Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 934: Strange command

"What secret weapon? This is clearly a pinhole camera. If you install the camera in someone's bathroom, are you perverted?" The magic girl couldn't help but slap Soul Killer. Indeed, this behavior seems to outsiders. , Is simply a **** hooligans.

"It ’s an urgent matter. Such a woman is so powerful that even I am not his opponent. Since she hides her identity, it also shows that her identity is very important. When I get her looks, I will send them to the ghost. , You know her identity. "Desperate Soul firmly said that the magic girl had a look of blame, let her boyfriend look at" the body of other women ", it is shameful to say.

"If the boss knows, he will definitely support me." Desperate continues, and there is no other way for Magic Girl, as long as it is not found.

"Wait, she's coming in." At this time, Soul-crying suddenly called, and the magic girl hurried over compactly. Sure enough, the woman in black went into the bathroom, went to the bathtub, put hot water, and put her hands on her body. On her black gauze, snow-white shoulders were faintly revealed, and Magic Girl took the phone with her, and she wouldn't let Soul Kill see the beauty's body.

"Let me see it," said Soul-slayer dissatisfied, and Mo Ji stared at him fiercely, as if to say, if you dare to look, you dug your eyes, which only made him honest.

"I ... also want to see what she looks like."

"I'll see it." Mo Ji stared at the mobile phone tightly, wanting to see the "true face" of the woman, but did not expect that the woman's hand suddenly stopped.

"Want to see me take a bath." The woman's sneer came from the picture, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

On the light steps, the woman slowly walked to the front of the pinhole camera, and gently launched the internal force. The picture here was immediately turned into a "snowflake screen". The strong internal force directly shattered the camera and became directly powder……

The two looked at each other, apparently frightened by the woman's actions, and they could all be seen. Soul killer, however, hid the camera in the gap between the white lights, and could not reasonably find it.

The "Peeping Project" of Soul Slayer has not ended yet, it has ended ...

In the conference room.

Originally those members of the Hades palace did not "cold" the woman who was unwilling to show up at first sight, and even felt very strange. There are some senior members who can confirm that this woman does not exist in Hades, but look at it Soul and magic girl also have no opinion, they are hard to say anything, perhaps, is the "Mingshi" sent by Pluto.

"I have heard of these attacks. My plan is to start with Kam and kill the chickens and tamarins so that the masters behind the scenes can no longer find the local" dog teeth. "The woman in black was sitting in the middle, Said coldly.

"This ..." Everyone in the audience was embarrassed and seemed to be somewhat "unsatisfied" with the women's decision.

"Why do you have any opinions?"

"I would like to ask, who is your Excellency, why do you not want to see people with a veil, and is it that Lord Pluto sent you?" A member said directly, it was very straightforward and seemed to be aimed.

"Haha, I'm not from Hades. In fact, I and Soul Suppress only met yesterday."

The woman's voice had just fallen, and the audience was even more shocked. This person came in "halfway" and was not appointed by Ye Shikai, so she dared to drink five or six here.

"Then please go out. This is a meeting in the Hades. No outsiders are allowed to join."

"Although I am not from Hades, but I am also a member of the Hades now. If you don't believe me, you can ask Soul Killer." The woman said lightly.

"Master, this is ..."

"It's true, stop here for this problem." Soul-clearing coughing two times "She is also a member of the Hades now and has helped me, don't worry."

"That being the case, then I have offended a lot more recently." The member said a little unwillingly, "but your reluctance is not willing to report the name, but also unwilling to show the truth, I'm afraid it is not ...

"You can call me, Bai Cui." The woman said word by word, everyone whispered underneath. Has this Bai Cui ever heard of this figure in the underground world.

"I haven't heard of it."

"Neither do I. Where did she come from?"

"I think I'll wait for Lord Pluto or Lord Ghost to come and deal with it."

"Master Soul Killer, wouldn't it ... betrayal?"

The voice below made Soul Slayer feel uncomfortable. Everyone thought he had betrayed. Only he knew it. If this woman calling herself "white cunning" was going to hurt Ye Shikai, he would rush up and tear her first.

"Since everyone has no opinion about my identity, can we continue to talk about business." Woman in black, oh no, should say ~ ~ Bai Cui said coldly.

"Bai Cui, you have just arrived in Hades, and do n’t know much about the local situation. The Kam gang is very prestigious here, and the influence is very big. Going to take the initiative, isn't it ... not very proper. "

"Yeah yeah."

"You can't be so reckless, you have to think long."

The following people are opposed to Bai Cui's plan. Speaking of it, even the Soul Killer and the Magic Girl are against it. Although there are no practitioners in the Kam Gang, they are earth snakes after all. If they fight like this, they will undoubtedly involve the Hades. Local disputes and broken neutral positions may cause a lot of trouble.

"My plan is here, whoever agrees, who disagrees."

"I object."




"Bai Cui, I think I'll wait for the orders of the ghosts." Destroyer was very hesitant, and he was very entangled in his heart, but he felt that Bai Cui was really giving advice. Seeing that both sides are in the same position, he must It's time to be a peacemaker.

"Report, Lord Ghost's order has arrived." At this time, a member of the Hades came in and put a document on the table. The crowd was quiet at once. Ghost was Ye Shikai's spokesperson. See the ghost, see the Hades .

"Ghost ... let's get rid of Kam's gang." Desperate looked at the file again, his face full of surprise.


"Are you sure it was the order of Lord Ghost?" Everyone looked at the documents and was shocked. Some even wondered if this was a fake order.

"It is true that it was sent by Lord Ghost himself, and we have confirmed it."

"Since that is the case, do you have any other opinions?" Bai Cui said proudly at this time.

End of this chapter

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