Pet King

Chapter 1028: Actually I am an actor


Xiaoxue doubted her ears and thought that she had heard it wrong-Jin Er would actually ask her for help?

How can she help Jin Er?

But Jin Er didn't seem to be joking, and intuitively told her what might be going on inside, so he agreed without hesitation. As for his mother ... Anyway, she was jailed all day long, and it was almost one time.

Not only was she, Kuroko was also very surprised, but he held back and didn't ask, but squatted down and looked at the rice bucket with interest, and asked, "Jin, this is the dog you told me?"

Jin Er was refreshed and proud to say, "Oh, yes! I took a lot of effort to train this dog!"

Don't look at the large size of the rice bucket, and like to lie in the nest. If you are not familiar with outsiders, you may be a little bit entangled. You can't figure out the current situation.

"It's pretty good. I can't tell you that you have the patience and ability to make a difference, Jinzi!" Sunspot was completely deceived by the disguise of the lunch bucket at this time, and he couldn't help but praise him.

Jin Erxin was full of energy and described with jealousy how he trained the dog effectively, packed himself as a dog trainer, and stunned the sunspots.

However, while saying these words, Jin Er could not stop expressing winks at Xiaoxue, meaning-people will not tear apart!

Xiaoxue smiled a little, Uncle Jin's face was still to be given, and at this time she helped him cover it up, maybe he would give back to him in the future.

"Ah! Hey! This dog is really obedient! Just don't know what will happen when faced with danger ..." Kuroko tried to pat the back of the neck and head of the rice bucket and found that the dog did not do anything overly aggressive The reaction was very docile.

In a sense, it is a bit too docile ...

"Relax! It's not me bragging. If it weren't because I was here, you wouldn't be able to touch it at all. Call me at first, as a warning. If you dare to approach it again, you will bite and not let up!" Jin Er His face bragged.

Xiao Xueqiang resisted laughing and didn't speak.

"Really?" Kuroko still had some doubts. He does n’t understand dogs. Recently, he wanted to buy a dog. Usually Jin Er always drank dogs in the circle of friends. He always bragged about how well he trained his dogs. So he thought Jin Er was an expert. Old classmate, the second is to ask Jin Er to help choose a dog.

He listened to Jin Er's blows, but the dog felt to him that there was always something wrong ... the problem was in his expression.

His expression impressed him as a comic comedian, not an action film tough guy claimed by Jin Er, as if pointing at Guo Dagang to say that it was Jason Statham, except for being bald.

Jin Er could keep Xiao Xue silent, but he forgot that there was still a cat present at this time.

Regardless of the set, Snowball has faced the repeated provocations of the rice barrel. It has been intolerable, and has been twisting his body in Xiaoxue's arms. When Xiaoxue smirked and hurt quickly, and his arms were slightly loose, it suddenly exerted its strength She slipped in her arms and waved a paw at the bucket!

Although the rice bucket is repeatedly defeated, it is also a battle-hardened experience. It has already cultivated a strong nerve and a keen intuition. The body moved before the thought, and the bow jumped slightly, and it throbbed with his tongue. Mido, Kankan escaped this claw!

The sudden turn caught all three in the room.

Xiaoxue exclaimed!

Kuroko also worried about Snowball from the beginning, and said that the dog was so fierce, don't kill the cat, otherwise how sad should the little girl be? In addition, he was worried that Xiao Xue would desperately rescue the cat, and as a result she was bitten by the dog.

To his surprise, after exclaiming, Xiao Xue actually said guiltily to Jin Er: "Uncle Jin, I'm sorry, it jumped out by itself ..."

Jin Er's face was iron-blue.

what's the situation?

Kuroko was stunned by the turn of the plot.

Then, a cat and a dog started a crazy chase on this site, but it was not the dog that he imagined chasing the cat and biting it, but the cat chasing the dog and clapping, scratching, and scratching!

Under the attack of a combination of boxing punches, the rice bucket scrambled and tried to drill behind Jin Er with his tail, and even the bow tie was ripped off by a snowball.

Jin Er roared: "Rice bucket! You guys, please carry me back!"

Xiao Xue chased behind the snowball, "Snowball! Snowball! Almost on the line!"

She managed to catch up with the snowball and hug it in her arms again. It still showed the tiger's teeth intimidation, but it finally lifted the danger of the rice barrel.

Kuroko: "... Second Jin, can you explain to me, what is the situation? Say good Schwarzenegger, how did you become Mr. Bean?"

Jin Er was bitter and bitter. If I knew it early, I wouldn't advise Xiao Xue to stay. Wasn't the image of the hard-working dog-taming master ruined once?

The rice bowl whimpered and arched his head over his master's leg, indicating that he was very injured ~ ~ for chicken leg comfort.

Jin Er can't wait to kick it into the artificial lake, but it has no effect on the thick and thick skin, and it will have no effect at all. It is only after taking a bath, eating hungry and eating more ...

"Well ..." He coughed, patted the top of the rice bucket, and explained calmly: "In fact, it is an actor. Today, it is an impromptu bully bully woman-of course it plays the role of a civilian girl. I'll show it to a bully role the other day, even if it's a killer! "


Do you still kill the bully? Is this Nima the bully who met the heroine?

He took off his sunglasses and glared, "Jin Jin, you really treat me as a mental retardation? Fool me once, it's the fault; Fool me twice, it's the fault! Do you think you can continue to blind me?"

Jin Er was embarrassed and said with a few laughs: "Do n’t you see that, am I kidding you? The old classmates haven't seen you for a long time, just make a joke to activate the atmosphere ... haha!"

Even more embarrassing than Jin Er is Xiao Xue. She feels that she can't help Uncle Jin. She didn't manage the snowball and made Uncle Jin shame in front of her old classmates.

Kuroko raised his finger to Jin Er's face. "Jin Second Brother, if you do this again, I will leave! Don't say that we are classmates in the future!"

Jin Eryi saw that the old classmate really wanted to turn his face, and quickly said something good to ease the atmosphere: "Don't don't do it! I'm really joking, plus a little ... good face. In fact, I'm really trying to train this dog, But helpless to choose the wrong breed, this dog is really frustrated. No matter how I train it, it looks like a second-rate man ... The cow has blown out. What can I do? "

Kuroko is still dubious.

Xiao Xue testified from the side: "Uncle Jin did work very hard, but ... he could only give up treatment later."

This book comes from

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