Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 980: Forget about drunk

{} "Xiao Kai, where are you." Ye Shikai took out his cell phone, and heard the anxious voice of Chen Yuxin. This kind of thing happened, and he couldn't find any place to spend time alone, wandering alone in the city.

"I'm outside."

"Let's hurry home, I will cook myself and make dinner."

Come back home.

Did you change your tongue so soon?

In Ye Shikai's mind, there was still that cozy neighborhood, and Su Qingyu, but now he couldn't go back.

The thought of Su Qingyu's staying alone in the vacant room today caused his heart to die, and now she must hate herself, leaving her alone, and what makes other people in Yanjing's business community think about it.

I feel sorry for myself.

"Lower case, are you okay, why is there no sound?"

"Dinner ... I won't go back to eat. You eat it first, pay attention to your body." Ye Shikai hesitated, and said lightly.

"Xiao Kai, do you have anything urgent, tell me quickly."

"It's nothing, you don't have to think about it." Ye Shikai hung up the phone after speaking.

"If you have a car, get a car and go to the location." On the other end of the phone, Chen Yuxin's mood is a bit bad. Ye Shikai's attitude is obviously a bit perfunctory. Maybe she is still sad because of the divorce. She started to burn in anger and she was jealous.

"Homeowner, still ..."

"Go and get the car right away." Chen Yuxin's grim eyes made Chen Ruoya dare not to say much, and immediately made people prepare for the special car. Ye Shikai's mobile phone was positioned, which of course was also done by Chen Yuxin.

"Yes, the owner."

Night bar.

There are usually no people in the bar during the day. It is too "quiet", except for a few bartenders chatting, there is basically no noise, and there is soothing jazz in the bar.

"I'm waiting for you." At this moment, a faint voice came from a sofa in the distance. Luo Shiqi was wearing a red dress, bright teeth and lips. Sip.

"Shi Qi, how do you know that I will come." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly, and the waiter stepped forward and handed a glass of "wine".

Looking at the wine in the glass, Ye Shikai laughed bitterly again. This wine was nothing else, it was "forget about worry". When the two met for the first time, Luo Shiqi made such a glass of strong wine for him, special The taste has made him "unforgettable" so far. More than a dozen kinds of spirits have been blended in special proportions. Most people can drink a glass for half a day.

"It's for you, drink it."

At this time, giving him a cup of "forget worry" is in line with the current situation.

Ye Shikai drank it, and the hot stimulus made him feel like riding a roller coaster. His depressed mood was swept away all of a sudden, and this was the taste.

"Do you know, this cup of forgetfulness, and a name, called borrowing alcohol to dispel sorrow and even more sorrow." Luo Shiqi's mouth rose slightly. "Forgetting troubles is only a moment, and you will be more painful than now."

After Jiu Jin had passed, Ye Shikai felt that his body fell suddenly from the air, and seemed to dive into the abyss of the sea. He would never see the sun. In addition to his empty heart, he was lonely.

Sure enough, Ye Shikai felt even more uncomfortable.

"You tell me this, do you want to count me?" Ye Shikai put the wine glass on the table, an internal force suddenly came out, and the glass wine glass became powder scum instantly.

"I have heard of all of your things. Qingyu has been very sad recently. You should go comfort it." Luo Shiqi leaned back and lay half on the sofa.

"Do you want me to meet her in any capacity, a scumbag who makes a woman's belly bigger?" Ye Shikai laughed at himself.

"It's not that complicated between you and Qingyu. The arrival of Chen Yuxin was just an accident." Luo Shiqi injected him with a deep meaning, and asked seriously, "Do you still love Qingyu."

"Love." I don't know if it was because alcohol numb the nerves, or it was a call from the heart. Ye Shikai blurted out almost without hesitation.

"Then why not go to her."

"Sometimes kindness is also a kind of evil. Now you, if you don't take the initiative to hurt, one day, people around you will be hurt because of you." Luo Shiqi looked at Ye Shikai, who was already lying on the table, a little helpless. This forgetfulness is really "intoxicating".


At this time, the door was slammed open, yes, it was the one that slammed open and hit hard. In Yanjing, who does n’t know, the night bar is where Luo Shiqi is, and who does n’t know this. Empress in the underground world.

A dozen people immediately came in from the door, looking murderous. Chen Yuxin walked in the middle and walked towards the two. The security guard at the bar didn't know what was happening and thought someone was going to hit the scene. Dozens of people also Came to this side, surrounded the Chen family and others, and saw a few confidants around Luo Shiqi ~ ~ immediately took out the sniper gun and aimed at the visitors.

"Take away the gun." Luo Shiqi said lightly. As soon as the words fell, Chen Yuxin had already walked around, staring at Luo Shiqi fiercely, and looked at Ye Shikai who was already lying on the table.

"Yo, Miss Chen came here with great joy." Luo Shiqi is indeed the one who has seen the big world. Even in the face of this situation, she is not shy, and does not even express her inner feelings in words and leisurely.

"I don't know if Miss Chen is here today. What is she going to do? If it's drinking, wait for a while ..."

"Luo Shiqi, you knowingly ask." Chen Yuxin said coldly.

"How do you say that?" Luo Shiqi smiled innocently.

Chen Yuxin didn't care about her, she leaned down and sat up with Ye Shikai's body.

"Xiao Kai, are you okay, Xiao Kai." Chen Yuxin shook his body, but Ye Shikai seemed to be drunk and not awake.

"He's just drunk." Luo Shiqi said lightly.

"Loshi Luo, I know what you are thinking, but I tell you, he is my man. You better not take that idea, your underground queen position, you can sit, but if you have anything wrong If you want to, then you just wait to become a bereavement dog. "Chen Yuxin's voice was very cold, this was a naked threat.

"You let me go." At this time, the person in her arms spoke. Although the voice was very light, Chen Yuxin could still hear clearly. The person who spoke was Ye Shikai.

"Xiao Kai, let's go home, you're drunk."

"Let go." Ye Shikai broke free of Chen Yuxin, holding the table with her hands, her body shaking.

"Are you okay, is Jiujin slowing down?" Luo Shiqi was threatened by Chen Yuxin, but she was not angry at all, and her tone was flat.

"Okay, thanks for your wine."

.. : M.

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