Pet King

Chapter 1048: 1 bag small dried fish

A bag of shabby dried fish may be dismissed by domestic cats in Jinyiyu food. They only sleep on the latest smart cat nests and eat only the best canned cats. The owner ’s Simmons bed is also open to them at any time. .

However, for these lonely stray cats, dried fish is tantamount to the most luxurious Manhan table!

Stray cats occasionally turn from trash bags to dried fish thrown by humans and collect them as treasures. They want to eat the deliciousness of this world immediately, but they know that some cats need dried fish more than they do!

In this way, the precious dried fish were sent to the black-eared black cat, and the accumulation was small, and it was responsible for comforting the wounded and warriors on the battlefield.

Even if it was just a smell of dried fish, the injured cat seemed to have forgotten the pain and recovered a little strength.

It struggled and moved, and used a forelimb to force the dried fish back again, meaning: I'm fine, leave the dried fish for other cats to eat.

The black-eared black cat resolutely plucked the dried fish to its mouth, meaning: Don't be polite, eat the dried fish, heal the wounds, and the cause of justice needs your strength!

The injured cat could no longer excuse it. It drank the dried fish into its mouth with tears. Although the dried fish was covered with a lot of dust and sand, it was still delicious.

No, this dried fish is the best dried fish it has ever eaten, because it also contains the fists of the comrades in arms!

The shredded dried fish fell into its stomach and was melted by the gastric fluid, releasing a hot stream of heat.

Suddenly it stood up in a bone, and it seemed to be full of infinite power!

The stray cat around saw him standing up again, and burst into cheers!

Rottweiler, who was caught in a fierce battle, saw this scene, almost scared!

Nima, is this dried fish or cat's fairy bean?

The cat who couldn't even stand up just now became alive again after eating dried fish? This unscientific!

In fact, the cat's wound was still painful, but in order not to worry his comrades, it suppressed the pain with a strong willpower. Although it can't immediately go back into combat, it can inspire other comrades even if it just stands by.

The power of role models has greatly encouraged the cats. They know that they are not a cat fighting. They have a powerful backup behind them. Each cat is a part of the collective. No matter who is injured, they will not be abandoned.

The stray cats almost went crazy, and rushed towards Rottweiler even more fortunately. This mastiff was covered with cats, his skin was torn open and numerous wounds were bleeding, even though it was as strong as a bull. Footsteps are gradually getting better.

The momentum of the two sides faded away, Rottweiler no longer roared, but sobbed in fear, even when facing Doug, Bitt, and Bulldog as strong as it, it had never been so scared because it felt Not a group of stray cats, but a group of commanding evil spirits from hell!

Constantly cats were wounded from the battle, and new cats rushed to replace the injured.

Some cats are severely injured and can no longer participate in the war. They ca n’t even stand up after eating dried fish. Black-eared black cats work with other sterilized cats to hold the injured neck and drag the injured to a safe position. This is the method Vladimir taught them.

Even the chrysanthemums and vital parts of the dogs that were just pulled out were the methods that Vladimir taught them, but they didn't know where they learned this kind of trick ... but it did work!

The black-eared cat placed the wounded on the back of other cats, and took the wounded off the battlefield and returned to the rear.

Rottweiler's host finished dinner, the whole family sat on the sofa watching TV to eat, the residue was left cold in the dishes, no one was too lazy to clean up. Finally, the hostess of the family stood up, poured the leftovers and leftovers into the gruel, stirred slightly, and prepared to feed the dog for a while.

"What's wrong with this dog's barking?" The hostess asked in confusion as she packed up.

"It's okay, what can happen?" The male host pretended to be watching TV. While his wife was away, he peeked at the screen of the mobile phone and muttered in his heart why the girls in the vibrato are so good-looking, while coping with the old people Wife.

"No, look outside. I don't hear that sound." The hostess insisted. "Don't someone steal a dog?"

"Do you think this dog is Husky? Who dares to steal it? Don't kill it?"

"You, let you go out and have a look, you just have to go out and have a look at this nonsense long ago!" The hostess was furious and roared.

The male host could not bear his wife, so he had to leave the sofa lazily and walk slowly outside, because the farther away from the room, the worse the wifi signal, the younger sisters will become stuck.

After walking a few steps in the yard, he suddenly felt something wrong.

Wait ~ ~ Why is it so quiet?

The dog was barking just now, why not bark now?

Immediately, he stepped on a soft object under his feet and looked down. His own Rottweiler was lying weakly on the ground, and his body was covered with scars. Although the wounds were shallow and probably not fatal, the hair on his body was full. It was dyed red and looked very scary.

Rottweiler stared at the host with a grieving glance. Usually, if he was stepped on, he would dare to bite, but at this time he would not even have the strength to open his mouth.

"Look ... wow! What's going on?"

The male owner was so scared that his mobile phone almost dropped to the ground, and his dog was attacked at first sight.

There are messy paw prints on the ground, dog paw prints, and other animal paw prints. Judging from the paw prints and the scratches on the dog, the dog seems to have been attacked by some kind of feline beast ... No other animal besides the feline can bruise an adult Rottweiler like this?

He didn't care about saving his own dog, he turned on the flashlight function of his mobile phone, and trembled in a panic. He didn't find the so-called feline beast, so he put his heart back in his stomach.

"Wife! Not good! Our dog is about to be bitten. Bring red potion and gauze!" He shouted into the room.

The hostess ran out of the house with a small medicine chest in a panic, and when she saw that her dog was hurt like this, she almost burst into tears.

"This ... who did this?" She asked angrily.

The male owner was about to say something, and suddenly heard the neighbor's dog wailing for a while, and then it was silent.

He looked at her face to face, shivering at the same time, looking into the dark darkness.

Apparently it has entered May at the turn of spring and summer, but they seem to feel the chill covering the whole body.

Tonight is extraordinarily dark and extraordinarily long.

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