Pet King

Chapter 1069: Disappearing recommendation

A calm day passed most of the time.

From morning to noon, everything is almost the same as usual, the store is busy and people come and go.

With the end of the "War Dogs" period, the enthusiasm brought by the movie will gradually fade away, but Feimas will not be forgotten until its next movie explodes the box office again.

Zhang Zi'an ran back and forth between the two stores, and helped customers choose cats and dogs in a pet store for a while, and then went to the aquarium to help customers with the aquarium landscaping, and even took a long time to eat lunch. Do not look at the aquarium may not sell one in a few days, but the profit is quite high, after all, once sold, a set, including aquarium equipment, corals, bottom sand, aquarium creatures, a little better for thousands of dollars can not beat .

It ’s already afternoon in the afternoon. Afternoon is the quietest part of the day. Everyone is on a lunch break. Few people patronize at this time, even for all-round reporters. And today the weather is bad, it has been cloudy, and it may rain at any time, and there are even fewer customers.

Wang Qian and Li Kun paralyzed sitting in the corner to play mobile games; Lu Yiyun held Jasmine to paint intently. Due to the recent customers, she has a lot of backlog in illustration work; Jiang Feifei next door is chatting with classmates and talking about Employment, postgraduate, love, gossip and other university girls often talk about topics, although she has no interest in these, but after all it is not good to look too out of place.

The elves were snoring, and the room was quiet.

The vicious and free-loving Vladimir is not in the shop and does not know where to go, but this is also the norm.

Seeing nothing is happening in the shop for a while, Zhang Zi'an plans to go back to the second floor and lie down on the bed to take a nap, which is a bit tired these days.

The second floor is also very quiet, there is no sound in the bathroom, and Shihua may be sleeping.

"Π, don't always sit in front of the computer. Everyone is sleeping. You can sleep at noon. The miller chopped the wood." Zhang Zi'an sat down at the bed and prepared to lie down.

However, π did not respond to him with the usual "squeak", nor did he type intently, but stared blankly at the computer, as if stunned.

Zhang Zi'an noticed that it was in the wrong state, and he was relieved immediately. He immediately lay down and stood up again, and walked to the side and asked, "What's wrong, π?"

π looked up at him blankly, pointing at the computer screen, his eyes were very helpless.

Zhang Zi'an took a look. The computer screen of Starting Point was opened on the computer screen. There were many fixed recommended positions on the page. The more prominent the position, the better the recommendation effect. He already knew this.

At first he thought that there was something wrong with the website, but looking at it right, the website was still running normally, and nothing seemed to go wrong.

"What's wrong, π? What's wrong?" He asked again.

π finally came back to God, picked up the mouse and clicked on the background of the writer to let him watch.

Zhang Zi'an saw a short message in the background, a notification sent the day before yesterday. The main idea is that at 2 pm today, his work will soon be listed on a certain recommended position on the homepage of the website. Please keep it updated. If there is an emergency, please contact the responsible editor. .

He looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer screen, and it was now 2 o'clock.

π switches the page back to the starting page.

Zhang Zi'an finally understood this time that π's novel should have appeared on one of the recommended positions on the front page at this time, but at this time the recommended position was another novel.


π gestured, meaning: Is there something wrong?

Zhang Zi'an pulled down a chair and double-checked the time mentioned in the short message and the novel on the homepage recommendation. After a little thought, he comforted: "π, don't worry, I think there may be a delay Well, it's just after 2 o'clock now, and maybe you will change into your novel later. "

This happens occasionally. After all, there are too many novels on the website. There are tens of thousands of novels updated every day. Which recommended position on each novel must be edited and manually placed by the website staff. What's in the middle? Problems causing delays are not unique.

π nodded and accepted his explanation, but still kept refreshing the webpage, eyes fixed on the recommended place where his novel should appear.

Zhang Zi'an's drowsiness has disappeared, and he sat here talking to him one by one, hoping to ease his anxiety and anxiety.

However, after waiting for more than half an hour, nothing changed on the website.

π is more and more anxious, and even Zhang Zi'an can't sit still, because the time for recommendation is limited, and he can't continue to wait so stupidly.

"Π, contact the editor." He suggested, "Isn't the back-office message saying that if there is an emergency, you can contact the responsible editor? Besides, the responsible editor was originally to help the author solve the problem."

π hesitated.

"Then let me contact you."

Zhang Zi'an knew it was not good at communicating with unfamiliar people ~ ~ and took the initiative.

π jumped out of the chair and beckoned him to sit in front of the computer.

Zhang Zi'an found the icon of the bald monk in the contact list. This is the responsible editor of Pi. Each of the editors has hundreds of authors. Time is very tight and I don't have time to chat with the author. Therefore, Pi rarely interrupts editing.

He edited a message to explain the problem as concisely as possible, and implicitly reminded whether there was a mistake in the work of the website staff. Please edit it for you.

After sending it, he comforted: "It is estimated that the employee was negligent and forgot to put your novel on it, and it should be resolved soon."

π nodded, but his expression was still haggard, and it felt that things were not so simple.

Before long, the icon of the bald monk lighted up, and a message sound sounded.

"A reply is coming!"

Zhang Zi'an and π were both refreshed, and immediately opened the information to view.

To his surprise, and to his surprise, the editor did not use words to explain, nor did he use ok to indicate that he knew, but sent a picture.

What does it mean?

Zhang Zi'an clicked on the picture with annoyance to see the big picture.

This picture was taken with a mobile phone and is one of the sections of a newspaper.

This newspaper he knows is the most influential newspaper in China. The headline article is printed with a striking title-"Ten Batch of Internet Literature."

Zhang Zi'an and π looked at each other. What kind of dumb mystery did the editor play?

Although it is not clear what exactly happened, the problem is clearly in this newspaper.

The photos taken by the mobile phone are not very clear, and the article is not taken fully.

Zhang Zi'an patted Pi's shoulder and comforted him: "Wait a minute, I'll go out and buy a newspaper and come back immediately. Don't worry, the sky won't fall."

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