Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 902: Speechless party

Ye Shikai did n’t know what to say. Chen Yuxin was here. Where are the female colleagues in the public relations department daring to be “presumptuous” like before, and they even feel strange. Why did Chen Yuxin come to Ye Shikai specifically, two What is the relationship between people.

Of course, they didn't know the relationship between Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin, but they did know that Ye Shikai was Su Qingyu's husband and their "boss lady". Now Chen Yuxin approached him actively and looked warm. This could not help but Makes everyone wonder.

In the eyes of an outsider, this behavior of Ye Shikai can be understood as "extramarital ambiguous", but no one here dares to say so. One, the authentic wife is the four beauties of Yanjing, the dream of countless male compatriots Beauty, they do n’t believe Ye Shikai will go out and steal the fish. Both, Chen Yuxin and Su Qingyu are in high positions. Whoever is so ignorant, dare to chew the tongue in the face of the two women, especially Su Qingyu, but the company president If it was fired because of nonsense, it wouldn't even cry ...

Chen Yuxi talked to Ye Shikai without saying a word. Others could only drink on their own, and didn't even dare to interrupt.

"Xiaoxin, you ... make me embarrassed." Ye Shikai sipped his wine lightly. He didn't worry about the idea of ​​such a female colleague, but Su Qingyu and An Lan were still opposite. If they saw it, then Come on.

"What's wrong, what's so embarrassing." Chen Yuxin smiled slightly.

"You look at them, you're too nervous to speak."

"You drink, since it's a party, don't be constrained." Chen Yuxin glanced at the crowd and said lightly, the girls talked, but Ye Shikai, they couldn't talk.

Ye Shikai stood up, and Chen Yuxin suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, which scared him.

"Where are you going?" Chen Yuxin asked.

"I go to the bathroom to smoke."

"Stop smoking, it's bad for your health, stay."

"I'm a little tight, and I will come back if I smoke one." Ye Shikai still decided to smoke. To be honest, he was really upset now, and simply left by going to the bathroom.

Ye Shikai stood at the bathroom door and smoked. Although the arrival of Chen Yuxin scared the female colleagues in the public relations department, it did not affect the overall situation. People dancing on the dance floor, including marketing department and planning department, everything went smoothly. .

"Why, it feels good to be with the beauties." At this time, a voice sounded behind Ye Shikai. Turning his head, it turned out to be speechless, so shocked that Ye Shikai almost dropped the cigarette in his hand to the ground.

"I depend, why are you here?" Ye Shikai looked around, for fear that someone would be speechless. Speaking of which, she was always a constant white long yarn, very charming in Hanfu, but in these occasions, This dress is quite different.

"This is the company's party, outsiders cannot come in." Ye Shikai whispered.

"If I want to come in, do you think those security guards can stop me." He said proudly, indeed, compared to practitioners of this level, those security guards are wine bags and lunch bags. I am afraid they are silent. not found.

"I heard that it was quite lively at night. I came here to grab some snacks and drinks." Wuyan went to the buffet counter and took the snacks with himself.

"Auntie, I'm not afraid of the big deal, one of them is enough to give me a headache ..."

& n--

bsp; ??? "What are you talking about, there is one, so to speak, there are other women here." Muyan suddenly stared at it, Ye Shikai suddenly realized that it seemed that something was wrong, and it was awkward now.

"When ... of course, look here, so many female colleagues, they are not women." Ye Shikai wanted to perfunctory, but it wasn't so easy to deceive.

"No, you are not talking about these people, do you still have a woman?" Wu said coldly, as if a young wife was "reviewing" her husband for an affair.

"What is there any woman? Who do you think I am?" Ye Shikai's face was black and he didn't see Su Qingyu still on it. Ye Shikai said that he had come to smoke, but actually came to hide from Chen Yuxin.

"Xiao Kai, why are you here?" At this time, another voice sounded, and Ye Shikai turned back "tremblingly", Chen Yuxin, how did he get here.

After that, the most embarrassing and most terrible thing happened. The left and right two beautiful women, the wife was still watching, wasn't this life-threatening?

The most important thing is that, whether it is Chen Yuxin or speechless, they are the masters who are not afraid of things. If the two of them stand up, that is not to lift the entire venue.

"Oh, who ... who is this?" Chen Yuxin's eyes fell on Wuyan, looking at this woman whose appearance was not inferior to herself, and a few hints of casual hostility flashed on her face.

"Introduction ~ ~ This is speechless and a friend of mine." Ye Shikai had no choice but to bite the bullet, neither of the two women knew each other yet, and for the time being they should not fight.

"This is a party for Tianya Group. Is Miss Wuyan also a group employee."

"No, no, no, she is my friend. If you come to see me from Yuncheng, I can't turn it away." As soon as Chen Yuxin's words fell, he quickly explained for the silent, Ye Shikai was talking and still Winking and begging Chen Yuxin not to stimulate speechlessness.

"Okay, Xiaoxin, speechless, let's go to the bar." Ye Shikai said with a smile, and took the two women back to the deck. The public relations department girls were surprised and surprised, so just go out for ten minutes. How can I bring back a stunning beauty, and also wearing Hanfu, will not be a lover.

"Introduce you, speechless, my friend." Ye Shikai said with a smile, and everyone nodded, but speechless still seemed so cold, he didn't even respond to his eyes.

"Come here, aren't you going to play the dice? Come on, otherwise it will be boring." Ye Shikai said to everyone in order to ease the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Five four."

"Six fives."

"Seven five."


"Haha, you want to drink."

"Hurry up."

Unexpectedly, the first one, Ye Shikai lost, but in desperation, he had to pick up a wine glass, willing to gamble to lose.

"Wait a minute, drinking is bad for your health, forget it." Wuyan seemed very disgusted with Ye Shikai's drinking. As soon as he grasped his wrist, the girls were shocked.

"It's okay, everyone is playing. If I don't drink, it's not good." Ye Shikai was very embarrassed. He was afraid to sweep everyone's interest.

"I don't care, you just can't drink anyway." No matter what other people think, no one can stop what she wants to do.

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