Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 906: Guild Fist

The reversal in the boxing arena can often stir the audience ’s heartstrings more. People like to see unexpected things. This is a surprise. For Ye Shikai, the reversal means to survive and get a prize of 50,000 yuan. This is "the pie in the sky", but whether it can be reversed depends on luck ...

Ye Shikai's fist saw the blood, he blocked for so long, just for this crit, the general boxer was severely hit so many times, I am afraid that he has had a concussion already. One-shot kills, when the opponent is most vulnerable, he gives an unexpected and deadly attack.

The fire was unprepared, and the back of the head was severely knocked a few times. Ye Shikai twisted his head with a few punches in front of the door. The nose blood flowed directly, and his eyes seemed to crack. This was already a serious injury. If it is not a dead boxing match, boxers will generally beg for mercy, and no one will bet on the whole boxing career for winning or losing a game. In fact, Ye Shikai also learned that high-intensity sports like boxing are all eating youth. It ’s definitely too old for me to eat, so many boxers hope to make more money in a few years.

"Shit boy, I want you to die." Pushing fiercely, the two big hands pushed Ye Shikai a few meters away, and the blood flowed down the hot red hair, really bleak, Ye Shikai didn't think, After so many hits, he hasn't fallen, and it looks like he can continue to hit.

"Hot, go up and fight."

"Go on."

"Kid wait for death."

The audience stood up when they saw the enthusiasm and exclaimed, and for a while, they began to cheer for the enthusiasm and let him kill the "lady who can only attack" in front of him.

Ye Shikai was panicked. The sneak attack was only a short-term method, but if he did fight, he would definitely not be a hot opponent. Even if he was seriously injured now, the best result would be both losses.

Rushing violently, Ye Shikai rolled forward, avoiding his fist, turned his back and punched him on the hot back.

good chance.

Seeing this, Ye Shikai was unwilling to give up the opportunity, and rushed up to hit his hot head again. At this time, the fiercely turned around, and his right fist waved towards Ye Shikai.



Ye Shikai was less able to dodge. She suffered a strong punch in the abdomen, and her body was directly blown out. With a heavy fist, Ye Shikai felt that her stomach was overturned, as if she was hit by a truck.

"Hot, fight again."

Ye Shikai was too late to rest and recover, because the hot second wave of attack had arrived, holding her hands tightly, and slamming on the ground, Ye Shikai avoided sideways, and punched on the ground with a loud noise. Ye Shikai quickly opened the distance. If he was hit just now, even if he did not die on the stage, his ribs would be broken ...

Hot was another punch, and I was instantly annoyed. I originally thought that by virtue of my physical advantage, he could easily turn over the high school student in front of him. He was unexpectedly seriously injured and now he avoided it. He couldn't wait to solve it by himself.

Ye Shikai stood up and avoided hot fists as much as possible. It was really unexpected that after a serious injury, his strength was still so strong. He suffered such a punch in the abdomen, and the pain was unbearable. Ye Shikai's dodge action was also slowed by half a beat. The hot fist hit another punch.


Ye Shikai heard a crisp fracture, a sudden pain in the ribs, and at least two of them broke. Ye Shikai fell to the ground, and suddenly felt dark, his face was kicked fiercely, he was deaf instantly, and his head was dizzy. It was a boxing match, but in the end, it was basically a combination of hands and feet. In order to survive, who cares about these rules, Ye Shikai was also seriously injured.

A few seconds later, Ye Shikai heard the shouting in the field. Just now his head was hit, his ears were deaf for a short time, and his vision seemed to be somewhat impaired. He faintly saw the figure in front of him and rushed towards himself.



When Ye Shikai reacted, the whole person had already flew out, slammed heavily on the barbed wire, a blood spurted from his mouth, and the whole person lay curled up on the ground. This time, he was seriously injured. Ye Shikai even suspected that , How will you die.

Looking at the hot step by step towards himself, Ye Shikai suddenly felt very desperate, like a prisoner about to be executed, watching the executioner slowly lift the machete ...

He still has his mother, and Chen Yuxin, and there are still many things to do ...

He was unwilling.

"Shit boy, today I want you to pay the price." The fire wiped the blood on his head, his face was bleak, and he stared at Ye Shikai fiercely, but at this moment he fell to the ground, and he had no strength to avoid it.

"kill him."

"kill him."

The audience in the audience gave a "cheering", which turned out to be very excited, just like the audience under the execution court ~ ~ They didn't even know who was about to be killed, they just wanted to be happy.

"Go to death," yelled fiercely, punching hard with both fists.


"The police are here." At this time, there was a shout out of the court, and everyone turned around. This is the underground boxing ring. At this time, the police came, but it was terrible, and the audience could not care about the results, and rushed towards the door. Going, I was afraid that I would run slowly and fall behind, and the enthusiasm also distracted me, and the strength of my hand was collected, and the fist that was about to fall was also collected by him.

Ye Shikai opened his eyes violently. This was his only chance. If he couldn't grasp it, he lost. At this moment, he seems to be a man drifting in the river. There is only a bunch of life-saving straw in front of him. If he misses it, he will die. The powerful ability comes from the animal's instinct to survive. Ye Shikai doesn't know where the strength comes from, forgets the pain on his body, the adrenaline explodes, slams up, raises his right hand, and fists out furiously. In any precaution, the right fist hit his face door, and a click, it seemed that the bridge of his nose was interrupted, and his nose blood flowed.

Bang, the voluptuous body slowly fell to the ground, motionless.

Ye Shikai couldn't remember how much strength he used, but after he punched his fist, the whole man fell to the ground without any force.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes.

Several spectators returned slowly in the boxing ring. Everyone looked at each other. Didn't it seem that nothing happened, and no police came. It didn't take long before. The escaping audience just returned one after another. They were all scolded, but when they looked back at Yantai, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Ye Shikai stood up tremblingly, but the blast was falling to the ground with more air and less air intake.

End of this chapter

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