"So it ’s still a good order for China." Ye Shikai said with a smile, and Tang Yun clipped a steak. It doesn't take long for them to come to South America, but that's fine. If you stay a long time, when you go back, you will inevitably mess with Rain is unhappy.

"I'll help you with the soup, it tastes good." Ye Shikai stood up, picked up the spoon, and wanted to go to the soup.

"No need ... ah." Tang Yun shook her head and reached out to stop Ye Shikai. The two arms accidentally touched. The hot soup accidentally spilled and landed on Tang Yun's hand. With a sound.

"I'm sorry, I didn't burn yourself. Let me take a look." Ye Shikai quickly lowered the soup bowl, grabbed Tang Yun's palm, and touched his hands. Tang Yun retracted his hand like an electric shock. Ye Shikai felt a bit rough. Tang Yun seems to have something "rough" in his hands, like a calluse.

"I'm sorry, it's me ... excited." Ye Shikai said embarrassingly, handing the wet towel over.

"It's okay, just wipe the soup with water." Tang Yun picked up the towel and wiped her palms. Ye Shikai looked carefully. On Tang Yun's right hand, there seemed to be thick cocoons. I didn't know what it was, I felt it. Some rough, I thought that a big beauty like Tang Yun should also be a pair of jade hands, but also had "defects".

"Oh oh, then I'll serve you another bowl." Ye Shikai had to serve another bowl to ease the embarrassment.

After the meal, although Tang Yun repeatedly stated that he was okay with today's events, and accepted Ye Shikai's apology, but as compensation, Ye Shikai gave a promise. As long as Tang Yun needed help, Ye Shikai would help and never escape.

South America, Hades.

"That little woman comforted you." Ji Qian said coldly in a white coat.

"What is a little woman? I didn't say it, Tang Yun is my friend." Ye Shikai stepped forward and admired Ji Qianyi in his arms. "You are my little woman."

"Dead-like, who is your little woman." Ji Qianqiao blushed, but she was the least able to listen to "slapstick". Even a little romance could make her "bubble" drunk, so said, A woman like Ji Qian only needs a little happiness to be satisfied, such as Ye Shikai's embrace now.

"Of course it is you." The two looked at each other, Ye Shikai stretched out his hand, stroking Ji Qian's jade hand, and it turned out to be smooth and tender, as if it were a small hand of a sixteen-year-old girl.

One of the great benefits of cultivation is to delay aging. For women who love beauty, it is simply a dream. After all, everyone wants to "last youth."

"Okay, don't mess around."

"By the way, is there any clue in that whip and black robe?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Just the ordinary whip and black robe." Ji Qian took out those two things. Indeed, there was no difference on it, and there was nothing very toxic.

"Why so wet." Ye Shikai reached out and touched the black robe, as if immersed in water.

"Of course, you used the water element to freeze the black robe. Now it's frozen, but it will not turn into water. The black robe absorbs water. I'm going to dry it." Ji Qian picked up the black robe, and Ye Shikai suddenly felt bright. The sparkling light shook his eyes.

"What is this?" Ye Shikai was curious, so he took the black robe. Following the light spot just now, he found the "light sources". Under the black robe, he was covered with some powder. It was these. The powder's reflection shook his eyes.

Ye Shikai took a closer look, these powders also exudes a glittering light, this powder ... isn't it gold powder.

Gold powder, glittering light, Ye Shikai's mind suddenly came up with an idea, his face gradually changed, and some things, the answer was only a second.

"What happened to you, did you think of something?" Ji Qian turned around and seemed to understand something. Ye Shikai's expression was a mixed mood of shock and solemnity.

"Well, yes, I remembered some things, but I need to verify it first." Ye Shikai seemed a little tired, went to bed directly and took a nap. Ji Qian once said that Ye Shikai was never defense of the people around her. That kind of thing really happens, for example ... betrayal, that is the "catastrophe."


The next day.

"I'm ready, go to the airport now." In the private villa of Ye Shikai, Tang Yun was ready. She didn't have much luggage, and only one suitcase was enough. According to the agreement, at three in the afternoon, Ye Shikai Picked her up at the villa, and they returned to Yanjing together.

"Wait a minute, Tang Yun, I have something to say ... I want to tell you." Ye Shikai waved his hand and motioned Tang Yun to sit down first.

"Oh, let's talk about anything else, or ... it's going to be late for the plane. The traffic here is not good." Tang Yun joked.

"Can you show me your hand?" Ye Shikai said with a gaze and a serious expression.

"Ah ... what are you talking about?" Tang Yun instinctively retracted her hand, with a look of shyness, looking at the woman's hand, seemed to be very impolite ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tang Yun naturally felt so awkward.

"Fortune telling." Ye Shikai said with a smile suddenly.

"Ha, you also believe this." Ji Qian seemed rather shocked, and the shyness just now disappeared.

"Yeah, I showed Ji Qian's palmistry yesterday and found her ... Kefu." Ye Shikai whispered, for fear of being heard.

"What, Mr. Ye, is this true?"

"Of course, this is a technique handed down by my ancestors. I have also learned from famous teachers. There is nothing wrong with it, so I also want to see you." Ye Shikai insisted.

"All right, but ... I don't like people touching my hand, so ... please don't take too long." Tang Yun slowly stretched out her hands and put them in front of Ye Shikai.

"Your hands are delicate." Ye Shikai's eyes fell on Tang Yun's palms, and they should be more well-maintained, as white as jasper.

"Thank you."

"The stable lifeline means that there will be no serious illness and serious illness, and the career line is very long. It seems that your future career will be smooth and smooth." Ye Shikai Tsai looked carefully, and also stretched out his hand to caress, although some "indecent" Suspect, but he still has to verify one thing.

"Okay, I'm finished." Ye Shikai nodded and put Tang Yun's hand down.

"I'm so embarrassed, I'm sorry." Ye Shikai smiled slightly. "Let's go, delay some time, and go faster to the airport."

"It's okay, but Mr. Ye should not alienate Miss Ji because of those superstitious things. Those are baseless."

Today is the last day of 2018. Looking back on this year, I am full of emotions. The novel has been updated to the present. The small festival thanks the book friends for their strong support. I also hope that in the new year, everyone will have good health, academic progress, and career success. to make.

End of this chapter

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