Pet King

Chapter 1019: Cat stray

Vladimir was in a good mood. Although he didn't know why it was good, Vladimir always felt like he had put a little burden on his shoulders.

After walking for a while, the pet shop had disappeared behind him. It suddenly felt as if something was following itself. Looking back, it was the yellow and white kitten. The mouth was still stained with fish scum from canned cats. He was sticking his tongue and licking his nose and mouth.

"You devil, you are too young to join our team when you are an adult." Vladimir waved his front paws and said, "Go back, don't follow me."

The yellow and white kitten seemed to understand its words and stood still, but as it continued to move forward, it turned around and found that the yellow and white kitten followed.

Vladimir: "..."

"What I am going to do is more dangerous. You follow me. I have no time and energy to take care of you." It said again, "Go back."

The yellow-and-white kitten remained unchanged.

Vladimir is still not very good at interpreting the body movements of cats. Adult big cats are okay to say that such a little ghost ’s body language really does not understand, after all, it is not a real cat and has not experienced the growth process of cats. .

"Don't you know where to go?" It thought and asked, raising its claws to the back. "It's better to go back the same way and find the person who can feed you cans, maybe he will leave you, anyway. There are a lot of cats in his store, and it's not bad for you. "

The yellow-and-white kitten turned to look at it, but still did not move.

Vladimir tried to take a few steps forward, and the yellow-and-white kitten followed.

"Ghost, just don't follow me anymore, I'm going to run, you can't keep up!"

With that said, Vladimir took a brisk brisk stride and flew a long way in a blink of an eye.

The yellow-and-white kitten was still trying to follow it, but the farther and farther it was, Vladimir disappeared from its vision soon.

It stopped suddenly and looked at the surrounding environment at a loss. This is a completely strange place. It is quite different from the slightly familiar South Road of China Road. It is filled with all kinds of scent that makes it tense, and bustling pedestrians from Walked not far away.

"Just say you can't keep up." The voice came from the wall.

Vladimir suddenly appeared again, jumping off the wall, staring at the startled yellow and white kitten and saying, "You are too young and naive to adapt to the complicated situation of struggle."

It looked around. "It's better to go to the side of the road and sell a cute cat to a pedestrian. Maybe someone will fancy you to take you home. Then you will no longer be a stray cat and can live a life of Jinyiyushi." . "

The yellow-white kitten bowed its head.

"What? Will not sell Moe?" Vladimir stared at it silently. "Are n’t cats born to Moe? Oh, I see. You do n’t know what Momo is, right?"

It wanted to solve the problem of the yellow and white kittens earlier, so that it could free up time to do big things with other stray cats, and then waved its paws and said, "Come, come here, I will teach you how to sell cute, although I haven't sold it. But anyway, I see you every day. "

The yellow-white kitten obediently followed him.

Both of them came out of the green belt on the side of the road and entered the sidewalk.

"Come, squat here, it's safer here, theoretically." Vladimir took it to the blind road, pointed to the road and said, "Did you see this special road? This is a blind road, for humans. Blind people may be a little bit safer than other roads. "

Having said that, few pedestrians care about whether they are stepping on a blind road.

The yellow-and-white kitten curled up in a cramped manner, his head shaking with uneasiness as the pedestrian walked.

"Well, you can sell Moe now!" Vladimir pushed yellow and white kittens. "Selling Moe also has to be divided into objects, it is best to sell Moe to young men and women, women are particularly good, don't look at that Middle-aged women who are very savvy and middle-aged men in suits who look ridiculous sell cute, it is good to not kick you. "

Hearing it so serious, the yellow-and-white kitten was even more timid.

"Still not? Well, let me show you." Vladimir was helpless. "Look, I'll just show it once, just once."

It looked around and stared at a young girl who was staring slowly down at the phone, choosing her as the target.

This girl is like an office worker who has just joined the work. She is on her way home from work. She looks pretty, puts her mouth closer to her mobile phone, and complains softly: "This unscrupulous company has worked overtime again today. I really want to work tomorrow. Resign! But after you resign, you will drink Northwest China and have graduated. You don't want to reach out and ask your parents for money ... "

Another woman's voice came from her mobile phone: "Poor boy, go to KTV tomorrow night to sing, and all the other students in the dormitory will also come and get together."

"Hey, look at the situation tomorrow, if you have to work overtime ..." She said halfway, and suddenly saw a cat squatting on the side of the road, the color seemed blue or gray, the lights at night could not see clearly, but it was dark. Department.

