Pet King

Chapter 1002: Dare to call Sun and Moon for a new day

During the fierce battle of the three cats Liu Yonghui, Vladimir did not participate, but watched the battle. This reassured Zhang Zi'an, because he knew that Liu Yonghui could not bear the punch of condensing the power of his faith. Direct him into a satellite.

When Liu Yonghui couldn't help it, he fled, and the three stray cats rejoiced in victory. Vladimir didn't mean to be happy, walked seriously, gathered them together, and summarized the success or failure of the war just now, especially criticizing the mustache stray cat's reckless action just offended offense and opportunity. Doctrine mistakes, if it were not for Liu Yonghui's right wrist injury, would probably pinch the mustache stray cat and fall to the ground.

The three stray cats listened carefully and were respectfully taught.

Liu Wenying pulled Zhang Zi'an back a few steps in anxiety and whispered, "These cats are so fierce, wouldn't they be ... crazy cats? Let's not be too close, be careful they will scratch us ..."

Zhang Zi'an did not acknowledge the relationship between Vladimir and himself, but comforted: "Relax, I don't think they look like crazy cats, it may be that Ahui, who usually cheated cats too much, caused resistance from stray cats. . "

Liu Wenying was always convinced of Zhang Zi'an's pet knowledge. After hearing the words, he mostly dispelled most of his doubts.

At this moment, the little white cat lifted the crisis, meowing and walking towards the grass next to it, bowing its head there.

Zhang Zi'an walked over and looked away from the grass to see an adult white female cat lying in the grass with blood on his body.

The little white cat licked and plucked at the female cat and kept sobbing, but the female cat remained motionless and the body gradually became cold.

Zhang Zi'an saw a depression in the back of the female cat, her body twisted in an abnormal direction, and apparently she was hit by a metal bat by Liu Yonghui to the spine, causing her to die on the spot.

"Sin! A cat with cubs ..."

Liu Wenying also followed, seeing this scene can not help but look away, can not bear to look at it again. She is also a mother. The most disappointing thing is the separation of flesh and bones. The original line of sympathy for Liu Yonghui suddenly disappeared.

Fortunately, this little white cat has basically been weaned, otherwise it will be difficult to live outside.

Vladimir and the three stray cats heard the wail of the little white cat, and came over to see the tragic scene. It clenched its teeth, and the green flames in the eyes of Phnom Penh's green eyes were burning.

It took the lead to squat beside the body of the mother cat, and the other three cats squatted down like they did, and lowered their heads as if in silence.

"For the ambition of sacrifices, dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day!"

Vladimir said word by word, placing a front paw on the body of a female cat and closing its unseen eyes.

The other three cats seemed to get infinite strength from their words, raised their heads, and their eyes were full of grief and indignation, which even made Zhang Zi'an tremble.

"You can't just leave the body here, it will infect the germs. I'll get something to pack it, and then find a place to bury it." Liu Wenying sighed.

"I should have a plastic storage box in my car."

Zhang Zi'an walked a few steps, took out a suitable empty storage box from Wuling Shenguang's trunk, and then packed the female cat's body with Liu Wenying and closed the lid.

He meant it to be buried by him, but Liu Wenying insisted on burying it because she wanted to bury it next to Mao Mao's grave so that he and Mao Mao could be companions.

Zhang Zi'an agreed and gave her the storage box.

"I put it back upstairs and waited for lunch at noon to bury it. Moon Moon may be hungry early. There are still a few ice packs in the refrigerator to cool it," she whispered.

"Then you walk slowly, I will go back to the pet store," he said.

"Be careful driving on the road," Liu Wenying nodded.

She walked for a while holding the storage box and heard a sound behind her. Looking back, it was the little white cat who was reluctant to leave her mother, and followed her step by step, but did not dare to lean too close.

After seeing her stop, the little white cat stepped back a few more steps. Just right on the ground was the little fish that Liu Yonghui had thrown away. It walked over and sniffed, regardless of the dust on the little fish, and gorged to eat. .

"Poor boy, is this hungry ..." Liu Wenying crouched down, picked up the remaining dried fish, wiped off the dust, and motioned to him in the palm of his hand, "Come and eat."

The little white cat didn't dare to approach at first, but it might be too hungry, or it might be that Liu Wenying got the smell of the female cat when she cleaned up the female cat's body. After a while, she approached it and licked the small fish from her palm. Go into your mouth and chew it down.

There were only a few dried fish, and he could not fill his stomach at all. After eating it, he even licked Liu Wenying's palms.

