Pet King

Chapter 1056: public opinion

The most ideal state of the joint proposal is to collect the signatures of people from all walks of life and different strata of the society, which can cover a certain degree of public opinion to a certain extent.

Zhang Zi'an thought about it for a while, and simply stopped thinking about it. If he walked around nearby, how many signatures can he collect? Isn't it said that some western countries randomly choose from the streets when conducting private surveys? It shows that it is also a good choice to go with the situation.

"Come on, Vladimir. I haven't been hanging out in this street for a long time." He beckoned Vladimir and motioned for it to follow.

"Very good, so I collected the signatures of eight people ..." It counted the names on the paper and said meaningfully, "But this doesn't mean anything."

"Ok, I know."

Even without reminding him, Zhang Zi'an knew it very well.

Wang Qian Li Kun they signed for him because they were his clerk; Xiao Celery signed for him because she had a childlike innocence; Wang Yaning was looking at Xiao Celery's face; Professor Wei Kang was his acquaintance, and more or less Ask him.

In other words, they signed him, how much they really supported his initiative, and how much they looked at the faces of acquaintances. This ratio is difficult to distinguish, and maybe both.

Even if Wei Kang asked a colleague to sign for him, it was in Wei Kang's face.

These do not mean anything, who does not know a few acquaintances? Signing a name, not borrowing money ...

The real challenge is to collect signatures from strangers. The signatures obtained from strangers are more authentic, more reflective of public opinion, and opportunistic and boring.

Zhang Zi'an took a deep breath. Although he often fights with males and females in pet shops, in fact he is not good at talking with strangers. He still has some meaning in his bones, even when it was so difficult to take over the pet shop at first. There was no cheeky running to the street to solicit or advertise. Even if the pet shop fails, he still has a retreat and can go back to work.

However, it was not for himself, and there was no escape route.

He can withdraw and continue to live a comfortable life, but what about the cruel animals?

Everyone is silent, but someone must stand up and break the silence.

Vladimir stared at his face from the side and rear, seeing through his ease and surging tension.

"Hello! I have written a proposal for the protection of pets and small animals and would like to ask for your comments and signatures ..."

He saw a passing middle-aged man who ran before he finished speaking, and the other side waved his hand impatiently, "No more, no more!"

In fact, the middle-aged man didn't understand what he was talking about, but just confused him with a small advertisement on the street and accelerated his pace to leave quickly.

Zhang Zi'an ate a closed door. Although he had some psychological preparations, it was difficult to be rudely rejected in person. If he was really posting a small advertisement, it would be fine, but not.

He laughed at himself and shrugged at Vladimir, pretending to say easily: "How does that sentence come? Failure is the mother of his success!"

It didn't laugh, even with a touch of sorrow in the depths of its eyes.

Zhang Zi'an adjusted his mood, squeezed out the smile that he didn't pose to customers in the pet store, and walked towards a young girl passing by.

"Hello! Do you like pets and small animals?"

This time he learned the lesson just now. Instead of throwing out his own demands, he first stabilized the other party in this way, at least not to refuse to stay a thousand miles away.

The younger girl first froze, looked up at him, and squeezed the bag tighter. Instead of turning around like a middle-aged man just before, she said vaguely, "OK ..."

Zhang Zi'an relaxed a little and showed her the proposal. "I wrote a proposal to protect small animals. I want to collect your signatures so as to get the attention of the relevant departments and be able to legislate this day. You see Can you sign for me? If you have comments on the content of the proposal, you can also submit it. As long as it is reasonable, I will try to modify it. "

The young girl stared at him like a weirdo, showing an incredible expression.

Zhang Zi'an felt that his smile must be very stiff.

Everyone has had a small advertisement on the street. She has been asked by several strangers to request WeChat and mobile phone numbers several times, but this is the first time she has been asked to sign a proposal on a proposal.

Doubt raised in her mind, what kind of new deception? Deceive my signature and swipe my credit card?

There must be no harmful heart, but there must be no defensive heart.

"This ... forget it, sorry, please find someone else."

Two or three seconds later, she returned to her head, lowered her head, and walked away.

Zhang Zi'an stood still for a while, Vladimir could not see his expression from behind, but could only see his shoulders falling weakly.

After a moment, he turned around and smiled reluctantly: "It's better than last time, isn't it?"

Vladimir did not answer in silence.

Today is a day of the Golden Week holiday. Although there is no difference between him and the holiday, as long as he is willing, any day is a holiday.

There are a lot of pedestrians on the street, and they have the last chance to go out and play before the summer heats up.

Zhang Zi'an carefully chooses his own goals. Too old and too young will not work. Too old people generally don't care about such things. Too small ... will be treated as a pervert.

A family of three walked forward. Parents between youth and middle-aged came out to play with a few years old children. When Dad was carrying a kettle and holding a kettle, he was busy, and when the mother was holding the child ’s hand, the child Holding a balloon in his other hand.

The family of three was laughing, and the balloons fluttered in the wind, giving them a very warm and loving feeling.

"Hi guys! Hello children! Excuse me, do you like pets and small animals?"

Zhang Zi'an greeted them, greeted them with a smile and waved, feeling that his smirk was becoming more and more proficient.

A man and a woman stared at each other, and when the mother's vigilance half stood in front of the child ~ ~ the father's responsibility came forward to speak.

"Is there anything wrong?" The man asked.

Zhang Zi'an said it again and showed him the proposal.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we don't have pets in our family, we don't know about pets, and we're not interested." The man glanced at the proposal, shook his head politely and resolutely, and then turned to call his wife, "Let's go."

"If you want to know more, I can explain to you ..." Zhang Zi'an reluctantly followed the two steps.

"No need, forget it, please stay away." The middle-aged man blocked the way and gave him a warning glance.

Zhang Zi'an stopped with interest.

The child noticed Vladimir, stared at it obsessively, and smiled hey, maybe it was the child's peculiar thoughts and dislikes, the little hands unconsciously relaxed, and the balloon filled with helium left his hand.

The reaction speed was not so fast. Before the participants had responded, they saw a blue-gray shadow leaping and falling, and clamped the balloon tether just released between their claws.

Vladimir reached out his paw and handed the balloon to the child.

The child took the balloon with a smile and smiled flatly at his mother: "Mom! This cat will catch balloons!"

One man and one woman were surprised, surprised by Vladimir's reaction, but also faintly felt weird. It didn't feel like what ordinary cats could do. The blue cat's eyes and movements looked strange.

"Baby, let's go."

Without even thanking them, they picked up the child and hurried away.

The child's small face rested on his father's shoulder, staring at Vladimir with bright eyes, his little hand unconsciously released, and the balloon lifted again.

Only this time no one helped him to hold the balloon.

Vladimir looked at Zhang Zi'an and said, "Enough."

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