Pet King

Chapter 1038: eye contact

Don't look at just a wild stall on the dog market. The business of this bald man who is not licensed to practice medicine is quite prosperous. Soon, someone will bring him cats and dogs to sterilize him. Of course, the fees are much lower than regular pet clinics.

The sterilization operation does not have much technical content, even the Snow Lion can do it, but after all, regular clinics have to pay the rent, water, electricity, labor and other expenses, which is incomparable with this roadside wild stall.

Zhang Zi'an also knew for the first time that this was still being done in the dog market. It hadn't been there the last time. It also proved that China's pet industry is indeed growing rapidly.

The bald tourist doctor is also open to people, and clearly tells the person who is looking for surgery what kind of price corresponds to what kind of service. If you suspect that his technology is not good or the site is not clean, you can spend more money to find a regular clinic. Do, want to spend less and want all kinds of satisfaction, where is such a good thing?

He took out a few very thin rubber holsters, inserted them with special tweezers, forcibly extended the rubber holster, dipped it in alcohol, and wiped the puppies' tail with alcohol a few times. Thread into the holster and pull out the tweezers.

The rubber rebounds, tightly hoops the tail root of the puppies, prevents blood circulation, and disinfects the tail root every day. After about a week or two, the tail will fall off due to muscle necrosis and the wound is small. As long as disinfection measures are in place, it is basically not necessary. There is a danger of infection.

Zhang Zi'an introduced to Xiaoxue and Sunspot: "This method is called ligation and shedding. It is suitable for newborn cubs. If they are born more than a week, their tail nerves will develop and they will feel severe pain, but the dog is too small to fight With anesthesia, you cannot use this method to cut tails. You must wait until the dog is at least three months old, and use the circumcision method with anaesthetics to perform tail cutting. The circumcision method has higher requirements for surgery. It is estimated that this roadside wild stall There will be some danger. "

It was ligated and cut, and male netizens in the live broadcast expressed their pain, because these two methods seemed to be used by ancient eunuchs to clean up ...

The bald traveling doctor who was operating seemed to hear his words, looked up at him in surprise, thinking that he had encountered his colleagues.

Rottweiler's owner waited for several puppies to put rubber holsters on their tails, so he sat up with satisfaction and planned to leave.

The sunspot was unstoppable and immediately greeted him and asked, "By asking, can you sell Rottweiler?"

The man froze and nodded, "Sell! Why, you want to buy?"

"Well, are there any bigger ones? These are too small." Kuroko nodded.

"Yes! Come with me! My Lovinat is great, some are big, some are small, it's not far from here, just a few steps away, let's take a look and you're satisfied!"

The man said enthusiastically that grabbing Kuroko's arm would pull him.

Kuroko's clothes fit snugly, and he wore a conspicuous brand-name watch on his wrist. At first glance, he looked like a rich man.

It is not uncommon for rich people to come to the dog market. After all, some illegal pets can be bought here, such as Lin Qi, Xiaoxue's distant relative, who planned to buy wild ocelots or serval cats.

Of course, for such people who have a lot of silly money, they cannot be turned away.

Zhang Zi'an coughed and winked at the sunspot, begging him not to follow.

Sunspot is savvy, otherwise he would not be a business elite. When he saw Zhang Zi'an's wink, knowing that it might be tricky, he patted the man's hand calmly, and laughed, "I still have something, leave me a Contact us. "

The man showed disappointment, but repeated invitations were steadily rejected by the sunspots. In the end, he could only add WeChat friends to each other, and then left in a hurry.

After the man left, Kuroko asked, "Director Zhang, is there a problem with that person? Or is that person's dog having a problem?"

Zhang Zi'an shook his head. "I don't know this. I wink you because he wink at me."

Then, he pointed to the bald doctor.

"Ah?" Kuroko was surprised.

In fact, Zhang Zi'an was also very surprised. After all, he and the bald travel doctor met each other for the first time. Why did the bald travel doctor give him a wink to remind him?

Just now, the owner of Rottweiler invited the sunspots to see the dog with himself. Zhang Zi'an had nothing to object to, because Rottweiler was indeed a qualified guard dog. It would be good to follow along. The request of Yuki and Kuroko. However, he suddenly noticed that the bald tourist doctor stopped his work and frowned at him, and he immediately noticed that there was something wrong.

The bald travel doctor gave another wink, telling them not to go there until he finished the sterilization operation in his hand.

Zhang Zi'an knew, knowing that he didn't want others to know what had just happened, otherwise he would disrupt others' business and easily offend people.

So, he deliberately took the sunspots and Xiaoxue around, and then turned back to the bald tourist doctor, pretending that the customer was asking about the price of the operation.

The bald travel doctor just took a break ~ ~ Opened the thermos cup and drank a few sips of tea, looked up and down Zhang Zi'an, and said, "Director Zhang of Qiyuan Pet Store?"

Zhang Zi'an hesitated. "Have we met before?"

"You haven't seen me, but I have seen you on TV." The bald tourist doctor grinned. "You are a celebrity now. How many people in Binhai City have never heard of you in pets? Three days and two heads Although they are all local TV stations, they are also very good. "

Xiaoxue also listened with honors and gave him a thumbs up.

Zhang Zi'an touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that he was so famous before he knew it.

"Just now ..."

The bald tourist doctor interrupted him, "I gave you a wink just now, because that person's reputation is not good. If you go with him, it is not easy to get out of the wallet without a little blood."

Zhang Zi'an frowned. "You mean ... he forced to buy and sell?"

"That's not it?" Bald Youyi smiled. "If you don't believe it, you can go to the stall next to you and ask them if they dare to tell the truth. When they come to buy Rottweiler, that person will Pull you to his house with great enthusiasm. In fact, his house is not close to this place. In a nearby village, he has several Lovina and other big dogs. When you enter his yard, he Just close the door and pull the dog out to block the door. Don't leave without paying. "

Zhang Zi'an checked the words and thought that he was telling the truth. Such a trick is actually quite common. For example, in the previous computer city, it was absolutely miserable for Xiaobai to buy a computer. If he finds that he wants to return it, there are several Biao-shaped big Han groups came around, there was no reason at all, and finally the reputation of Computer City was completely stink.

A few adult rottweilers are more deterrent than a few tough men.

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