Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 969: Running a marriage

"It's light. №" Ye Shikai sighed again. Yesterday, he dreamed that Su Qingyu stabbed him with two swords. He was so scared that he woke up directly, thinking and dreaming day by day. Any worry is not With no reason, Su Qingyu in reality may not kill him, but he will hate him. Compared with the pain of the knife wound on his body, he is more afraid of heartache.

The thought of Su Qingyu's despair, he felt stabbed in the heart, really uncomfortable, Ye Shikai had an impulse, wanted to run in front of Su Qingyu, crying, reprimanding his "jerk behavior", but this way Is it useful, Su Qingyu is the victim of affection, whether it is Ye Shikai's fault or Chen Yuxin's fault. This is the fact that no matter what happens afterwards, the result is already there.

In all fairness, Ye Shikai's favorite person is Su Qingyu. If he leaves, he will still be anxious.

Strolling in Daizong, Ye Shikai unknowingly returned to the Poisonous Grass Garden. Many of the disciples of Daizong were picking mature poisonous weeds. Although they are poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers, but from the outside, they are a colorful flower. Beautiful and charming, just like a poppy flower, bright in appearance, but deadly. It has been said that any poisonous grass in the poisonous grass garden, even if it gently scratches the skin of an ordinary person, is fatal. Therefore, poisonous grass garden can only be entered by the students of Xi Zong, and a silent warrant is required.

"I knew you couldn't rest, and you never thought you were here." Wu Yan came with a few disciples, and careful Ye Shikai found that she seemed to have refreshed and changed her clothes, but still Set of beautiful Hanfu.

"I haven't figured out how to talk to Qingyu."

"You may never speak clearly." He waved his hands silently, motioning his disciples to step down first, and then sat beside Ye Shikai, playing with the fine grass on the ground.

"In love, it is impossible to live up to two people at the same time." Wordlessly, Ye Shikai now gradually understands, just like an arrow, it is impossible to hit two targets at the same time. Su Qingyu and Chen Yuxin, he must choose one.

"Before, you should have left the relationship with your childhood friend, but you didn't do that."

"I was just trying to meet her again ... I didn't expect this to happen."

"It's because of your indecision that you're out of desperation now, haven't you learned your lesson?" Wordless and outspoken, Ye Shikai was such a person, he was brave and strong, and determined, outside. But when it comes to feelings, he is indecisive, and can even be said to be "afraid of wolves and afraid of tigers". When he saw Chen Yuxin again, he committed the most deadly point.

He still regards Chen Yuxin as a sweetheart, first love "lover", rather than an old friend who hasn't seen in many years, so when Chen Yuxin proposed to pursue, although he first refused, he still could not resist Chen Yuxin's "offensive" This is the fāshēng relationship.

Now thinking of it, I really regret it.

"Now she has your child, so you can only say sorry to Su Qingyu." Muyan continued.


"Nothing but." Wuyan shouted suddenly, but now he bluffed Ye Shikai.

"If you continue this way, then it is Chen Yuxin and your unborn child who will be hurt." After silently roaring, looking at Ye Shikai, who was lost in thought, he realized that the tone just now was a little bit hot.

"Well, but to be honest, if you let me choose, I will definitely choose Su Qingyu." Wuyan said with a sudden sigh.


"Although Chen Yuxin seems to be mild, she has a temperament. Once things don't develop as she expected, then the consequences ... are difficult to predict, and even unexpected things will be done." Wuyan said, "About this, you should Be clear. "

"Her grandfather once told me that she had an accident when she practiced. Once she was out of control, she might be disturbed by the demon. I think it should be the same reason." Ye Shikai said curiously. "How can you Know this. "

"Remember the feelings of unrequited love, although that kind of thing is not harmful to the body, but it can control people's minds, obey the manipulator and obey the beloved, isn't it a vicious person?" The words spoken may be a little heavy in Ye Shikai's ears. Perhaps Chen Yuxin was only "forced" by anxiety, so he did the trick.

"You are also out of context. She used to be a weak girl." Ye Shikai still wanted to argue. He still couldn't help but associate the poor, crying little girl with a vicious woman. He was still eight years ago. In the same way, Chen Yuxin is instinctively regarded as a "weak party" and has a strong desire to protect her.

"You are really hopeless, in your eyes ~ ~ Is she still the same as she was eight years ago, don't you see her change?"

"Of course, of course I know." Ye Shikai just wanted to say, and suddenly found that it seemed to pull the topic away, wasn't he talking about how to explain to Su Qingyu, and how it got into Chen Yuxin's character.


"Respected guest, this is dinner, please use it slowly." Speaking, Ye Shikai came to Daizong and enjoyed the treatment of "prince and noble", exquisite diet, living in a comfortable wooden house, and decorating. Quaint and quaint, very charming, coupled with this environment, it is not too much to call it a holiday villa.

"Thank you." Ye Shikai picked up chopsticks and ate slowly.

Hey, hey, hey.

"come in."

"I'll take a look at your situation." The visitor was speechless, holding a meal in her hand, and it seemed she hadn't eaten yet.

"Your craftsmanship is very good."

"How do you know that I did it." Muyan looked up and said in amazement.

"The food you make has a taste similar to that made by Qingyu." Ye Shikai didn't lie, he told the truth.

"Yes, most of the women of the Emperor Zong are traditional. Marriage also advocates" man plowing women and weaving. "Women have to be husbands and daughters, so cooking is almost a required course for the women of the Emperor.

"Mute, do you think I'm a bastard?" Talking, Ye Shikai suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Muyan seriously.

"Not really. Although you are derailed, it is not all your responsibility." He shook his head silently. "I think you just don't know how to run a marriage."

"So, the responsibility lies with me." Ye Shikai shook his head. "I'm afraid you don't believe it. Last night I dreamed that I was strangled to death by two swords."

{End of Chapter} 6

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