Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 992: Meet everyone

"You ... did you agree?" Tang Yun apparently didn't respond. Ye Shikai agreed so quickly.

"Well, there is a fate between you and me. As long as you can change the evil, I don't mind." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Thank you." Tang Yun nodded. No matter what, she had nowhere to go. If she really did, it was because Ye Shikai had betrayed the original organization, then Ye Shikai would still be willing to help her. A handful.

"I heard that you and Ms. Su are in a mess, aren't you?" After talking about the matter, Zhao Yanran seemed to have become the position of the original owner of the wedding company, and began to gossip. I didn't even deliberately investigate. In the newspapers these days, there was news that Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin were about to hold their wedding. I am afraid that even the old people who bought vegetables know.

"Well, it's my fault." Ye Shikai voluntarily admitted that "I had a relationship with Chen Yuxin and she is pregnant now."

"Actually, we've known each other since elementary school. At that time ... we were male and female friends."

"I didn't expect that you and Miss Chen had such a relationship." Tang Yun looked at Ye Shikai with an inexplicable hesitation. To this day, if she tells everything, then Ye Shikai can know Chen Yuxin's fierce side. , But what about the child in the womb, and ... what if Ye Shikai becomes more painful because of this matter, just separating from his favorite person has already made him almost depressed, if you hear the news, Wouldn't it be worse?

This is why Tang Yun is so tight-lipped.

"Tang Yun, what's wrong with you, look ... seems strange."

"Um, nothing."

"I will explain to the ghosts. After you get to the Hades, they will not embarrass you." Ye Shikai was relieved because Tang Yun was worried that she would be rejected.

"Thank you."

Jingle Bell.

Ye Shikai pulled out his mobile phone. It was Chen Yuxin's call. He made a "shh" gesture before he connected the call.

"Hey, Xiaoxin, is there anything wrong?"

"where are you."

"Outside ... to eat."

"Xiao Kai, I'm going to Hades in the afternoon. Come with me."

"Ah ... are you so anxious." Ye Shikai was a little dazed and suddenly thought of going.

"Well, it won't be long before we start to go to the ruins. At that time, the members of the Hades are also part of the power." Chen Yuxin nodded, thinking about it, if he would bring Hades to the side, it would indeed be safe. Some, at least if they are in danger, have powerful helpers around them.

"Okay, then I'll be back now." Ye Shikai hung up after she said "It's her phone. I have something urgent, so I'll leave first, and eat slowly."


"Ghost, how much do you know about Chen Yuxin." At the same time, at the base of the Hades, everyone was discussing this new "Master of the Underworld".

"Although the Hades is mainly active abroad, I still hear about Chen Yuxin. At least, she is a smart and capable person." The ghost seemed to say a "nonsense", no skill, can be so young and stable as a homeowner .

"It must not be a good stubble." Desperate soul echoed next to him, and turned to show an awkward expression. "Wasn't we almost killed her when we first met?"

"I'm also curious why Lord Luna would let us do this," Nightmare said in a low voice.

"Did ... she was jealous." Magic Ji blurted out, and everyone turned to look at her, speechless. This was thinking from a little woman's point of view. After waiting for so many years, they finally got divorced, but they were The other woman was "cut off", and she was so jealous that she was prepared to kill her. It seemed ... logical.

But everyone knows who Ji Qian is. She ca n’t do such impulsive things, not to mention that the assassination is not ordinary people. Speaking of them, if they are in Yanjing, the Chen family is stronger than the Hades. a lot of.

"Maybe there are other reasons."

"I heard ... she's ambitious."

"No ruler has no ambition." The ghost interjected directly "except for the boss."

"When the boss and she are coming, anyway, let's resolve the last misunderstanding first." Ghost said to everyone.

"Ghost, you said that if they were married, would they merge the forces of the Hades and the Chen family." The question of the magic girl had just been said, and everyone looked at the ghost like proof, it seems ... they also Concerned about this issue.

"This kind of thing ~ ~ let the boss decide."

Hey, hey, hey.

"They're here." The ghost stepped forward, pressed a few numbers on the screen, and the door on the wall opened suddenly.

"Ahem, Xiaoxin, the last thing was an accident. You won't have any misunderstandings with them because of this." Ye Shikai worried that she would hold on to the last thing, so she took a shot.

"Since it has been explained to me, then I will not say anything, lower case, please rest assured." Chen Yuxin nodded, and as the door slowly opened, the two of them also appeared in front of everyone.


Tianya Group.

"Qin Yu, we have already negotiated with the major suppliers. In addition, President Wang's meeting is scheduled to be at three o'clock in the afternoon." An Lan is reporting to Su Qingyu about her work, but the beauty in front of her has no thoughts. In this office.

"Qing Yu, don't be too sad." An Lan stepped forward to relieved, to be honest, when she heard the news, she was also resentful to Ye Shikai. At first, because she had a crush on Ye Shikai, she almost broke up with Su Qingyu. I didn't expect that this happened just a few months ago, and even now she still feels that everything is dreaming.

"You say how he is doing now, will he be happy?" Su Qingyu looked out the window and muttered.

"He still loves you, and you still love him, right?" An Lan walked to her, comforting softly.

"Well, he came to me. I thought I had let him down, but ... when I saw him again, I realized that I couldn't forget him at all." Su Qingyu said, tears burst into tears. Especially the moment she received the invitation, her heart broke. For her, it doesn't matter who sent the invitation, the key lies in the invitation itself.

.. m.8

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