Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 965: frank

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This remark made Chen Yuxin in the distance also interested. What is the secret in Ye Shikai ’s body that she has never heard of, perhaps because of Xiu Wei. Although her cultivation is higher than Ye Shikai, she only She could see a seven, seven, eight, but more secrets, she could not see.

"Xiao Xin, why are you here?" Ye Shikai glanced at Chen Yuxin who came over, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After all, it was a secret. I didn't expect that Chen Yuxin didn't care, and sat on the seat beside Chen Yaozu. , Smile and listen.

"Xiao Kai, I really want to know your secret. You even hide it from me." Chen Yuxin said lightly, her face full of expectations.


"Haha, since it's a secret, then I won't break it, someone who knows it will naturally know it." Chen Yaozu said to his mouth, stopped suddenly, and laughed twice, which was a vexing appetite, especially Chen Yuxin, apparently she wanted to know these secrets, but after all, she was a grandfather, so she didn't dare to refute, and could only stare beside her.

"Xin'er don't need to be impatient. I don't want to say more about the old man. If Xin'er is really curious, you can ask yourself." Chen Yaozu said with a smile. This old man is indeed interesting enough. However, Chen Yaozu is the ancestor of the Chen family, while Dugu Tianke is a miraculous "wandering" everywhere.

"I have no secret, senior, it is you who exaggerate." Ye Shikai quickly shirk away, saying that these "old people" seem to be speaking like this, a "trick", but Chen Yaozu, I am afraid Ye Shikai saw through seven or seven eighty-eight.

"Well, with or without, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm tired today, old man. I'm going to rest first." Chen Yaozu said nothing, turned and left the hall, and entered his bedroom.

Although Chen Yaozu practiced in a stone cave, Ye Shikai took a closer look here, dressed quaintly, and the tables and chairs were all made of bamboo or wood. Although the inside was not primitive and messy, he had a different feeling.

The most embarrassing thing was discovered by Ye Shikai later, because this is the place where Chen Yaozu cleaned up, so no one came at all. Since no one came, there was naturally no need to set up a guest room, but there is still a room in the cave. The guest room may be for Chen Yuxin who usually comes to visit, but how to sleep in a guest room.

This is the "home" of Chen Yaozu. Sleeping with his granddaughter in other homes, although not without, but ... in the final analysis, Ye Shikai is also a married person, even if Chen Yaozu knows the relationship between the two Ming, but Ye Shikai still saddened that hurdle.

To do so is to admit to accepting her directly in front of Grandpa Chen Yuxin, and still have the relationship of going to bed. What about the marriage with Su Qingyu?

Ye Shikai is not so "arrogant", so he will not sleep with Chen Yuxin tonight.

"Xiao Kai, why don't you come to sleep." Chen Yuxin was nestled in a quilt on a small bed, but she lay only half of the way, giving up a position, apparently trying to signal Ye Shikai to come in.

"Ahem, I'm not very sleepy. I'm here today. I want to go outside." Ye Shikai didn't take off his clothes, and he was going to find an excuse to slip out.

Leaving the cave, it is very cold in the south of the river in winter, and even more so on the mountain. Ye Shikai lit the bonfire outside to warm up. It seems to be here tonight.

"Xiao Kai, how are you outside." How long have you waited, Ye Shikai heard a sound from behind, turning around and it turned out that Chen Yuxin came out, but the most important thing, she did not wear a coat, but a single , Very thin.

"Xiao Xin, in such a cold day, you should go back quickly." Ye Shikai hurried forward, took off her coat, and put it on Chen Yuxin's body, her hands were still pushing her body, as if she wanted to let her in.

"Xiao Kai, you can come in too." Chen Yuxin was not a fool. She suddenly understood Ye Shikai's meaning.

"I said, you go back to sleep first."

"Do you still want to lie to me again?" Chen Yuxin suddenly stopped in place and looked at Ye Shikai coldly. In the winter, Ye Shikai suddenly felt a coolness ...

"Are you grandpa, don't you want to sleep with me?"

"Xinxin, you know what I think, right?" Ye Shikai sighed and sat back to the campfire.

"You vowed only today, you won't abandon me, did you forget it?"

"Of course I don't." Ye Shikai stood up sharply, seemingly agitated. He felt that he was a scumbag now, and he might have put on this hat from the moment he had a relationship with Chen Yuxin.

"Then what are you running away from?" Chen Yuxin suddenly shouted. Ye Shikai could not see her red eyes in the dark, but she could also think of the appearance of the pear with rain.

Ye Shikai was really scared. He was worried that if he continued to develop this way, it would only make the situation worse and worse. Both would be hurt at that time.

From his standpoint, Ye Shikai is very distressed. If he just lay in bed with Chen Yuxin directly "Zhengda Guangming" just now, what is it, man? Of course not, he is derailing "Zhengda Guangming", but if It does n’t seem to be derailed to fall asleep, but this is a kind of “abandonment” of Chen Yuxin. It is irresponsible. He can hardly choose between the two paths. After all, the relationship happened once and countless times. The nature is the same. Even if Ye Shikai regrets it now, it can only be "regret".

"Xiao Xin, I didn't mean to do this on purpose, you ... know my difficulties."

"Because you're married now, right, so I can only" stand by, "isn't it?" Chen Yuxin rushed forward and shook her hand vigorously.


On the silent mountain top, a crisp slap sounded.

"I never thought of abandoning you. If I think so, I won't come with you." Ye Shikai's heart was bitter.

"I'm sorry whether it's you or dumping the rain." Ye Shikai embraced Chen Yuxin in his arms. The two bodies were close to each other. The wetness of the chest made Ye Shikai understand that the sweet girl in her arms was crying.

"I have it."

One second, two seconds, three seconds, time seemed to be still, dead.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shikai's body trembled violently, a kind of nervous twitching when she was overstretched.

"I said, I have, I have your child." Chen Yuxin said word by word, every word was chiseled in Ye Shikai's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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