Pet King

Chapter 1021: Cat Strays (3)

"Meowing a cat! He's meowing so much in humans!"

Vladimir dragged the yellow-and-white kitten into the green belt half-to-half, and turned east and west to make sure that the "platelet" didn't keep up, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The yellow-and-white kitten choked his tongue, and there was still a little taste of barbecued potato chips on the tip of the tongue. Although he didn't eat it, he just licked it.

Vladimir glanced at it with no need, and said helplessly: "It seems that it is not safe for you to find a rich and free owner to adopt. Most of the rich and free class members are rich landlords. It looks like that person's brain is full of fat just now. So, it is still necessary to have a rich and free progressive person to raise a cat? It is harder to meow than to pick a bone in an egg! "

It made a complaint, felt its discomfort, quickly took a deep breath, and said to himself: "The complaint is too strong to prevent intestinal severance, and the scenery should be long-sighted. A metamorphosis like that will sooner or later die from the people!"

"You devil, you also stand, what kind of person do you want to take you home?" It pushed the yellow and white kitten, and deliberately avoided mentioning the word "master".

The yellow and white kitten shook his head ignorantly, as if he didn't understand what it meant.

No wonder, yellow and white kittens are stray cats at birth, and haven't touched people at all.

To understand this, Vladimir is even more troublesome. He can't stand on the street and confirm the eyes with everyone, in order to meet Zhang Zi'an's "eyes", right? Not to mention the yellow-and-white kitten's eyes are very erratic, look here for a while, look there for a while.

Vladimir was not discouraged, but was anxious because he had made an appointment with other stray cats for the time and place. Although the stray cat's concept of time was doubtful, it did not want to be late.

"Let ’s try again last time. This time, we must be confident. We have money, free time, and progressive people. The first two standards can be lowered properly, but the last point cannot be compromised! In some time, it will be a success! "It formulated this course of action.

But where can such a person be found?

Vladimir was suffering, and suddenly saw a private car parked on the side of the road, and a young girl came out leisurely in the car.

Even if it doesn't know the brand of that luxury car, or the full name brand on her body, it can at least see that the material, workmanship and design of the clothes are extraordinary, and the luxury is perfectly reflected in the dullness, plus her The glittering metal and gemstone jewelry on the fingers and wrists concluded that it must be a rich man.

As the saying goes, "Xiangyouxinsheng", this girl has a good face and a good temperament, at least it does not look like a "platelet" metamorphosis.

She also held a cell phone, but didn't stare closely. Only when she sounded the message prompt, she glanced down and hummed to the next high-level apartment.

Vladimir has scouted the route and knows that this high-level apartment is one of the top apartments in the coastal city. Although not as prominent as townhouses and garden houses, the security measures for this apartment are very strict, if it is not for the residents of the apartment However, it is difficult to get in, and it is specially prepared for the rich who like to live in the city center.

It rushed to the point, dragged the yellow and white kitten towards the younger sister, and had to stop her before she entered the apartment, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Even if this girl is full of low-level tastes of little Bourgioa, she can only endure.

As soon as the young girl stepped on the steps in front of the apartment, a dark shadow suddenly flashed in the corner of her eyes, shocking her, thinking that a bad person had appeared.

However, in fact, only two cats jumped up and down the steps, one big, one small, the big one was blue, the small one was yellow-white, and the blue one was in the yellow-white one. When he can't get up, he always pulls the hair on the back of his neck.

"Oh! What a cute cat!"

She covered her mouth and her eyes instantly turned into star eyes.

Vladimir felt that there was a drama. The girl had a feeling for cats, and then she would see if she was a progressive person.

As soon as it pushed the yellow and white kitten, it signaled that it was beginning to sell cute.

The yellow and white kitten is also experienced. Although I don't understand why I want to sell cute, I still lie down on the ground, revealing a soft belly, and meowing twice by the way.

"How good! What should I do? I really want to touch it!" She was like a child with a toy in front of her eyes, but couldn't play, and was so anxious that she almost cried.

Vladimir was a little puzzled when he heard the words, and he could touch them if he wanted to touch them. Of course, he couldn't touch them for nothing. After touching them, he must take them home. Touching without taking them home is a hooligan!

It can be seen that she was trying to resist the urge to feel it, and she was almost out of control.

She bit her lip tightly and picked up her phone to send a voice message.

"Xiao Xue, I found two cats at the door of my apartment, what should I do? So cute! I really want to touch them!"

Within a few seconds, the phone received a reply.

