Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 977: Can never make up

Ji Qian almost finished choking this sentence. Who can think of how much courage it took her to make a decision? If she didn't succeed, it would be hated by Ye Shikai. Even if it succeeds, if Dongzhuang happens, it is the same result.

Thinking of this, Ye Shikai blamed the blame on himself again. If it was not his fault, how could this happen, but this method really made Ye Shikai unacceptable.

"Even so, you can't do this." Ye Shikai went on to say, "Yu Yu and you, and Xiao Xin are important people in my life. I don't want to lose you, no matter which one."

"We can't coexist, at least in this relationship. If you marry Chen Yuxin because of your child's responsibility, ask yourself, will you be happy with this marriage?" Ji Qian said, deep Deeply touching his heart, a marriage **** because of a child is more like a moral abduction. Perhaps Ye Shikai and Ji Qian's values ​​are not the same. In Ye Shikai's view, this is his own responsibility, then he has If you continue to bear the responsibility, you must blame it. You blame the impulse at that time. The error ca n’t be repeated. You can only use the remaining time to make up for it. If Ye Shikai really marries Chen Yuxin, she will at best only be satisfied, and she will never be happy.

The heart is not here, and how happy it is.

"I have no choice. In this matter, I have no choice." Ye Shikai shook his head helplessly.

"If you want, these are not the problems."

"This is a matter of principle." Before Shi Qian finished speaking, Ye Shikai yelled, "A man, who is chaotic and infatuated for a while, derailed, and made other women's stomachs bigger. Don't you need to be responsible?"

Quiet, the scene fell into a deadly silence.

"But that's not your fault." Ji Qian also shouted, "If it's not Chen Yuxin, you don't have that kind of thought in your heart." The implication of Ji Qian is to blame Chen Yuxi for the relationship between the two, indeed, That night, it was almost Chen Yuxin who was "tempting" Ye Shikai, and even when "relationship occurred", she took the initiative. However, to outsiders, that was just an excuse.

"Qian, if you have my child, I'm afraid you don't want me to be so irresponsible." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly.

"Wrong, if I don't know if you will be happy with me, then I won't have a child at all." Ji Qian immediately retorted, "Chen Yuxin is a despicable person, she just wants to" tether "you with the child. . "

"Enough." Ye Shikai yelled suddenly, making Ji Qian suddenly quiet.

"Qian, first of all, I thank you for everything you have done for me, secondly, I am sorry for you, the man you once loved lost you, and finally, please forget me, in the future ... find a good man, don't take yourself It's so tiring again. "Ye Shikai said at the end that his voice was very light. In a few words, he used up his courage. Now he just wants to turn away and leave ...

Ye Shikai trembled and left Yuanshan Villa in a hurry. He did not return to the base of the Hades. The behavior of the ghosts and others really made Ye Shikai feel strange. He didn't really care, but this time they It was Chen Yuxin who was going to be assassinated, and no one had previously told Ye Shikai that if it wasn't for Jayden, Chen Yuxin would be in danger.

Ye Shikai has no time to deal with the ghosts. For now, he needs to deal with a major event in his heart.

It's time to confess to Qingyu.

at home.

The moment Ye Shikai entered the door, he found that there were a few more people in his home, Su Pengzhan, Bai Wufeng, Su Ziqing, and Su Qingyu, and the Su family all gathered.

It seems that Chen Yuxin still tells the story ...

Ye Shikai suddenly felt dizzy. Su Ziqing's eyes were full of resentment, and it could even be said to be gnashing her teeth. In the eyes of the second old man, she was full of sighs. As for Su Qingyu, her eyes were red. It should have been a cry.

"Let's go first and let them both talk." Su Pengzhan saw this and turned to Bai Wufeng.

"Qing Qing, you follow us, too."

"No, I'm going to kill this scum." Su Ziqing picked up the fruit knife, but was easily stopped by Su Pengzhan. She hurriedly pulled her into the room, leaving only Su Qingyu in the living room. And Ye Shikai.

There was never a moment when Ye Shikai felt that he was so far away from her that he felt out of reach even when people were in front of him.

"Pour rain, I ..."

"Miss Chen told me." Su Qingyu stood up suddenly, in a very light and light tone, as if without feelings, Ye Shikai didn't know, and the moment she learned the news, she felt like a knife.

"Qing Yu, I'm sorry ~ ~ Ye Shikai walked quickly to Su Qingyu, but the one who greeted him was a relentless slap.


Ye Shikai didn't go away, his body hurt, and the pain in his heart would not be so deep.

"Why, why." Su Qingyu's face was red, his eyes were red as if bleeding, and his mouth murmured. Finally, two lines of tears still came out, and she couldn't accept the fact, everything came too suddenly She loved too much and pained too much.

Su Qingyu leaned his head on Ye Shikai's chest, and kept beating his shoulders with both hands. Tears quickly wet Ye Shikai's shirt. Unlike the dream, Ye Shikai also cried ...

Many years later, he cried again.



Yeah, why is it that things will change to where they are now. If he had completely cut off from Chen Yuxin at the beginning, if he had lived in peace in the beginning, if he could have set his heart firmly then, do n’t This will happen.

But life, if not.

As the movie line said.

You meet someone who made a mistake, and you want to make up for it and pay it back, only to find out in the end that you have no power to return to the sky. The mistakes you make can never be made up. We can never pay back what you owe. As long as you make a mistake, you are wrong. Can't make up.

The two cried for a long time. From the first time they met, and later they fell in love and entered the marriage hall. Every scene was replayed in Ye Shikai's mind. Now, the memories should be over.

For two full hours, both were hugging and crying, and in the end, their clothes were mostly wet.

"After the child is born, you have to be good to her, and even better to the child." Su Qingyu's tears had dried up, leaving only tear marks. After Ye Shikai heard it, she felt a pain in the heart, and the two finally separated. This is Su Qingyu blessing of.

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