Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 907: Embarrassment in the elevator

"What, there are meetings, but ... why should I go?" Ye Shikai was curious and upset. To be honest, what he hated most was meetings. A group of people gathered around their desks, discussing a lot of boring and And tedious matters, no result can be discussed for a few hours.

He didn't stay in Tianya Group for a long time, but he is still very familiar with the company's processes. Every time a high-level company meeting is held, guys, the atmosphere is like everyone is not facing a project, but a corpse, which makes people even Nothing to say.

"You are my husband, and you still have a five percent stake in the group." Su Qingyu uttered an astonishment, and as soon as his voice fell, Ye Shikai jumped in shock.

"What, when do I have shares." Ye Shikai was surprised. Even if they are husbands and wives, the shares belong to the common property of the husband and wife, but the owner of the shares is still Su Qingyu. Why does he have shares?

"Look at this." Su Qingyu mysteriously took out a report from his bag and handed it to Ye Shikai.

"Share transfer contract." Ye Shikai took a rough look, and a full 5% of the contract was transferred by Su Qingyu to Ye Shikai for free. The most important thing is that the two people's signatures are at the bottom.

"How could there be my signature." Ye Shikai asked curiously, hell, he didn't remember signing the contract transfer agreement himself.

"I signed it." Su Qingyu Qiao blushed, a little embarrassed, Ye Shikai listened for a moment.

"No, I signed it for me." Ye Shikai suddenly felt a little helpless. Why did Su Qingyu do this, he signed for him.

"Are you ... unwilling." Su Qingyu opened his eyes wide, his eyes full of expectations. This is "cut first and then play". Su Qingyu expected Ye Shikai to be unwilling, but she still did so, and there was only one The purpose is to harden and soften, so that Ye Shikai can't refuse, just like now, a "signed contract" and a pleasurable face, can this still be rejected?

"No, of course not." Ye Shikai had no choice but to agree. In this way, he joined Tianya Group again.

"I know you're the best." Su Qingyu faintly smiled.

"Well, Qingyu, since you are my wife, then I will try to meet your requirements as well. When are the meetings and parties you said?"


"What, tomorrow, so fast."


Early the next morning.

Ye Shikai was called up by Su Qingyu early in the morning. For an hour, he dressed up and tried every suit. You know, Ye Shikai used to get from the bed to start in less than half an hour.

"Qinyu, isn't it just a meeting? Is this necessary?" Ye Shikai looked helpless at the newly bought clothes. Although he now has shares, he has no experience in company management and he is not interested in going there. Management, these shares of dividends, he will also give Su Qingyu.

"Of course, you are now a shareholder of the company. I announced the senior executives in the company yesterday. Today is your first appearance. Of course, you have to be ready."

"Okay, whatever, I just listen to you." Ye Shikai sorted out her collar, and to this day, it's better to be happy than complain.

Tianya Group.

The senior management of the company held a meeting, and the employees had no influence. From 9 to 5 in the morning, they were still sitting and knocking at the computer, handling the things at hand. As soon as they entered the familiar PR department, he caused a large group of "beautiful people" Scream.

"Yo, Mr. Ye, why are you back?" Wanna came over, and she still looked like that "fascinating fairy", even her temperament was a lively "fox spirit".

"Haha, if I said that I didn't want to come back too much, but I was pulled over by the person in the family, would you believe it?" Ye Shikai laughed twice, people here couldn't wait for the shares to fall from the sky. His wife forced the shares.

"Don't, since it's hard to come back, then don't go. After you left, the sisters missed you." Wanna's charming voice was almost crisp, so many female colleagues in the public relations department, all of them It is a "beauty colleague", it is indeed "fascinating", but ... in Ye Shikai's eyes, there is no difference from "Pansidong" here.

The women around Ye Shikai are too "powerful", either with powerful abilities or top-notch minds. He almost died in the hands of women. In this way, he almost has "phobia".

"I'm just here for the meeting. I won't come after the meeting. You can work hard here."

"I know that yesterday, the president sent a notice in all the company's mailboxes, and mentioned you in particular."

"唉 ~ ~ I don't know what she is doing." Ye Shikai muttered softly.

Ye Shikai strolled around the company and left for more than a month, it seems that the changes have been quite big.

Jingle Bell.

"Hey, dump rain, what's the matter." Ye Shikai ordered the call button. This is Su Qingyu's phone. He dare not answer.

"The meeting is coming soon. Where are you now?"

"Oh, I looked around in the company and immediately went up." Ye Shikai looked at his watch. Isn't it half an hour before the meeting, and took the elevator to the conference room on the top floor, at most two minutes.

"Come on, get ready," Su Qingyu urged eagerly.

"Okay, I'll come now." Ye Shikai said as he walked to the elevator. It happened that the elevator coming up from below just happened to pass this floor.

Ding, the elevator door opens slowly ...

"Panyu, I said you were too anxious ..."

"Hey, hey, why aren't you talking?"

When Ye Shikai saw the people in the elevator clearly, the whole person was instantly stunned. For a while, he even forgot to speak on the phone.

"Ahem, lower case, what a coincidence." Chen Yuxin's eyes flashed a shock, and she immediately returned to normality, stretched out her right hand, and gestured for a handshake.

"Oh, what a coincidence, little ... Xiaoxin, you are here too." Ye Shikai forgot the advanced elevator for a moment, and he didn't realize it until the elevator door started to close, and squeezed in immediately.

"Husband ... are you ... okay." The voice on the other side of the phone was not loud, but in the elevator, it could be heard clearly, of course, including Chen Yuxin on the side.

"Nothing, I got into the elevator, there is no signal in it, I will talk again later." Ye Shikai hung up the phone in a hurry, his heart pounding.

He forgot that Chen Yuxin was also one of the shareholders of Tianya, and he happened to be on an elevator.

End of this chapter

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