Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 941: Chaos Shootout

Fifty meters fast fire, it is very good to have such a result, Ye Shikai said lightly, then picked up another blocking gun from the table, aimed at the target, and pulled the trigger.


There was another gunshot, a slight white smoke emitted from the muzzle, and then there were no new bullet holes in the target. Didn't ... hit it?

"Bullets passed through the bullet holes, adults are good marksmanship." Tony is a firearms expert and has a lot of practical experience in shooting. He can shoot a more bullet from a small bullet hole. difficult.

"It's just a small test." Ye Shikai said lightly. "Are the guns ready?"

"Of course, everyone is fully armed. Firearms are the lives of our mercenaries. Checking firearms before action is the most basic." Tony handed over the list of weapons and wanted to send so many weapons over. In addition to individual weapons, there are many explosives in the list.

"Tony, you're going to stir this place upside down tomorrow." Ye Shikai lamented.

"Those who don't have long eyes dare to attack Lord Soul-Destroyer and Lord Magi. Baklow doesn't know the heights and heights, and dare to oppose the Hades, that is to find death." Tony is domineering, which is his style, In the "hot battlefield" abroad that year, he took a hundred-member mercenary team, disrupting the whole battle, beheading, and assassination, all of which were his special skills. According to information, the headquarters of the Kam's Gang was at In one of the largest slums in the region, there is no "law" in it, or Baklo is the law. He is in charge of everything, and it also provides a place for invisible transactions throughout the city.

No one will trade at the headquarters of the Kambang tomorrow, and the Hades sub-base will have to stand still in this city. What they want to clear is Hades, which will not hurt others.

"Master, you seem to be very cautious about the action." Ye Shikai marked many hidden fire points on the map of the table. These points will be knocked out by the sniper tomorrow, otherwise there will be trouble when he acts.

"When I took the players to action, because of a certain" mistake ", the entire team was in trouble. If it were not for my brother's desperate cover, we would all be buried here." Ye Shikai said heavily, Longya That action is now a kind of psychological shadow. Indeed, if not for dozens of team members, they would have died there at the time. After all, thousands of people were on the plain terrain at that time. Surrounding is simply a dead end.

"Really, since that ’s the case, let ’s give more advice." Tony nodded. The situation in the slum was complicated. This map is relatively clear. Before that, a lot of intelligence officers from the Hades sent in, including The locals, otherwise on the site of Kam's Gang, walked into a stranger and strolled around, it will definitely cause everyone to doubt.

"If Baklow is in his house, then we blast it here, we can rush in quickly, then kill him and install timed explosives around it. I want to turn his old nest into an oven."

"Sir, please leave it to me, I will let my hands go."


Ye Shikai arranged everything, looking at the big red cross on the map, this is where Bak Luo hides, picks up the sharp blade, and stabs in heavily ...


"Sniper, at ten o'clock, there is a sentry on the balcony on the fourth floor, knock him out." Ji Qian held the telescope and said coldly with a headset.

"Wait a minute, let me." Ye Shikai said lightly, picking up a sauerss G3000 sniper bù gun and gently pulling the trigger, the sentinel shot fell.

"Of course, the first kill is mine." Ye Shikai smiled smugly, Ji Qian glanced at it, and couldn't help laughing, a sniper hunting game started soon, kill the sentry first, let They were hard to care about, and the defense system became a "blind man."

"Destroy the soul, I remember you said, those people bombarded you with rockets, right?" Ye Shikai smiled lightly.

"Yeah, I just arrived that day and they gave me a big gift."

"Then you have to repay the debt today." Ye Shikai brought a "Javelin" missile from the back. This is a big killer. It is much more powerful than RPG. These buildings in the slums cannot be stopped at all. This shot.

"Of course that's all right." Soul Killer aimed at one of the tall buildings, which was a signal of the start of the operation today, and a blow of revenge.

"watch out."


After a bang, a building in the distance collapsed, and the power of the missile was very great ~ ~ almost tore the building apart, the bricks splattered and can be heard within a few kilometers.

"Everyone, start to act." Ye Shikai issued an action order to everyone through the headset, and Tony's mercenaries rushed out of every corner and penetrated in all directions.

Ye Shikai gave a loud sigh, broke a fist, broke the stone wall in front of him, and followed a team of mercenaries behind him. He rushed in through the damaged gap. Ye Shikai took a G36bù gun and aimed at the gang members who rushed over After firing repeatedly, Ye Shikai's marksmanship was very accurate. Once a person entered his field of vision, he almost appeared under the sickle of death.

"Up, don't worry about others, just rush to the headquarters." Ye Shikai said loudly, put away his bù gun, kicked his legs on the wall, crossed the railing, jumped directly to the second floor, pulled out a dagger, rushed up, right A gang member swung his neck hard.

"You are dragging them here to fight for the time of the adults." Mohun held a bù gun and fired frequently at the gunmen in front of him. I have to say that the number of opponents is still large, forming a fire network that is difficult to break. The soul let the players around him to lie down, operate the internal force, and turned into a residual image, and passed through the rain of bullets.

"Yes, Lord Exterminator."

A white light dazzled, and the soul-killer dagger had crossed the carotid artery of a gunman. There were people everywhere. For a practitioner, a dagger in melee was far more convenient than an obstruction gun. Destroyed the soul, took out the Changbai sword, crossed a sword gas, and cut a hole in the reinforced concrete.

The mercenaries moved quickly, disrupting the entire slum. The pre-installed bombs were "full bloom" like New Year's fireworks. Ye Shikai was alone and quickly moved towards the center's headquarters. As long as he killed Baklow, Cam's Gang is over.

{End of Chapter} 8

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