The voice of another young girl came from the speaker and said succinctly: "Don't touch it!"

"Simply touch it, isn't it?" She didn't give up, she twisted her body and begged, "Simply touch it should be fine, right?"

Another girl replied, "No! Sister Weiwei, you have to be conscious of being an allergy patient! After touching the cat, do you want to be hospitalized again? If you want to touch it, go home and touch the Sisson cat in your house. Think Touch as much as you want! "

Vladimir's heart was half cold. This girl already has a cat at home?

"But I really want to touch it! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah sneeze!" The girl said a sudden loud sneeze, and then rubbed her nose in pain, the tip of the nose seemed to be red.

"Sister Weiwei! Come home! Otherwise I'll call your mother and let her come downstairs to pick you up!" The other girl urged sternly.

"Okay ... okay ... sneeze! Xiaoxue, please don't call! I'll go back!" She said with a strong nose.

"Sorry, kitten cat." She said painfully to Vladimir and the yellow and white kittens. "I like cats very much, but I'm allergic to cats. I can only see and cannot touch them. I want to bring you back if possible Home……"

Then, she took out two cans of cats from her handbag, opened them, and put them on the ground. "Come and eat. If I can see you here tomorrow morning, I will bring you cans again."

This person is also very weird. He is obviously allergic to cats. Why should he bring canned cats with him? It's almost like it was specially prepared to meet stray cats on the road. Maybe as she said, she really likes cats.

She found that Vladimir did not eat canned food, and left both canned foods for the yellow and white kittens, and lamented: "I really take care of my brother as my brother!"

Vladimir: "..." What look do you have?

"You have to be good, be careful on the road, don't get hit by the car ... I'll go first, otherwise Xiaoxue might call my mom ..." She turned around three steps and reluctantly entered the high-level apartment.

The yellow-and-white kitten is small, and the food is not small at all. It may have been hungry before, not only after eating two cans, but also licking the bottom of the cans.

"Eat and eat! Just know it! Don't lick the bottom of the can!"

Vladimir held the fur on the back of his neck and lifted it up. This movement was learned by Zhang Zi'an, because he heard that the area of ​​the cat's neck was very special. No matter how bad the cat was, he would be like a doll as long as he pinched his neck.

Of course, with Fina in the shop, even if a bad cat enters the shop, it will quiet down, so Zhang Zi'an has little chance to use this technique.

One day, Vladimir was on the second floor next door and saw a naughty Abyssinian cat cub trying to slip out of the door while the clerk came in to feed, and the female cat grabbed the cub's back. Neck, pinched it back, and it was as naughty as a baby with ADHD, with its legs hanging softly, as if there was no room for struggle and resistance.

Vladimir was surprised at the time. Why did the pups act like female cats?

Zhang Zi'an explained to him that the area on the back of the cat's neck was very special. Once it was pinched or pinched, it was like being "pointed" ~ ~ making the kitten unable to struggle and move.

As for the reasons, there are various opinions at present, and there is no unified explanation. There are two main schools: one is that there is no nerve in the area of ​​the back neck, which is the so-called "dead meat", and there is no pain sensation whether it is pinched or pinched; The second is to say that this is a special kind of neural reflex, since feline mammals have been born here for millions of years, when the mother's tadpoles are tadpoles, and the cubs have been gnawed, they have conditioned reflexes— "I was stunned. Be honest at this time." It's like babies being held up and shaking while crying will stop crying slowly. It's also a conditioned reflex written in genes.

The former is a traditional old-life statement, while the latter is the presumption of scientific research in recent years, so the latter may be more reliable.

After learning, Vladimir kept this knowledge in his heart. This is the first time that he really tried it tonight. Sure enough, he tried Bailing. When he pinched his neck, he scooped up the yellow and white kitten that was not at ease. , It just obediently moved.

I don't know if there is this special area on the back of the cat **** statue?

I wonder if there is this special area on my back neck?

Vladimir was curious, but after all, he couldn't hold his neck to lift himself up. That was against the laws of nature, so he had to wait for a chance to figure it out later.

"Ghost, there seems to be no way. You don't have to wait for me all the time. Then you can come with me. By the way, if you see the world, it's just a time to educate ..."

Vladimir put the yellow and white kitten on the ground, poked its forehead gently with the tip of his claws, and then looked up to see the height of the moon. It is not too late, and he decided not to continue to rub with the yellow and white kitten. We must quickly join forces with the large army.

Genius remember the address of this site in one second :. Mobile reading URL: m.

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