Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 936: I go for you

In my mind, the wedding day faintly appeared, the masked female killer who kidnapped Luo Shiqi and forced Ye Shikai to come to the rescue from the wedding scene, and took three scorpion men, almost killed Ye Shikai, a high-powered martial art , And Ye Shikai have a fight, and their skills are more ghost-like, the black woman encountered by the soul is also Wuyi Gaoqiang, even the soul is not her opponent, and she said that they knew each other, so to speak, This mysterious woman is most likely the killer.

"It's terrible." Ye Shikai muttered uncontrollably.

"Boss, what the **** is it, don't you really know her?" The ghost also noticed the anomaly. Ye Shikai rarely showed this expression, which was an expression that seemed to be about to see death.

"Oh, if I guessed correctly, we should have seen each other, but she was also masked at the time, I couldn't see her face, so I said ... I don't know who she is." Ye Shikai put it She waved, since this woman could have brought the Mothman at first, it shows that she should have more or less connection with Boss Xing. At first, she almost killed herself. Now think about it, there is a real fear, Su Qingyu almost married Being a widow that day, of course Ye Shikai was a temperamental person. The wedding was almost yellowed by this woman. How could he not be angry.

"What, boss, who is she?"

"Remember the day of my wedding, Luo Shiqi was kidnapped." Ye Shikai said lightly, a day of fear still made him feel scared.

"Of course, Miss Luo was abducted, and I was immediately sent to rescue, and Lord Luna and Lord Ares also went." Ghost also remembered the day's events.

"If I'm not mistaken, this woman is the principal offender of the day."

"What, it turned out to be this way." The ghost was startled and couldn't help crying out. "Boss, don't worry, I'll take someone to catch her now, and measure her even harder, not our opponent."

"Wait a minute." Ye Shikai stopped the ghost and motioned him not to get excited.

"Boss, this woman almost ruined your wedding with your sister-in-law. This time, you even took the initiative to send it to your door. You even wanted to be" brother ". It was unbearable."

"Since she's here, it's obvious that we are ready for us to catch her. Since that's the case, we're just going to do it, wouldn't it be right in her arms." Ye Shikai shook her head. "And I see now, she doesn't seem to sneak in The Hades were destroyed, and we in Yanjing could not walk away. Neither you nor Nightmare can leave now. In this case, what about South America letting that woman be "in charge"? "

Ye Shikai's words sounded very bold, allowing an enemy to control his own forces. This kind of behavior could not find a second person in the entire underground world.

"Boss, you are ... serious."

"Nonsense, of course, Soul Slayer and Demon Ji are not stupid. Even if the woman really dares to be a black hand, they will not easily go wrong, not to mention, I have a hunch, she will direct it."

"Boss, I'm still very uneasy. As the so-called profit is not too early, this woman must have her own purpose to do so. If she really lets it go, if something goes wrong, then ..."

"At least, she is in line with our goals now, and since then, I can still use her."

"Boss, I still don't think it's right, otherwise ... I'll talk to Lord Luna and let her preside over it." Ghost obviously didn't have such courage.

"Forget it, let me talk to her."

"This time to clear the Kam's Gang, I've asked Jayton to mobilize manpower and firearms in Europe and ship them to South America. It is a local gang. Since the boss also supports the hands, let's make some great moves." Ghost will The list was handed to Ye Shikai, which was all imported firearms and explosives. These were large-caliber weapons.

"Just agree with me, or else let those people look down on us too much." Ye Shikai nodded slightly. If it weren't for his busy selection at the base these days, he would have killed South America.

"One more thing, Johnson seems to have found clues about the leak of Operation Longya, so he was killed, and according to the speculation of me and soul killing, he was the one who directed the Kam gang to attack us. they."

"What, it has something to do with that action," Ye Shikai exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, that woman named Bai Cui also confirmed."

"Come on, book a ticket for me and fly to South America early tomorrow."


"Come here in such a hurry, is there something wrong with you again?" Ji Qian ate an apple block and glanced at Ye Shikai, who had just entered the door.

"You seem to read your heart every time." Ye Shikai laughed at herself ~ ~ I heard the ghost said that something happened in South America, and you just came out of the training base, now it should be a bad one Right. Ji Qian said lightly.

"Well, you know it well."

"So, I guess you came here this time and wanted me to help." Ji Qian put down the apple in her hand, supported her chin with the jade hand, and looked at Ye Shikai with a deep meaning.

"Um." Ye Shikai was a little embarrassed. It seemed that every time he looked for Ji Qian, he had something to ask for.

"I'm going to South America for a few days to deal with things. Yanjing needs someone here to preside over the big picture. The ghost may be too busy. I hope you can help."

"Is that all?" Ji Qian burst out coldly after a few seconds.

"Well, that's all."

"You have been in the base for more than ten days and you don't plan to spend more time with Qingyu, you know, there will be many" small ideas "for women after marriage. Ji Qian suddenly turned the topic to Su Qingyu Ye Shikai didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"When South America comes back, I will come back with her."

"Don't go to South America, stay in Yanjing, and accompany her more." Ji Qian said suddenly, interrupting Ye Shikai's words.

"Ah, what are you talking about?"

"I'll go to South America for you." Ji Qian made a shocking statement, and Ye Shikai immediately refused. He didn't want to bother Ji Qian too much, perhaps because of the guilt in his heart. Moreover, the South American affairs involved Dragon Fang In the operation of the previous year, Ye Shikai wanted to go by himself, and maybe he could catch any clues.

"No, I don't want to involve you, and this is my business." Ye Shikai firmly disagreed.

"This is voluntary, it has nothing to do with you, you still stay here." Ji Qian continued, "Let's stay with the rain, don't let her chill."

{End of Chapter} 6

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