Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 967: Dream at night

"Xiao Kai, you can stay. ×" Chen Yuxin said again, "the grandfather's intentions, it is still difficult to refuse."

"I've decided, I will quit tomorrow, Xiaoxin, you can stay with my predecessors for a few more days." Ye Shikai shook his head, he has been too stimulated today, after a calm, a stunned attack He just wanted to have a good night's sleep and forget about it.

I have to be a father myself. Ye Shikai ca n’t accept this matter. It ’s really fast. If Ye Shikai is n’t married now, then the two must be married by Feng Zi. You ca n’t hide Su Qingyu for such a big event. Well, I can hide from the first day, I can't hide from fifteen, ten months later, even the children are born.

But speaking, Ye Shikai really didn't know how to explain to Su Qingyu. He even felt very scared for a moment. This was totally inexplicable, but he must also say that everything ... forces him to death.

"Xiao Xin, how do you let me talk to Qingyu?" Ye Shikai was helpless and weak.

"Xiao Kai, I know you're embarrassed to say that you have never been a ruthless person, so it's really difficult for you to say so, let's go and tell her." Chen Yuxin seemed very confident, in her opinion, she already had a child Not to mention that Su Qingyu and Ye Shikai have only been married for half a year, even if it is two or three years, it does not matter. With a child, she can justify marrying Ye Shikai.

"Su Qingyu is a smart person. What she wants is to carry forward the group. Now that I am a shareholder, I can give her more compensation. One Tianya Group is not enough. I can give her two, three. ... "

"You still don't know her. She is sincere to me."

"Isn't I? She can do it, so can I. She can do everything for you, and I can go for you." Chen Yuxin said arrogantly.

"I don't need any of you to go on fire for me." Ye Shikai said lightly, and then sighed. "It's all my fault, it's my ruthlessness to make these things happen."

Ye Shikai fell to the bed, and countless thoughts poured into his head. He was tired and soon fell asleep.


"Qing Yu, there is one thing I want to tell you." Ye Shikai stepped forward, holding Su Qingyu's shoulders with both hands, letting her turn around, but she took a step back with those sharp eyes, she Her eyes were full of anger, and the person was still that person, but her expression made Ye Shikai feel strange.

"She already told me." Su Qingyu said coldly, her voice was cold, making people feel bitter chill.

"Xiao Xin already told you." Ye Shikai was shocked. He had just returned to Yanjing, and Ye Shikai had already told him why Chen Yuxin would do the same.

"Oh, Xiaoxin, you are really kind, what am I?" Su Qingyu sneered and slowly stepped forward, while Ye Shikai stepped back. If this is the case, then she should already be Burned in anger, the man next to the pillow and other women went to bed, and now even have children, even if Su Qingyu now wants to kill, Ye Shikai does not doubt.

"Pour rain, I know, all this is my fault, but you have to believe me, I have always loved you."

"You bastard, I won't believe you anymore." Su Qingyu kicked out abruptly, right in the middle of Shikai's abdomen, and did not expect that the usually weak Su Qingyu could explode such a great power, Ye Shikai felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.

"Pour rain, please believe me."

"Ye Shikai, you forced me, I hate you." Su Qingyu roared loudly.

"Qin Yu, if you really don't believe me, then I will prove it by death." Ye Shikai endured the severe pain in the abdomen. He did not expect that Su Qingyu, an ordinary person, could hurt him as a practitioner.

"Okay, prove it with death, then I will complete you." Su Qingyu showed a sloppy expression, walked forward a few steps, stretched out his left hand to push Ye Shikai to the ground, before he could react, his eyes flashed After a white light, and the next second, the scene before him couldn't believe it.

Su Qingyu held a dagger in his right hand and drew directly into Ye Shikai's abdomen. Blood flowed out of the wound. For a moment, Ye Shikai felt that the strength of his whole body was being lost. He had no way to stop it. Today, Su Qingyu is particularly abnormal. .

"Don't you prove by death, now I'll kill you." Through Su Qingyu's eyes, Ye Shikai saw the indifference and indifference in her eyes, as if it was not a person killed, but an ant.

"You lose me, I want you to pay the price." Su Qingyu yanked out his sharp blade, and the blood-stained sharp blade slammed into his abdomen again.

Ye Shikai was suddenly killed by the woman she loved, and suddenly felt a bit of irony. He once thought that ~ ~ might die in the hands of the enemy, or die old, but he never thought it would be the result, but ... … This result is also his fault. If his death allows Su Qingyu to forgive him, so be it.

"Qing Yu, if so, it will make you feel better, I also recognize it." Ye Shikai felt that the vision in front of him was slowly cloudy, and the pupils were dilated. This time ... he was really dying.


"How is this going."

Stone bed, wooden table, wooden chair, looking around, this is obviously the guest room. Ye Shikai touched his back, his shirt was wet with sweat, and looked at the bedside, Chen Yuxin was sleeping on one side.

It turned out ... This is a dream, it is really realistic. Ye Shikai wiped the cold sweat from his body with a napkin. The nightmare just lingering in front of him was really terrifying. Is this the so-called day thinking, There is a dream at night, if Su Qingyu knew this, would he really kill him.

It's normal to be betrayed and hate him.

No wonder, he would be injured by Su Qingyu, who is an ordinary person. It turned out to be in a dream, wouldn't he just die? Ye Shikai already felt his sin, and if he was killed, he would not regret it.

"Xiao Kai, what's wrong with you?" At this time, Chen Yuxin's voice sounded aside, it was Ye Shikai's movement that woke her up.

"I ... nothing, I'm sorry to wake you up, and continue to sleep." Ye Shikai lay down again, facing Chen Yuxin, after a nightmare, he had no sleepiness and was awake in his head.

"Did you have a nightmare." Chen Yuxin held out his hand, hugged his waist, and said softly in his ears, not to mention the hair wet by the cold sweat, and now there was still a little horror in his face.

"Just leave it alone and hurry up."

{End of Chapter} 6

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