"Which cat came out ..." She temporarily canceled the transmission of the voice message and looked around.

There are many rushing passengers around, at least half of them are mobile phones like her, and the remaining half are hurriedly staring with exhaustion, no one looks like a cat.

My girlfriend sent another voice message, and she didn't hear it, guessing that it probably urged her to decide as soon as possible whether to go to the party tomorrow.

She was hesitating. One was hesitating to turn a blind eye to the cat, and the other was hesitating to go to the party tomorrow. She always felt that she was cruel to the weak life.

At that moment, Vladimir lay down on the ground, rolled in place, exposing his soft belly, and waved her front paws, as if she was greeting her to rub her belly in the past.

"Wow! So cute!" Her heart seemed to be hit by a bullet.

Vladimir winked at the yellow-and-white kitten hiding aside, meaning: See? That's how Moe sells! Learn more!

She trot near it, crouched down, tried to reach out her hand, and carefully touched its fur.

"It turned out to be a blue cat, and the hair was quite clean. Did it run out of someone else's house? Come on, did you run out of naughty?"

Vladimir didn't want to be touched by her, but in order to give a demonstration to the yellow and white kitten so that it would no longer follow, and had to bear the burden, try to restrain the urge to pat her hand away.

The girlfriend sent messages to her one by one, but she had temporarily put the girlfriend away from her head, only to tickle the blue cat in front of her.

Vladimir felt that the time was about to go, and waved his paw at the yellow and white kitten next to him to let it come over.

The yellow-and-white kitten stumbled over, but it still didn't learn how to sell cute, just lay down beside Vladimir, and lay down again.

"Well? Is there another kitten? Is it your child?" She asked stupidly and naively.

Vladimir almost laughed at the abs!

The difference in hair color and body shape can be seen as long as the eyes are not blind?

Upon closer inspection, she also found that the two cats were obviously not the same cat.

"Yeah, it seems wrong. Are you all together?" She said with apology, "What a cute kitten!"

She looked at her mobile phone and felt that it was not good to never reply to her girlfriend, and it was not too late, and she wanted to go home early.

"Have you no master? Then ... would you like to come home with me?" She finally determined to ask.

Vladimir hurried to stand up and ran a little farther.

"?" She was a little confused. "You don't want to come home with me?"

Vladimir ran over again, pushing her yellow and white kitten towards her.

"I mean ... you don't want to go home with me, you want me to take this kitten home?" She finally guessed what it meant.

Vladimir nodded, breathing a sigh of relief, saying that the communication that couldn't speak was really tired of him!

She was amazed by the intelligence of this blue cat, but said with regret: "Unfortunately, I just graduated and I was internship in a black heart company ~ ~ It is poor and busy, and I have to work overtime without pay for today ’s vacation. I still do n’t know how to go on the road ... It ’s barely possible to raise a big cat, but I heard that kittens are not easy to raise and need more care, I ’m afraid I ca n’t take care of them ... ”

The meaning was already obvious. If Vladimir was willing to go back with her, she would welcome it, but the yellow-and-white kitten would forgive her.

Vladimir was very disappointed. He just boasted about Haikou in front of the yellow and white kitten, but it turned out to be bad!

It pushed the yellow and white kitten to her again, and wanted to tell her that this kitten was very easy to raise. After all, she was accustomed to wandering. She only needed a few stutters to feed without any extra care.

But she still stood up with her squatted legs, and said sorry, "Come on, try to find a caring host, it is best to have plenty of time, don't be as poor as me ... bye!"

She waved at them, took a few steps, and reluctantly waved back at them, "Bye!"

Vladimir was a little depressed. He was touched for nothing, but he had not achieved his goal, but after all, this could not blame her at all, and she was also limited by objective conditions.

The suffering cat in the whole world is a family, and the suffering people in the whole world deserve sympathy. At least she is not as full of the low-level taste of Little Bourjoia as the woman named Zhao Qi.

So it raised her paw and waved.

She smiled happily, continued to walk towards home, and raised her mobile phone to her mouth, and said, "Hey! Tell you something new. I just met two cats on the road just now, really cute and cute, It's especially smart ... "

Vladimir sighed, and stretched his claws to hold the yellow and white kitten's hair behind his neck to hold it up. Failure, failure is the success of his meowing mother! "

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