Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 901: 1 truth

Ye Shikai is not an opponent of Dongfang Qing. Now Su Ziqing and Wuyan have left, and here is a deserted forest. Even if he kills the ring, no one will find it, but now Ye Shikai knows all the reasons, he does n’t want Increased casualties, what can be said, don't start, let alone everything is not clear yet.

"No more nonsense, today is either you die or I die." Dong Fang Lian rushed over, Ye Shikai helpless, can only fight with his sword. Speaking, Dong Fang Lian's martial arts is indeed superb, he also played in the night He wasn't embarrassed, but now that the two already knew each other, Ye Shikai was nothing at all.

Hiding sideways, Dong Fang's dagger was so sharp that he cut a small tree directly. Although Ye Shikai is a long sword, if the two fight close to each other, the dagger is more flexible than the long sword.

"Element of water." Ye Shikai took the element of water from the storage ring, moved the internal force, and a blue light was emitted. It was in the middle of Dongfang's knee. Her body paused for a moment. When she looked down, her knees and legs were fixed by the ice. You can't move your knees or your legs.

"Oriental pity, listen to me."

"Less nonsense." Dongfang Lian banged his elbow against the ice on his knee, and instantly smashed the ice into pieces. The ice condensed by the water element was stronger than the iron stone, but it seemed to not work in the face of the practitioner. , Can only play a role of delay and interference.

"Come again." Ye Shikai turned on the internal force again, and three blue lights shot, hitting Dongfang Lian's right elbow, left leg knee, and waist.

"Abominable." Dong Fang shouted, and the strong internal force shattered the ice. "Give me, kill him."

More than a dozen figures flashed, Ye Shikai condensed into an ice wall with water elements around him, blocking everyone out.

"I still want to hide." Dongfang Lian replaced a long sword and stabbed it against the ice wall, penetrating directly through the ice wall. Ye Shikai took a sideways hid, and used a metal sharp sword to stab the sword inward. .


With two crisp metal collisions, Dong Fang's long sword was cut in half, Ye Shikai jumped out of the ice wall, and the whole person jumped directly to the tree.

"He's on top, grab him."

Ye Shikai took out the Pluto helmet from the storage ring and turned the inner force. The whole person was invisible and disappeared into the sight of everyone at once.

"Report young master, he's gone."

"Find it for me." Dongfang Lian yelled loudly. Of course she didn't know that Ye Shikai had such treasures as the Pluto helmet. She thought he had slipped through the dense foliage. How could she be revengeless without revenge and can't wait to spit out Ye Shikai.

Ye Shikai is very fast, and he has a Pluto helmet. Even if he is standing in the middle of the crowd and dancing, he will not be found. The East's pity is so straight, but right now, Ye Shikai cannot be found, and the Hades and even the personnel of the National Security Bureau immediately It is about to come. If Dong Fang's identity is exposed, he must leave his subordinates immediately with his subordinates. Otherwise, no matter where he goes, he will not escape the pursuit of the National Security Bureau.

"Master, what shall we do now?" A man in black asked.

"Everyone ... withdraw me." Dongfang Lian said these words almost with her teeth. She knew that Ye Shikai could not be found now, so the possibility of revenge in the future was almost zero.

Just as Dong Lian took a step, he suddenly felt a cold air behind him.

"Sorry, I can only use this method now." Ye Shikai suddenly appeared behind Dong Fang Lian, and a sharp dagger was already placed around her neck.

"You ... how did you do it." Dongfang Lian was shocked. With her skills, it was impossible for anyone to approach her without even realizing it.

"Let go of the young master." The people in black around him turned around and took up their arms in front of Ye Shikai.

"Back all of you, you young master is still in my hands." Ye Shikai also roared loudly, all of them suddenly looked at each other, I do not know what to do.

"You ... just kill if you want, just listen to respect."

"Be assured, I am not killing you, I just want an answer." Ye Shikai whispered in Dongfang's ears, "I want to prove to you that your father did not kill me."


After half an hour.

"Boss, are you okay." There was a shout and footsteps in the distance. Ye Shikai was relieved. The ghost came, yes, he was holding Dongfang's neck with a dagger. Hours later, to be honest, he really didn't dare to let go. After all, the woman in front of him was a "time bomb" who would kill people at any time.

"You're okay." What Ye Shikai didn't expect was that Ji Qian had also come. In addition, there was the Dark Guard of the Hades and the Moon Guard of the Moon God Temple, which was quite lively ~ www. ~ Dongfangli's subordinates immediately took out their weapons, and the people on both sides glared and confronted each other.

"Boss, just a few of them. Don't worry, I'll take someone to clean them up now." The alligator turned around, and all of a sudden it became clear that he was bullied on Pluto's head by many people. .

"Stop it all." Ye Shikai suddenly screamed, both sides were taken aback, especially the side of the Hades, shouldn't it be reasonable to put them in a pan? Why did Ye Shikai stop them?

"Dong Fang Ping, I'm talking." Ye Shikai let go of Dong Fang Ping, and her men immediately embraced her and kept her behind.

"Ghost, do you know the person Jingfang Dongfang?" Ye Shikai asked gravely, but this made everyone embarrassed, but seeing this situation, the ghost did not dare to make jokes, these large and small actions of the Hades, He knew everything, and if Dongfang Jing really died in the hands of the Hades, then the ghost must know.

"Dongfang Jing, there is such a person." The ghost thought for a moment, then nodded, Dongfang Lian's eyes suddenly came to God, it seems that he has determined "Ye Shikai's evil killing of his father."

"Ahem, clarify quickly." Ye Shikai said quickly.

"Boss, this is an action two years ago. Jingfang Dongfang was originally a team leader in the underground world. He has always been against our Hades, and even wanted to join Zeus. You were not in Hades at the time, so I brought people Hit a bit ... "

"I also said that my father did not kill you. Today, I will kill you." At this time, Dongfang Lian yelled suddenly, scaring the two sides into a shock. Looking at her posture, Dark Guard and Yue Guard did Ready for battle.

"What, we killed your father." After listening to the ghost, he stunned and called out, "No, we didn't kill Dongfang Jing at the time."

{End of Chapter}

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