Pet King

Chapter 1030: Referral

After listening to Kuroko's story, Xiao Xue vaguely guessed the purpose of Jin Er asking her to stay—although she didn't know much about dogs, she did know someone who knew dogs well.

She admires Kuroko's courage. Not everyone can give up the company he founded, and then go into the wilderness alone.

The kind of person that Kuroko says has a lot of money and wants to make more money makes her think of her father. Her father can't understand Jin Er's idleness, and it's even impossible to understand such a risky person like Kuroko. This is the so-called difference between the two.

She remembered that Jin Er told her before that being rich didn't make her superior, but being rich could provide more choices in life, so that she didn't have to toil for life like other people all day, and could make her not Do what you want with worries.

If she was born in an ordinary family, she was either studying or working at this time, and probably never got involved with the live broadcast.

It's nice to be rich!

Jin Er knew in advance that the sunspot was coming. He wanted to earn face in front of his old friend, but he would not pit old friends because he wanted to earn face, so he left Xiaoxue, even if the rice bucket earned his face, when the sunspot asked him for advice. When choosing a dog, he will also make excuses for Xiaoxue to bring the sunspot to choose a dog. He will not pretend to be an expert, because he knows the dangers, and when he can pretend and when he cannot, he knows clearly.

Sunspot touched his face and explained to Xiaoxue, "Although my nickname is Sunspot, it wasn't so dark before. It was tanned in the wild for the past two years."

"Come on, you used to be so dark, you often couldn't find you when you slipped out of school to eat food stalls in the middle of the night." Jin Er rolled his eyes and narrowed.

"Nonsense! I haven't been so dark before, okay? Maybe a little whiter than you!" Kuroko countered.

"Why isn't my nickname a sunspot?" Jin Erxi laughed.

You and I argued with each other who was darker before, but no one could produce evidence because they didn't leave many photos at that time.

The diners watched them screaming loudly, and they followed the wolf howling for a few moments.

Xiaoxue laughed secretly at seeing the temper of these two people like a child, but this also proved the friendship between them from the side.

After a bit of quarreling, they finally found that no one was arguing and could not win. They could only let Xiaoxue look at the joke and pull the subject back awkwardly.

"In short, you let me run for nothing, and you have to compensate me for my mental loss. How do you say that?" Heizi held Jin Er, "If not, you can run with me a few times in the wild, even if we are between Evened out."

If it is Jin Er, although it is against the original intention of a single person to survive in the wilderness, and it cannot play a complementary role, at least the sunspot can completely trust him, which is the second choice, and there is no need to find another dog.

Jin Er is envious of the free and easy way of sunspots, and sometimes wants to learn **** them completely, but he can't help but forget the difficulties of starting a business, and he can't bear the company he founded. Besides, many people in the company still expect him to eat, if he sells the company Some people may be laid off and lose their jobs. At most, he can only hide behind the scenes in his current state, not participate in daily operations, and only occasionally show up when the company encounters major decisions.

He knows himself, and his physical condition is not as strong as the sunspots. If it is okay to say a few years in advance, it is too late to learn rock climbing, rafting, and diving at this age. Following the sunspots to survive in the wilderness will only drag the sunspots.

Jin Er waved his hand, "I can't do it anymore, I can only shout 666 for you in the circle of friends. But, I definitely won't give up and let you run for nothing ... In fact, before you come, I will I have already thought about it. Although I do n’t know dogs, and I chose the second product that I ca n’t eat or eat, I know someone can help you. ”

Then, he pointed at Xiao Xue.

"She?" Heizi was surprised. Although people can't look good, Xiao Xue doesn't look like a dog expert.

"Does your family have a dog?" He asked tentatively.

"Haha! No! Where did you want to go ..." Xiao Xue laughed. "Uncle Jin means, let me help you introduce a dog expert, and I happen to know such a person."

"Oh ..." Kuroko understood, but still not quite assured. "Is this expert you know reliable? You know, in the wild, dogs are basically my half-life. Don't choose any one."

He glanced at the rice bucket. "Especially this is not an option."

The bucket did not care about the contempt he was subjected to. How many chicken legs did the contempt worth?

"Haha! Rest assured, even if it is on Uncle Jin's face, I will recommend you a very reliable expert, at least he is very reliable in pets, and will definitely help you choose a suitable dog! "Xiao Xue said with confidence.

"Is that so good?"

Kuroko is half-believing ~ ~ suspecting that there is a bragging element, after all, he and Xiaoxue only met for the first time.

"Well! Have you heard of the dog who won the film at the Berlin Film Festival? The person I introduced to you is the one who trained the dog!" Xiao Xue talked about taking off Mas, and felt for him proud.

Kuroko was shocked, and then seemed to remember something, saying suddenly: "Oh! I have heard that dog, read related news, and vaguely remember that it was indeed Binhai City. At that time, I still wanted to be with Jin Jin I was in the same city, but I did n’t plan to buy a dog at that time, and later I forgot about it ... as soon as you said it, I remember it! "

Xiaoxue laughed: "Yes! The owner of that dog is the owner of a pet shop, and it happens to be familiar with me, so Uncle Jin just asked me to accompany you to this shop to choose a dog, right?"

Jin Er nodded, "Yes, if I just want to choose an ordinary pet dog, I won't bother you, let him buy it on his own, but this dog is vital to him, so I I want to ask you to accompany him personally. "

Being able to leave the villa area for a legitimate reason to play outside, Xiaoxue certainly wanted it.

"But, my parents ..." she hesitated.

After so much delay, it is estimated that my mother has entered the violent mode, and once you enter the door, it is a scolding.

"Rest assured, let me tell your parents." Jin Erpai patted his chest.

"Great! Let's go!"

Xiaoxue was afraid of night long dreams, and she looked back uneasily in the direction of home, and hurriedly urged to leave, otherwise if her mother went out to find him, she would not be able to walk.

When she and Kuroko got into the car and left the villa area, Jin Er then sighed and scratched her head. She came to Jiang Tianda and said that she might be killed, or she would call and finish Jiang Tiandala.

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