Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 985: Shadow

"It's okay to go, otherwise you will be killed first." Zhao Yanran looked behind him. The huge explosive force not only turned the room into a pile of debris, but also smashed the fire escape between the two buildings. , Completely blocked the pursuit of people.

"What do we do now, back to Yanjing."

"If I go to the airport, I'm afraid I'll go straight to the net." Tang Yun shook his head. "We're looking for a more secure method."

"What method?" Zhao Yanran asked. At this time, Tang Yun handed over a card with the name of a ship on it and a bunch of time.


"Nonsense, or do you have a better way?" Tang Yun glanced at "If you're looking for the Hades, for help, we have already been found before they come."

"Come on, forget it, it's good to be able to survive now, big deal, just squeeze the cabin." Zhao Yanran reluctantly, letting a big beauty squeeze the bottom of the cabin, it seems dark and uncomfortable.

"Your stronghold ... is it safe." After finishing the supplies, Zhao Yanran looked at the safe house where she is now. Although she set off tonight, the killers of the Chen family had a pretty nose.

"It is relatively safe, at least, only I know, but it is difficult to say if they have the ability to find it." Tang Yun has two characteristics when looking for a safe house. One is that it is located in a high-rise building. Escaping, the two sat in a position to rest, as if waiting for the final moment.

"How long have you been in the Chen family." Zhao Yanran fiddled with the pistol, and chatted word by word.

"It's been seven or eight years since I was eighteen." Tang Yun paused and said lightly.

"so long."

"Each of her confidants must be carefully selected, like me, but only one of them."

"Why, does the Chen family have so many confidants privately?" Zhao Yanran asked curiously. "Now it's boring anyway, let me tell you."

"The Chen family is the four major families of Yanjing, and its heritage can be said to be the deepest. Even if I have been in the Chen family for seven or eight years, I understand it is only 70% to 70%."

"The Chen family has an intelligence agency, code-named" Shadow. "

"I haven't heard of Ying." Zhao Yanran thought for a while, and shook her head. She had heard of the Chen family for so many years as a killer, but she didn't even hear the name of this institution.

"Of course I haven't heard it. In fact, even the people inside the Chen family know very little." Tang Yun continued, "This institution belongs to the Chen family's high-level confidentiality, but is always controlled by the owner."

"Looks like you know a lot." Zhao Yanran said with a smile.

"That's it, I don't know the rest." Tang Yun looked up and glanced out the window. "This time we came to kill us, they should be members of" Shadow ", all of which are Yuan Ying period. Even the killer who is out of the game is very strong. "

"No wonder, I can't beat them." Zhao Yanran was a little dissatisfied. Although she was a female stream, she could even fight with Ye Shikai. Even Soul Killer was not her opponent, and wondered who it was. Strong, can end the sub-base of the Hades.

"I was once a member of Shadow, but in it, I just accepted the task."

"Unexpectedly, Chen Yuxin still has such a powerful force, no wonder." Zhao Yanran fell into meditation. If this is the case, would Su Qingyu ... be dangerous?

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Tang Yun waved a wave in front of her, and Zhao Yanran just calmed down.

"Um, it's nothing, do we ... should slip away."

"Almost, let's go."



"Xiao Xin, you're going to buy the mall soon." Ye Shikai looked at the shopping bag in her hands, and some were crying without tears.

"I haven't been here for a long time. Today, you can accompany me out. Of course, I have to be happy." Chen Yuxin pulled Ye Shikai into a clothing store. "Xiao Kai, would you like me to choose a dress for you?" Remember Website URL, bikuge, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this website

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