Pet King

Chapter 1045: This is human sunset

Except for some of the Meow Branch ministers who were close to Vladimir, ordinary stray cats heard its declaration for the first time. They were shocked and stunned, and the scene was breathless.

Indeed, many of these stray cats have suffered different forms of human abuse, such as being driven by adults, throwing stones by bear children, and even some cats have been poisoned by eating poisoned rats, but there are also good human feeds They have complex feelings of love and hate towards human beings. Whether they are love or hate, they are directed at certain individual human beings. They have never considered human beings as a whole to be examined.

How is it possible to drag humans down the throne of the ruler of the earth? Humans are so powerful, they also have a lot of terrible war machines, and they are opposed to humans by the power of stray cats.

After being shocked, the stray cats finally returned to their hearts, and there was a loud noise in the field.

Vladimir, without fear, said loudly: "Before humans, there were many species that once ruled the earth, but what? But the cycle rate of the dynasty's rise and fall is just that! Alas, its death is also abrupt! Humans will not always be the masters of the earth. Now that they have passed the sky, they have begun to turn from prosperity to decline, and the slaughter of human beings with each other, and their contempt for other species, is precisely their decline. Symptoms are a great time for our stray cats to replace them! "

Stray cats are another commotion, but this time it is not so panic, because what Vladimir said is what they have witnessed, they have witnessed the cold-blooded murder between people in the middle of the night, witness The cruel and abusive treatment of cats is something that no beast can do. Most beasts will not bite the same kind of dead, but humans will.

Therefore, their confidence increased greatly, and they felt that Vladimir might be right.

"Human beings seem to be powerful, but human beings also have weaknesses and shortcomings. The biggest weakness is that they are arrogant, arrogant enough to think that they are invincible, that nothing can shake their rule-I tell you, this is a big mistake. Incorrect!"

It lifted a cat's claw and pointed to the western **** sun.

In the near evening, the dark clouds of black ink are condensing in the northwest direction, so that the sun dims at a speed visible to the naked eye. The village shrouded in sunlight is half-bright and half-dark. The building lengthens the shadows and the barking of the dogs becomes more harsh.

Pairs of cat eyes gradually lit up in the open space, with pupils as round as a full moon and bright stars.

"This is the sunset of human beings! The night is coming, this world is the world of our stray cats! We will definitely win the final victory, because our cause is justice, and the justice cause is unbreakable by any enemy!"

This is the time it has been waiting for, using the cover of the night and the night to start a raid on stray dogs and evil dogs wandering nearby.

"Today, we are going to take a small test with stray dogs. These stray dogs often bully fellow stray cats nearby, and several dogs frequently hurt and kill cats!"

Vladimir winked, and stray cats brought by the black-eared black cats. They either had one ear or half of their tail missing, or a piece of fur on their body was scratched and not healed, and some injuries even Deeply visible bone.

"Look at your compatriots, the scars on them are masterpieces of stray dogs and evil dogs!"

When the cats saw the tragic situation of their compatriots, they couldn't help filling out their indignation, rubbing their fists and fighting.

When Vladimir saw that the mobilization was almost finished, he clenched a front paw tightly and said sternly: "We cannot watch our fellow men being bullied! Blood debts must be paid by blood! Without surrender, let them perish!"

The morale of the cats has been motivated to the apex, and their anger has masked their fear of the evil dogs. Now they just want to surge up and avenge the claws and fangs on the wicked dogs who have killed their fellow citizens.

The big orange jumped enthusiastically to supplement Vladimir's speech. It stated that these stray dogs and evil dogs were human stray dogs, but the stray dogs were more pathetic. Human rabbits and dead dogs abandoned them and could be generous. Deal with it, and the evil dogs are willing to fall, still being directed by human beings to act as tigers, be sure to see them!

The time has come, Vladimir gestured decisively to the big orange, short-haired white cat, and gray-white soft-eared cat. The three of them immediately led their men to leave, and quietly proceeded to the village in three ways.

The black-eared cat led some sterilized cats, and the stray cat with a milder personality also set out later, and was responsible for leading the injured stray cat to evacuate the battlefield safely.

Soon, there were only a few stray cats left in the open space. Except for Vladimir, the remaining ones were specially selected ~ ~ They are light and alert, and they are both guards and meows. It is also a communication meow. On the one hand, it stays here to protect the headquarters. On the other hand, it assumes the task of transmitting information. It relays the battle situation on the battlefield to Vladimir in time, and sends Vladimir's orders to the battlefield.

Vladimir does not need the protection of other cats. He wants to participate in the battle in person, but the purpose of this battle is to train soldiers. Only by training a skilled soldier who has been baptized with artillery can he become the backbone of humanity.

It squatted on the high ground, squinting its eyes to observe the village's terrain silently, and then used the claw tip to draw a map of the village on the ground. The vertical and horizontal gullies represent roads, small stones instead of houses and buildings, and three arrows indicate the main attack of the Three Route Army. direction.

Communication Meow worked hard between the command and the battlefield ahead, bringing the latest news of the situation. Based on these news, Vladimir erased the original arrows and re-drawn new arrows. Whenever a bad dog The stronghold is overcome, and it will throw away the corresponding small stones with relief, and then make a cross there.

Its eyes swept across the whistling faces of the meows of the communication. In the back and forth, their faces and bodies were covered with a layer of dust, their limbs and claws were not so dirty, but their eyes There is a firm light shining in it, a determination to be willing to dedicate to the cause of justice at any time.

The map is very simple, but it doesn't matter. It was originally a team from poor meowers. It was a team from mud legs. They had no chariots, no aircraft cannons, and even if they only had small fish and rifles, they would be the last. Victory!

Vladimir looked at the sunset that was about to be swallowed by clouds, and smiled and hummed the song learned from the old tea television.

"The sun on the west is about to set, and the end of humankind is coming! Bounce my beloved earth lute and sing that touching song ..."

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