Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 959: Team up

Ye Shikai was holding the steering wheel, giving up the first position, and then following Han Ruoyao. It was just a corner error, and Jack changed from first to third. Now even a fool can see this. The little-known "eighth car" is deliberately helping the car god. The audience below has a lot of discussions. It was hard to take the first place. It was not an intentional way to give up, so there was that drift. OK, otherwise how could it be so tacit, now everyone's attention has been shifted to Ye Shikai, who is sacred in the end.

Jack was overtaken by two cars in a row, very annoyed. There are only three corners left below, and the end point can be seen with the naked eye. The sense of crisis comes at once. He is the top racer in the world. If he loses Isn't it too shameless here? At the same time, he also realizes that the car **** in front of him and the Lamborghini driver are all top players. The strength cannot be underestimated. It is very difficult to overtake.

Anxious Jack stepped on the accelerator, and the high-powered car chased Ye Shikai's rear. He was about to fight hard.

"Uncle, let me stop him, you go to the end."

"Little girl, are you stupid? If you win, those cars are yours." Ye Shikai wished to play Han Ruoyao's forehead directly.

"It seems to be so, thank you Uncle." Han Ruoyao suddenly realized that in addition to these luxury cars, the most important thing is the record of the car god, victory over world-class players, that is enough to blow.

"Okay, but don't take this car from me."

"Hee hee, I see, uncle, then I'll go first." Han Ruoyao stepped on the accelerator and suddenly pulled the distance away. Jack saw that she wanted to sprint and stepped on the accelerator to catch up, but Ye Shikai would not let him Ruyi, turn the steering wheel and directly block Jack's overtaking route.

Before the game, Ye Shikai saw that Jack was an inferior player. He clearly wanted to take advantage of Han Ruoyao. Thinking of this, Ye Shikai had a three-point anger. You did n’t want to overtake, he just did n’t let you overtake. Ye Shikai was also abnormal. Slow down, forcing Jack to slow down.

Ye Shikai can imagine that Jack should have given him the middle finger. In the next corner, Jack speeded up crazy and wanted to force Ye Shikai out of the inner lane, but there was no way to occupy the inner lane under his perfect drift, only Can obediently follow Ye Shikai's car butt.

The last corner has passed and the outcome has been determined.

"The result of the race has come out. The champion is our car god." The host shouted excitedly, and the crowd cheered. It seems that car **** is still very popular among these uncles.

Jack stopped the car slowly, walked off the car angrily, looked around, looking for the trace of Ye Shikai, his eyes fell on that Lamborghini, and Jack hurried forward.

"You, asshole." Jack said a very fluent Chinese language, cursing Ye Shikai, who was smoking.

"Are you scolding me?" Ye Shikai took down the cigarette **** without any fear, but he was just a little racer. Pluto's identity filled him with confidence.

"You blocked my car, intentionally." Jack continued.

"Intentionally, what evidence do you have." Ye Shikai said disdainfully. In the game, this should be called illegal teaming, but ... there is no rule to prevent this, and the team behind Jack also followed, and they too Watching the whole process, if you look closely, there are a few big guys in the team here, who seem to be figures such as bodyguards. It seems that Jack wants to get angry here.

Jack waved his hand, and the big men immediately followed, and sure enough, this was what they wanted to do. The audience on the side noticed something different here, but they didn't dare to go forward, and watched silently beside them.

Although these big men are quite big, but ... Ye Shikai is not afraid.

A fist slammed into Ye Shikai, and then, just one second later, the big men flew more than three meters away. Several men in black clothes stood in front of Ye Shikai, all of whom were beside Ye Shikai. Although the dark guards are not so "strong", each one is a dead man with blood on his hands. Although they are all wearing masks, it is just the pair of fierce and fierce eyes that makes people shudder. Look at their movements. The others did not even see how the big men were beaten up. Also, none of these dark guards had found their existence before. The dark guards were like shadows and shadows, hiding in the forest. Surprised.

Ye Shikai didn't go to Yanjing's "纨 绔 circle", so few people knew that there was such a person, who thought he was a little-known person, but looking at this posture, it seems to be an invisible predator, otherwise who I will bring such a powerful follower around me.

Ye Shikai is also merciless to his men ~ ~ If he had not ordered them before, these bodyguards would have been killed by the security guards, and they would not lie and groan as they are now.

Jack is also stupid. I didn't expect that there are so many masters around this Huaxia man. I wanted to learn a lot. But now, things are not great.

"Leave your car to the beautiful lady, and then you can leave." Ye Shikai bounced the cigarette **** gently, and said coldly, Jack was dumbfounded, and quickly nodded to promise, even the words Dare to say, Ye Shikai walked slowly to Jack, scared him to slump directly on the ground.

"Also, if you think about the idea of ​​hitting that woman, even your life can be left." Ye Shikai whispered in Jack's ear, and Jack almost scared his head to admit it was wrong, Ye Shikai didn't want to go too far. This is the Tianshan Club. It is not good to get something done. With such a warning, Jack can only leave in a humble way.

"Brother-in-law, you were so handsome just now." Not long after, Su Ziqing also came over, hugged his waist directly, and said excitedly.

"Haha, I didn't want to be so high-profile." Ye Shikai waved and motioned for Su Ziqing to come down first. If it wasn't for this little girl to seduce him, there would be no night.

"Wait a minute, Yaoyao is going to invite us for supper, brother-in-law will come together." Su Ziqing said with a smile.

"That's no problem." Jack's car was worth more than 20 million yuan and was earned by Han Ruoyao's little girl. Thanks to Ye Shikai's help, please have a supper. It's just cheap and good.

"Brother-in-law, you finally lost to Yao Yao on purpose."

"Of course, does it matter if I win or lose, anyway, if I win, there are so many cars, how can you let me explain to your sister?"

End of this chapter

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