Zong is in charge."

"What, Xi Zong, why did you come here?" Dongfang Lian's face changed, and she seemed to be surprised at the arrival of speechless. Indeed, she was countless, and she would not expect that speechlessness would come over in time, she What is even more unexpected is that all of this was calculated by Digu Tianke fortune-telling.

It ’s impossible, there is really a **** in the world who can count ...

"And ask why, there is so much nonsense."

"Give me all." Dong Fang's martial arts is superb, but what she didn't expect is that speechless is not only good at martial arts, but also the martial arts is extremely superb. For a time, she didn't fall into the wind, and she was immediately commanded by her men to besiege both men .

"Be silent." Ye Shikai, holding a sharp sword, rushed straight up and stabbed the two men directly in front of him. Unexpectedly, just after killing the two, countless killers surged in. Ye Shikai was worried that Wuyan would be hurt by Dongfang Lian. , Wanting to rush forward and meet her, but facing these enemies like flies in front of her, Ye Shikai even killed her eyes. If Dongfang Qing said all the truth, then Ye Shikai was his father and foe, but he did not remember Maybe, it is something that the subordinates of the Hades do. Ye Dongkai remembers Ye Shikai, so he draws the former forces to form such a "dead corps", and then lurks in Yanjing all the time, always ready to take revenge. If this counts, then when Ye Shikai returned to Huaxia and married Su Qingyu six months ago, she had already followed her, but for half a year, she did not take the initiative to assassinate, but waited for more than half a year at Yanjing University. Only then took this opportunity to take revenge.

What is the revenge of a gentleman, it is not too late for ten years, and Dong Fang can bear it. She cannot appear in front of Ye Shikai prematurely, otherwise it will cause suspicion.

The red-eyed Ye Shikai only cares about the attack, and even ignores the defense for a while. He has several wounds on his body, but the severe attack also makes these dead men a little daunting. The sharp sword in Ye Shikai's hand is like a sharp chainsaw Even if it is blocked, it will be cut into two halves directly by the sword, which is simply killing the god, killing and killing, Ye Shikai's eyes start to become red, and his consciousness is blurred.

"Smell boy, calm down." At this time, the sound of Soul Calibur sounded like a bell, letting the red-eyed Ye Shikai immediately wake up, living in the city, letting the second personality in his body temporarily "sleep Personally speaking, the second personality is like a split personality. It is a type of mental illness. Maintaining the mentality is one of the best ways. If you let Ye Shikai go back to the days of fighting, killing, and licking blood, I do n’t need In three months, the second personality will completely occupy his body.

"It's dangerous, he almost came up." Sword soul's voice sounded. The "he" in his mouth refers to the second personality. In essence, the second personality also belongs to Ye Shikai's body. Sword soul has no ability to go. Suppress him.

Ye Shikai took two tear gas bombs from the storage ring and smashed them on the ground. The pungent tear gas filled the forest instantly. This kind of tear gas is different from ordinary tear gas. The gas inside is even the practitioner. Not immune.

"Let's go." Ye Shikai held his silent hand in the smoke, and the two fled the crowd while taking advantage of the smoke.

"Take me to Qingqing."

"Okay, come with me."

Ye Shikai took his mobile phone out of his pocket and threw it towards a river not far away. The mobile phone would run down the river, so Dongfang Li could not find him.


"Qingqing, are you okay?" When he came to a cave, Ye Shikai saw Su Ziqing shivering in the corner. This girl was left here by herself, and she was still very scared.

"Brother, are you all right?"

"Relax ~ ~ We are leaving now." Ye Shikai really didn't want Su Ziqing to bear this fear anymore. Too much happened tonight, and the sky has begun to shine. As long as I can call for assistance, Don't worry about it.

"Come along with me, I remember the way." Silently took the initiative, so it would be much better. The urgent task is to escape quickly, and silently let out the spirit bee for reconnaissance. In this way, you can also know the movement of the other party, Ye Shikai Picking up Su Ziqing, the three rushed towards the path pointed by words.

"No words, did they find us?" One hour later, Ye Shikai asked curiously. The three ran for ten kilometers. In a short time, the other party could not catch up.

"No, rest assured, they are still in place." Wuyan knew the other party's movements at any time through the spirit bee's reconnaissance.

"Strange, why there is still no signal." Ye Shikai took out his spare cell phone, which was a watch phone only. During Di Zong, he confiscated his cell phone silently. He also used it once to communicate with the outside world. This watch is "clean" enough for the located cell phone.

"Because you were discovered by me." Suddenly, a cold voice came in front of them. The three turned their heads and Dongfang Lian came towards them slowly.

"What, how is this possible." Wuyan was most shocked. Why, Dongfang Li escaped the investigation of the spirit bee.

"Huh, your little bugs do have some meaning." Dongfang Lian seems to have seen his silent thoughts, and tossed a small cloth bag to the ground, which contains the bodies of more than a dozen spirit bees. It seems that these " "Scouts" had already been discovered by Dongfang Li before reporting back.

"Mr. Dongfang, are you okay?" Su Ziqing didn't know that everything was the plot of the "amiable" teacher in front of her. She felt relieved when she saw Dongfang Lian.

End of this chapter

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