Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 928: Drive away the enemy

"It's not bad, there are only a dozen people left in some teams." Wen Ya nodded faintly, suddenly her gaze was fixed, and she looked at Ye Shikai coldly.

"It seems that your training is not rigorous. You can't think of Longya's instructor, and you actually let the female soldiers release water." Wen Ya said, Ye Shikai was innocent. To be honest, he really is not responsible for this, he is responsible for finishing. It is not his specialty to prepare equipment and teach team members how to perform tactical moves.

"Hey, I'm an instructor, and I'm not a captain. Of course, I don't do this kind of thing." Ye Shikai pointed to a female instructor in the distance, and that was Wen Ya's assigned captain.

"Well, you're asking them by the standards of Dragon's Tooth."

"That's all right." Ye Shikai shook his head. The selection strength of these female soldiers was placed on the dragon teeth, which can only be regarded as the standard of appetizers. After all, the members of the dragon teeth are practitioners. Get up and run a thirty-kilometer armed off-road, and then have a quick-fire training of a thousand rounds. Can this be tolerated?

"I think you seem to be absent-minded, do you think there is a feeling of killing chickens with a bull's knife." Ye Shikai ate hot pot on his own, Wen Wen seemed to see through his mind.

"Well, I am only responsible for the execution of superior orders, not to mention being an instructor, even if the chief asked me to join the women's team, I have nothing to say." Ye Shikai said firmly, to be honest, his heart was still very unwilling It ’s not that he looks down on these women soldiers, but there is a sense of infallibility in his heart, just like the chef in a big hotel, suddenly received a notification, no need to handle, go to chop vegetables and stir up, almost That's how it feels.

"Well, in this case, continue to train them." Wen Ya slowly stood up, but found that Ye Shikai was still eating hot pot there.

"Hey, are you addicted?"

"This is one of my tasks." Ye Shikai flung her eyes. "After the survival training in the wild, they are exhausted, but this is also the most critical time for training. At this time, you have to give them" fire ". "Ye Shikai said, eating meat slices, with a look of enjoyment, still thinking in my heart, I want to accompany you to train, of course, eat a good meal and make up for it.

"Cut, eat to death." Wen Ya threw down such a sentence and left, Ye Shikai shook her head dismissively.

"Come here, I feel like I can't stand it, add a pair of chopsticks and eat hot pot together." Ye Shikai shouted to the female soldiers training there.


South America.

"It's a hell, hasn't the police come yet?" Destroyer took out the phone without any signal. Now the whole team is trapped in the slum, and there are several serious injuries. He doesn't have the storage ring like Ye Shikai, Several injured members could only bandage the wound with torn clothes.

"Sir, we were in their ambush. I am afraid that the police will not be here at one-and-a-half hours." A member of the guard said that half an hour of street fighting was simply going to be annihilated. Soul killer did not expect it. Here Almost every slum in the city has guns. When they saw them, they fired without a word. The crowd couldn't stop, otherwise they would be wiped out by a large group of gunmen.

Destroyer looked at the players behind him. Some people had less than a box of bullets. This is not a game. There are airdrop supplies and so on. Finally, they got out of the pursuit of the gunmen. They must go out immediately to find reinforcements.

"Are any of you familiar with this place?" Shihun asked the people behind him, and the members he chose this time all knew what his country was.

"There are a lot of slums here, and the locations of the buildings are mostly chaotic. The trails are everywhere. Unless you live here, even if you hold a map, you will get lost here." Even local people can only know the approximate road. There are many fish and dragons in the slums. It is really difficult to find a safe and fast way.

"Well, let's be careful." There is no way to destroy souls. They cannot stay in it all the time. The wounded must also be treated quickly. Without a signal, he cannot inform the outside world.

Soul Killer took the lead in the front, running the internal force, and easily climbed to a small three-story building, and most of the gunmen should be visible on it.

"One place, two places, three places." Desperate Squat, he saw a lot of patrols guarding back and forth between the trails, obviously looking for them, while the city was far away.

"You must go out first," said Soulbreaker firmly, and if there was any movement, they would immediately be surrounded by enemies in all directions, unless ... to lead them away first.

"Maggie, you will leave from the left after the gunshots ~ ~ If you encounter an enemy, you will solve it with a cold weapon, don't make a sound." Soul Soul said to the people below. As soon as I wanted to speak, I was "blocked" by Devil's eyes with his eyes.

"Don't say it, you go quickly, I have my own way," Said Soul firmly.

"Sir, should we go with you."

"No, you have to retreat with the wounded. These people can't help me." Destroyer took out a few grenades, put them all in his backpack, took the rifle with two magazines, and ran straight into the right alley in.

"You must attract all these people first." Soul Slayer stood on the high platform and looked at the patrol gunners around him. If he could solve the people around them first, there would be less stress. His eyes slowly fell on a person on the high platform not far away, and it looked like a whistleblower.

"Let's start with you first." Destroyed the soul a few steps, almost no sound of footsteps, slowly moved behind the man, took out a dagger, and touched it step by step.


For a standard assassination action, the dagger cut off his neck, Soul Killer put his body down, took the SVD sniper rifle aside, held his breath, and aimed at the patrol in the distance.


The sound of gunfire sounded, and the bullet penetrated the head of the first person. This cold gun scared everyone, and before everyone responded, the second and third shots were already fired.

The two fell to the ground again, and with the direction of the bullets, everyone also found the location of the soul-killer.

"Come here." Desperate souls repeatedly pulled the trigger, the bullet hit out, but unfortunately there was no muffler, the position was exposed as soon as the gunfire sounded.

Bang bang.

Several rounds of bullets struck over, Soul Killer ducked down to avoid, and kicked his legs hard, and the whole person "flyed" to the next upstairs.

End of this chapter

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