Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 943: The enemy of the enemy is the friend

"You are ... Hardis." Baclow was obviously frightened by the man in front of him. From the time when Soul Killer fired the javelin missile, and now Baclow was pointed at the gun, it took ten minutes, so short. The time from an "Emperor of the Earth" to "Prisoner under the Order" is still rare in the world.

"I think you still have a little eyesight." Ye Shikai said lightly, slowly raising the pistol, aimed at Baklow's forehead.

"Don't ... don't kill me, I can join you, and I can work for you and adults." Although Baklow is a vicious figure in the eyes of outsiders, at the critical moment of life and death, begging for counsel is his nature. In order to live, Ye Shikai There was no doubt that he would kneel and scratch his head for mercy.

"My Hades is a warrior who is not afraid of death. What's the use of you who are greedy for life and fear of death." Ye Shikai said coldly. "If you are a native emperor so peacefully, maybe I won't do it. But whoever made you dare to attack me, so ... "Ye Shikai put his muzzle on Baclow's forehead and put his finger on the trigger.

"Wait a minute, Lord Pluto, I have something to say, I really have something to say." Barklow shouted, raising his hands above his head and begging for mercy.

"Give you a minute, you better not talk nonsense."

"I'll tell you the truth, can you ... spare my life ..."


As soon as the words fell, there was a gunshot, but it wasn't Ye Shikai who fired, but Ji Qian on the side, and the bullet struck Baclow's feet.

"Ah ... ah ... don't kill me."

"No more nonsense, hurry up and tell the intelligence." Ji Qian said coldly, and fired another shot, hitting directly on the wall next to Buckler's ear. The sound of bullets passing through the air seemed to be heard, Buckler's paralysis Sitting on the floor, twitching.

"Say, who directed you to attack the soul? I don't believe you have the courage to take the initiative to attack them." Ye Shikai opened his eyes, and now there is fierce fighting outside, he doesn't have much time to talk nonsense.

"This ..." Baclo was hesitant and seemed to be afraid of something. Ye Shikai had long anticipated that the organization forces that could secretly target the Hades would have to be hidden and huge, and could make Baclo's heart move to the Hades. The chips must be tempting.

"Give you three seconds." Ye Shikai raised his pistol and fired another shot on the floor.

"I said, I said ... yes ..."


A bullet shot in from the window, right in the middle of Baclow's temple ...

"There is a sniper." Ye Shikai shouted, the bullets fired fast, and the sniper rifle had to fire a lot faster. Ye Shikai had no time to protect. The mercenaries behind him immediately hid behind the bunker. It's dead, which also means that the clue is broken ...

"Abominable." Ye Shikai cursed loudly, and he could immediately know who it was, but Bakluo was killed. Ye Shikai looked out the window. There was no commanding point nearby. I wanted to hit here, only in the outer city. It can only be done on the building in the district, but visually this distance has exceeded two kilometers, and it can hit the target with a single shot at such a long distance, which is not what ordinary people can do.

"Baklow is dead, and Kam's gang is over. Let's quickly withdraw." Ji Qian said calmly. The outside team was still fighting, and the number of people was suppressed. Tony's mercenary regiment might not stand up. Moreover, the local police force is approaching.

"Evacuation." Ye Shikai issued a retreat order with a headset, and Tony immediately let his men evacuate from the slum and escape from the scheduled route.

"Let's go too." Ye Shikai leaped away, killed several nearby enemies, and led the team along a path towards the safe house.

"Tony, give them a big bang in the end."

"Yes, sir."



Ye Shikai took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and watched the "war result" on TV. The largest local gang, the Kam Gang, suffered heavy losses in the attack, and its leader Baklow was shot dead. This incident was also local. It was a big uproar, but Ye Shikai was not so comfortable. The unknown sniper was obviously worried about what Baclow was saying, so he killed him at the last moment.

"Master, this time the Kam's gang is completely over." Tony didn't know Ye Shikai's plan. In his eyes, he was full of joy in the results of the battle. The mercenaries were bloodthirsty. Although Tony was loyal to Ye Shikai, he was also a "War madman", otherwise he would not be equipped with a killer like armed drone.

"Tony, how many people were injured by your men this time." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Five dead and thirteen injured." Tony's excitement suddenly fell on the casualties.

"Unfortunately, they are all guys." Ye Shikai sighed. He really hoped that he could win the battle without casualties, but since it is a deterrent to the Kam gang, it will inevitably pay a price ~ ~ they They are all warriors of the Hades. After this battle, the Kam's gang will definitely fall apart and the local gang forces will definitely reshuffle. "

"Tony, now the local gang forces have no leader. I want you to manage it. What do you think."

"My lord's order, I must obey." Tony did not refuse. Although there may be wars more suitable for him, but now there is no other person to manage Ye Shikai, only Tony can take over.

"Okay, here you are in charge." Ye Shikai patted his shoulder and slowly left the room.

"Don't hold your face. For the better, at least Baklow is dead, we have taken over the local forces." Ji Qian is the pillow of Ye Shikai and naturally understands his mind.

"The ten Kam gangs can't keep up with the secrets in Bucklo's head." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Then what can you do, Baklow is dead, you can't let him be resurrected." Ji Qiankuan comforted, Ye Shikai breathed a long sigh of relief, showing a dim smile.

"Well, Bai Cui, this battle, I heard she commanded it very well." Ye Shikai said suddenly, listening to Tony said, Bai Cui led the team this time, and shot three More than ten people.

"Even so, I don't think she is a good kind. She came to Hades to save her life, so I want to know who she is hiding from." Ji Qian said coldly, and she had doubts about Bai Cui Yes, from the paraphrasing of the soul, she heard a lot of doubts.

"If you are hunted down, you want to find a force that will definitely contain you, unless ..." Ji Qian asked Ye Shikai.

"Unless, the joining forces and the forces of hunting, the two sides are deadly opponents." Ye Shikai blurted out.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend.

End of this chapter

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