Pet King

Chapter 1036: Jianghu Langzhong

In front of Xiaoxue and Sunspot, Zhang Zi'an inconveniently asked Vladimir.

There are many people near the dog market, many bicycles, many electric bicycles, and many people are riding tricycles. The traffic jam is extremely serious. Zhang Zi'an parked his car at the door of a nearby shop, and the three got off together with Vladimir.

Xiaoxue and Kuroko are still looking around in surprise, but the stray cats did not run into the dog market or gathered in a fixed place, but scattered around the dog market, each looking for a place to hide.

Because there are many stray cats and dogs and other stray animals near the dog market, people living near them are not as surprised as they are, and they don't even notice this.

Moreover, these stray cats didn't seem to know Vladimir, and they poke from the walls and roofs near them, without stopping to pay attention to it.

This is the most significant difference between Vladimir and Fina. Vladimir is really like an ordinary cat.

However, Zhang Zi'an was very frightened, because it proved that these stray cats were well-organized, and the upper and lower levels were basically connected by a single line, with the help of a secret code. Torture and confession will not cause fatal damage to the upper levels of the organization ...

Of course, this is definitely thinking too much, who will torture stray cats to force information?

Zhang Zi'an would like to ask Vladimir what it is planning, but no matter what, since the dog market is here, at least Xiao Xue and Sun Zi must be resolved.

The last time they came to live in the dog market caused a lot of repercussions. Even local news reports intercepted Xiaoxue ’s live video, exposing the chaos in the dog market to the general public, and causing law enforcement departments such as industry and commerce, taxation, and urban management. Note that several joint law enforcement operations have been carried out on the dog market, focusing on cracking down on unlawful acts of traitors and kidnapping, which has alleviated the chaos on the dog market to a certain extent.

However, the freezing of three feet is not a day's cold. The chaos in this three-irrespective zone has a long history, and market law enforcement departments cannot be resident here. Once or two, the street vendors have started a guerrilla war with the law enforcement department-you come, I'll run, you go, I'll come back.

Therefore, the situation in the dog market is better than before, but it is still not in order, and it takes more time and patience to thoroughly manage it. However, chaotic order is not necessarily all bad, at least some people can buy less legal pets from here.

Sunspots rarely come to this place where the next few streams are gathered. The variety of pets around him makes him dazzled, everything is fresh, and his eyes are almost enough.

Xiao Xue revisited after a few months, and she had another sigh-maybe it was still messy, but at least there was no cruel behavior of selling dyed chickens at the door.

Zhang Zi'an pays attention to the movement of Vladimir, but it seems to be completely immersed in the process of visiting the dog market, but only occasionally looks up at the sky, as if waiting for the opportunity.

"Let's make it, please make it!"

The three men and one cat are side by side. From left to right are Vladimir, Zhang Zi'an, Xiaoxue and Sunspots, occupying the not so spacious road space in the dog market, and in order to fulfill the host's duty, let Sunspots be able to Browsing, they walked slowly, and behind them sounded urging to excuse.

They instinctively left and right, and cleared a path to let the anxious person pass first.

The man in the back held an iron cage containing black and yellow puppies, crawling ignorantly on a straw mat, small in size, as if he had just been born, without even opening his eyes.

"Well? Mr. Manager, what kind of dog is this?" Xiaoxue pulled Zhang Zi'an's sleeve after the man passed, and asked curiously.

Zhang Zi'an also noticed that netizens with quick mouths in the live broadcast room first issued a barrage-"It's Rottweiler! Good luck, Rottweiler is a great guard dog!"

Xiaoxue glanced at the barrage and asked, "Netizens said it was a Rottweiler, right?"

"Yes." Zhang Zi'an answered affirmatively.

Kuroko's eyesight was good. He saw a barrage from Xiaoxue and asked, "Can Rottweiler be a guard dog?"

"Yes, but these dogs were just born, they were not weaned, their eyes were not open, some were too small." Zhang Zi'an replied.

Heizi heard a bit of regret, but instead of giving up, he said, "Let's ask where did he buy it, maybe he can buy a bigger Rottweiler?"

"Good idea," Xiao Xue agreed.

"It's okay to ask, but I think ... that person is a dog breeder and a dog seller." Zhang Zi'an said his own judgment. When the man passed by his side, he smelled a strong smell, a taste that can only be experienced by people who frequently contact many dogs.

He and his staff also have such a taste, but it is relatively mild. After all, the pets in his store are mainly cats ~ ~ Isn't that right? go! Heizi said happily, "It's really nothing to break through the iron shoes, no effort is needed!" Good luck, just met the right moment when you came to the dog market! "

Zhang Zi'an waved his hand, "Don't ask the past, let's look at the situation before I say-I'm wondering what he brought such a small dog to the dog market, basically nobody buys such a small dog, and in the dog market It can also be transmitted. "

He said this, Xiao Xue also wondered, indeed those puppies are too small, sold too early as pets, customers are not fools, it is easy to die if you buy such a small dog, especially in a dog market that will not sign a guarantee contract .

Zhang Zi'an winked and greeted the other two cats with him, pretending to be indifferent, and quietly following the man.

The people in the dog market came and went, and the person didn't notice that someone was following him, carrying the iron cage to squeeze through the crowd, came to a booth, and let go of the iron cage, saying, "Monk, do me a few more article."

This stall looks very different in the dog market, because there are no pets or pet supplies on the stall, but a long table is covered with a tarpaulin, and there are stainless steel knives flashing cold.

The owner of the stall was sitting on a chair, wearing a dirty white coat, and was a bald middle-aged man.

He glanced up at the other person, seemingly familiar to each other, and lazily pointed at the QR code hanging at the table, saying, "Pay first."

The puppy's owner snorted, "Monk, I say you're a little bit under your hands. This time it's Rottweiler, it's expensive, don't get infected like Schnauzer last time!"

The monk gave him a blank look and said coldly, "If you are afraid, go to a regular pet clinic outside, but you are too expensive ... and it must be cheap and safe. Why is it so good?"

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