Pet King

Chapter 994: Fish

Zhang Zi'an finally persuaded Vladimir, telling it that our army's victory was entirely based on the unity of the military and civilians. There was no such thing as Gundam, and he took it downstairs and sat in Wuling Shenguang.

"What is this?" Vladimir asked, watching the assault ship occupying the trunk.

"Oh, that, it's not Gundam, it's an assault boat for the sea." Zhang Zi'an moved the car, fearing that it would be misunderstood again, explaining.

"Going to sea?"

"Yeah, if you are interested, next time I take you to the beach, as long as you don't get seasick."

Zhang Zi'an greeted the shop assistants and drove towards the factory district where Wu Dian lived.

Vladimir jumped up and down in the car restlessly, then jumped to the co-pilot position, and then jumped to the rear end of the car, and even jumped on the dashboard, Zhang Zi'an had to warn it is so dangerous, maybe A sharp brake will hurt it.

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination.

The last time he came to this community, he happened to encounter the rock sand anemone toxin incident, and he has never been there again, but the old community has not changed much, but the greenness is stronger. In the daytime, the factory is mainly retired middle-aged and elderly people. They carry vegetables bought from the vegetable market to cook in their hands, or walk around leisurely with their dogs, or enjoy their grandchildren with their grandchildren. fun.

The guard at the door even knew Zhang Zi'an. When he saw him again, he suddenly became tense and thought that someone in the community had poisoned him again. Zhang Zi'an told the guards not to worry, this time it was just a visit to the customer.

After getting out of the car and locking the car, he took Vladimir into Wu Dian's apartment building, climbed several floors, and came to Wu Dian's house.

After waiting a few seconds after knocking, Wu Diandian hurried to open the door, and at the same time, Zhao Welder's loud voice sounded.

"You said Lao Wu, you are free to worry about nothing! The manager Zhang is so busy, and you let people run around, so you are so uneasy about my old man?"

Wu Dian smiled bitterly at Zhang Zi'an, meaning that you didn't see it. This old Zhao really makes people unable to say, and he's greedy for cheap, but his face is good. Who does n’t suffer?

Zhang Zi'an smiled, followed Wu Dian into the house, and saw Zhao Welder standing tall beside a fish tank, which was a little thinner than a month or two ago. It seemed that the time in the hospital was not good.

In addition to the two old men, there were three children, their grandsons and a young girl who had not seen each, all around the fish tank, staring at the fish in the fish tank.

"Master Zhao, how are you!" Zhang Zi'an greeted voluntarily.

"Yeah, there is a cat!" The three children saw Vladimir at a glance and exclaimed nervously, "Be careful not to let the cat eat the fish!"

"Relax, this cat doesn't like to eat fish." Zhang Zi'an laughed.

"Don't like to eat fish?" Zhao Welder Hong Liang said, "I heard that there are no cats that don't steal fish. This cat is an exception?"

"Lao Zhao! What are you talking about blindly? The boss is very old, and he still says these nonsense all day long ..." Wu Dian yelled, and then laughed at Zhang Zi'an, "Director Zhang, ignore him, this There is no door on people's mouth ... come, sit down and take a break, what drink? Cola? Mineral water? "

Zhang Zi'an waved his hand: "No need to bother, I will leave after a while, I just drank water before going out, and I was not thirsty."

Zhao Welder greeted enthusiastically: "Director Zhang, whether you are here or not, see if these fish are worth special value? Let me tell you, this fish is 8o, this one is only 45, this one is 65 ... "

Zhang Zi'an asked Vladimir to play by himself. He went to the fish tank and looked in through the glass.

I have to admit that Zhao Welder did not make a trip this time and bought a lot of good fish. Some of them are more expensive and rare. Swimming in fish tanks is very eye-catching.

He glanced slightly and saw the bright yellow yellow triangle hanging, the metal goby lying on the fine sand at the bottom of the tank, the symmetrical shape of the upper and lower, which is the moonlight on the head, and the distinctive four belts. Snappers and so on are all brightly colored fishes that look pleasing to the eye.

"Good fish, it's really cheap for you to pick it up." Zhang Zi'an nodded and admired: "The price of these fish is much cheaper than the market price, but some of them are not suitable for polyculture and the temperature required is not endless Same ... you better separate them as soon as possible. "

Zhao Welder was acknowledged by Zhang Zi'an, and he was even more ecstatic, pointing to a few small fish tanks beside him and saying, "I know all these common sense. I took the time to come today because Lao Wu was not attentive to my fish. So many The fish are all packed in a tank. What is this? He doesn't do it, he can only do it by himself. "

Wu Dian asked in confidence: "Director Zhang, take a closer look. Are there any poisonous or dangerous fish in these fish?"

"Dangerous fish ..." Zhang Zi'an glanced across the fish in the fish tank one by one. Because these fish are quite numerous and they are swimming, they don't look very real in haste.

At this moment, the anxious Zhao Welder had started, and he picked up the fish and said, "No rush, no rush, it will be easy when I divide the fish into the tank.

Then, he fished the fish into the tank.

The frightened fish fled, and he seized the opportunity to fish out a fish.

After the fish left the water, they instinctively struggled, twisted their bodies violently, tried to break away from the fish, jumped back into the water, and threw tiny water spots on the faces of the people around them.

Zhao Welder was afraid that the fish would come out of the net during the struggle. Instead of jumping back into the water, it jumped to the ground outside, which is very dangerous. These fish are swimming RMB ~ Make him distressed for a long time.

So he stretched out his other hand to cooperate with the hand holding the fish, raised his palm, and buckled it, so that even if the fish jumped out of the fish, it would be blocked by the palm and would not fall. go outside.

This operation is normal, and people who have raised fish will basically do so.

He fished out one by one, seeing that a blue fish was about to be caught. The fish was very flexible, and it took a lot of effort for Zhao Welder to force it into a corner of the aquarium, and then the fish snapped, took it out of the water, and painted the gourd in the left hand. Try to clasp it with your palm to prevent it from jumping out.

With his actions, Zhang Zi'an's eyes fell on the blue fish. He immediately recognized the type of the fish, and was shocked. He quickly held down Zhao Welder's hand and said nervously, "Master Zhao! Don't do it, it's dangerous! "...

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