Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 973: Fight

"Homeowner, be careful." Chen Ruoya responded immediately, this is an ambush sniper. In Yanjing, the Chen family has an outstanding history, and no one has ever dared to "provoke" the Chen family, and the rapture has killed him directly. Now, there are snipers who directly attack the Chen family Suiyi. No one will shoot in Yanjing for a young Suiyi. Obviously, their target is Chen Yuxin on the car.

However, since it is beside the dignified homeowner, how can there be no strong practitioners to protect it, let alone, in the other cars, there are several yuan infants, even masters of the trick season, Chen Ruoya is out Early practitioners, to this extent, firearms can no longer pose a great threat to the practitioners, except for heavy firepower equipment.

"Don't panic, everyone gets out of the car." Chen Yuxin's face suddenly cooled down, showing a cold side, years of grinding have made her unshaken, decisive, even older than Ye Shikai, and her little bird On the other hand, Ye Shikai will only show up.

Bang, bang, bang.

There were several gunshots again, and the bullets came from the left and right sides. These cars were modified to be bulletproof. After a wave of fire, the Chen's guards got out of the car and pulled out the sniper guns. Mysterious man shooting.

For a while, the two sides immediately fell into a rage, this road is relatively remote, and now there is little traffic, no one realizes that a gun battle is taking place here.

"Ruoya, help me get out of the car." Chen Yuxin calmly said.

"Homeowner, it's dangerous outside. They seem to be coming at you." Chen Ruoya wanted to stop, but she also understood that the young homeowner's temper was soft and soft, especially in this respect.

"It's because they came to me that I want to get off the car." Chen Yuxin's eyes had already revealed the intention of killing, which was very bad for her, especially now that she was pregnant.

Before Chen Ruoya reacted, Chen Yuxin had taken the lead to go out.

At the same time, dozens of black shadows suddenly flashed from all directions, and the electric light and flint had already quickly pushed towards the team. Obviously, they were all practitioners.

"Protect the owner." Chen Ruoya ordered, and seven or eight Chen family guards gathered around Chen Yuxin, tightly guarding them, and a dozen others rushed straight up to fight with those assassins.

Bang, bang, bang.

There were still a few gunshots in the distance. This was a previously ambush sniper. Although the Chen family's guards could use internal force to easily escape the bullets, if they were fighting, these "jammers" were also very lethargic. Annoying, they need to fight the assassins while hiding bullets, and after the two sides fought, they were shocked to find that these assassins were so powerful, and then the Chen family guards in the Yuanying period were comparable. This shows that the other party is at least the strength of the Yuan infant period.

"Dark guard." Chen Yuxin looked at the opponent's skill, her face changed slightly, her eyes became dignified, she knew the details of the Hades, and since she knew Ye Shikai was the identity of Hades, she let the intelligence agencies of the Chen family stay current. Investigating every move of the Hades Palace without hesitation, from the perspective of the other side, it is undoubtedly the Hades of the Hades.

However, since the Dark Guard is the elite army of the Hades, why would it attack itself? Chen Yuxin's heart trembled suddenly, wasn't it ... Ye Shikai ordered it.

Chen Yuxin didn't believe that Ye Shikai would not be able to do this. The two had grown up, not to mention that now they both have children.


A white light passed, and Chen Yuxin's eyes were frozen, and she stretched out her hand to form an invisible protective cover in the air with internal force, and a bullet was blocked by the gap.

Open your hand and the bullet instantly turns into powder.

"Homeowner, is a sniper. Let's go to the car first." Chen Ruoya turned around and persuaded several times, but it didn't seem to be useful. Chen Yuxin refused to persuade and insisted on being outside.

"Don't worry, since they are in Yanjing, they can't come in random. The police will come when they meet. Just hold them for a while." Chen Yuxin analyzed. "They are anxious to wipe us out quickly, but they don't have this. I can do it. "

At this time, several silver rays passed through the sky. Although it was daylight, the light still looked extremely dazzling. Chen Yuxin felt a powerful energy and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Retreat quickly." Almost instantaneously, Chen Ruoya and several Chen family guards protected Chen Yuxin from backing up dozens of steps. In the next second, several silver lights fell to the ground and exploded directly on the ground. The cars parked on the road could not be " Survive, "the explosion exploded, even the roof was blown up.

Before everyone could react, another four or five dark shadows sprang out from the woods on both sides and came straight to Chen Yuxin.

All the assassins were blindfolded ~ ~ so they couldn't see their looks. One of the leading assassins took out a whip and threw it directly at the crowd.

"Protect the owner." Chen Ruoya also pulled a long whip from his waist and threw it in the direction of the assassin. The two whip even hit a "sound boom", the whip tails were entangled, and both sides were evenly matched.

The other men in black rushed towards Chen Yuxin, and the faithful guards greeted them.

"The one who stops me is dead." The man who took the lead with a sword moved his body and rushed towards the front. In the next scene, the two guards fell to the ground, and blood was flowing from his neck.

Chen Yuxin is not panic-stricken. Her cultivation talent is extremely high and she is inscrutable. From the movement just now, she basically judges the strength of the person. Although she is very high, she cannot threaten her.

"Let's take it." The sword-bearing man stabbed at Chen Yuxin, and saw that she slowly stretched out her palm and opened her palm, and Jian Feng couldn't move forward for half a minute, as if blocked by an invisible wall.

Chen Yuxin grasped her hands tightly, and a strong internal force was released, which turned the man off directly.

At the same time, in the woods not far away, two dark shadows were observing the situation here. Judging from the figure, they should be two women.

"Selena, I'm afraid she can't hurt her," one of the women said lightly. Since she is called "Selena", it is not difficult to guess who it is.

"Master Luna, let's go."


As soon as the words fell, the two came out of the woods. The woman who took the lead took a jewel staff. It was Ji Qian who was fighting with Chen Yuxin. It was the fourth warlord of the Hades, which she did not expect. Yes, Chen Yuxin's strength is so strong that she can deal with the joint attack of four people at the same time.

"Moonlight array."

"Moon God's trick-the stars fall."

.. : M.

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