Liu Wenying hesitated for a moment, and murmured to himself: "It seems that there is a lot of cat food left at home, and it is a pity to waste ..."

She stood up, walked a few steps towards the door of the unit, and then turned around, now it followed, closer than before.

When she stops, it stops; when she goes, it follows.

"There is no way to follow, this is a public place, anyone can go." She said to herself as if persuading herself.

Then, without looking back, she walked into the unit door without squinting and pressed the elevator button.

The elevator door opened and she entered the elevator and disappeared from the sight of Zhang Zi'an and Vladimir.

But the elevator door didn't close slowly. After the time that it should have been closed automatically, like who pressed the button inside to keep the door from closing.

The little white cat followed the elevator, hesitated for a few seconds, looked back at Zhang Zi'an and Vladimir, and finally entered the elevator carefully.

The elevator doors are closed.

"She is a good person," Vladimir commented.

"There are still many people in the world," Zhang Zi'an echoed.

Vladimir glanced up at him, "but there are many reactionaries."

"Well ..." Zhang Zi'an wanted to explain.

Vladimir interrupted: "The good guys are always the silent majority, while the reactionaries, although only a handful, are as bad as a few pieces of rat feces!"

Zhang Zi'an was speechless, because what he said was completely correct, especially the "silent majority", a term that was too brilliant.

Everyone knows that cat abuse is wrong. Posts on forums all over the place say that cat abuse is always filled with indignation, but when the cat abuse is really real, and it is implemented by a strong man like Liu Yonghui, How many good people can courage to come forward to stop it?

Even Liu Wenying, whom he evaluated as a "good man," did not stop Liu Yonghui on the spot.

"She is acting within her means. A young and middle-aged woman in her forties should protect herself even if she is righteous." He justified Liu Wenying.

Instead of saying harsh words, Vladimir said aloud, "When I came to arrest Communists, I remained silent because I was not a Communist; when they came to arrest Jews, I remained silent because I was not a Jew; when When they came to arrest the trade unionists, I remained silent because I was not a trade unionist; when they came to arrest Catholics, I remained silent because I was a Protestant; when they came to arrest me, there was no one to replace them. I spoke. "

This is a passage in front of the Jewish Memorial in Boston, which has spread widely. Zhang Zi'an also heard that Vladimir's quote here is quite appropriate.

Cat abusers are psychologically distorted. They abuse cats today and may commit crimes against humans tomorrow.

If most good people are silent and watching today's cat abuse incident, they may taste the bitter fruits of their own tiger breeding tomorrow.

Vladimir said: "Based on the observations these days, I have made the following judgment: It is no longer possible to expect humans to reflect on their mistakes and make gentle changes from the top down. Stray cats can only help themselves, Take some more drastic measures and make fundamental changes from the bottom up! "

Zhang Zi'an was stunned for a while, and never said anything about the fundamental changes that it said.

Vladimir waved his claws backwards, called the three stray cats, and introduced him: "They will be the contact points in this neighborhood."

"Contact point? What to contact?" He wondered even more.

"The stray cat was bullied because the stray cat was always scattered, even fighting in the nest, so I want to unite the stray cats." Vladimir said seriously.

The cat has four toes on each paw. It extends one cat's claw, and uses the other cat's claw to block one of the toes of the former, exposing only three of the toes.

"Everywhere there are three stray cats, a meowing branch will be established!" It announced.

He lowered a cat's claw, pointed at the gray cat and said, "It has a stable character and is suitable for being a minister."

It also pointed at Sanhua Cat, "It has a high level of consciousness and is suitable for being a branch secretary."

Finally, he pointed at the mustache stray cat. "It is too young, impulsive, lacks experience and training in struggle, and can only be a branch member and accept the leadership of the other two cats."

The three stray cats raised their heads and accepted their assignment. The mustache stray cat seemed a little unconvinced, as if eager to express himself.

Zhang Zi'an: "..." You know how to play!

Vladimir dispatched the task ~ ~, waving his fist excitedly and said, "Each meow branch is a point of contact, connected by dots and by lines! The countryside surrounds the city and surrounds the center In the end, a net of heaven and earth will be formed, so that the statues of cat gods and cat abusers will fall into the ocean of meow wars! "

"Meow meow!"

"Meow meow!"

"Meow meow!"

All three stray cats screamed with excitement.

Finally, Vladimir's eyes in Phnom Penh's green eyes raised a turbulent turquoise anger, as if to burn everything, said: "I believe that the fire of meowing can be a prairie fire!" ...

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