Pet King

Chapter 1072: Wanted

Into the night.

In addition to the food and beverage industry stores still insisting on opening, other nearby stores have closed, and Qiyuan Pet Store is no exception.

The shop assistants cleaned up, put the things in order, and left in groups.

Men and women, young and old, who had nested in the house for a whole winter and another after dinner, went out for a walk or walked the dogs. At this time, the temperature was right and there were no mosquitoes.

It's not just humans who walk out, and the animals that emerge day and night also start activities.

Although it is in the urban area of ​​a medium-sized city, there are a lot of animals who like to move at night. Those who often walk away at night may experience it. Their dogs will suddenly get excited, and desperately pull the owner to run in a certain direction. Barking more than grass or flower beds, if you open the grass and flowers, you will often find that some small animals are shaking, such as hedgehogs, squirrels, hares, and so on.

Of course, dogs with this ability are generally medium and large hounds. Don't count on small play dogs like Chihuahuas and Pomeranians.

Not far from Qiyuan Pet Store, two acquaintances met outside and could not help but start a conversation. One of them carried an adult golden retriever, but did not tie the rope. After all, there were few cases of golden retriever biting people. During the enthusiastic conversation between the two, it seemed that Golden Retriever smelled something and ran his legs and ran to an alley.

It was heard that there was a dog set here near the Spring Festival. Its owner hurriedly wanted to shout at it, but the excited golden retriever ignored the owner's shout and plunged into the alley, spraying at a stray kitten in a hidden corner. Breathing.

As a golden retriever for dog treasures, the blood of hunting dogs flows in the body, and it is also very aggressive to other small animals. If the owner pulls it, it ’s okay. Free-range like this often gives the owner an unexpected “surprise” ".

At this moment it stared at the yellow-white kitten barking constantly, wondering what posture to use to poke the cat back to the owner-of course, it would not be as gentle as the mother cat.

Strangely, the yellow-and-white kitten didn't show any fear, just glanced at it and tried to poke at the wall.

Jin Mao was about to open his mouth to slap, and suddenly the wind changed. He noticed that the smell was different. He quickly looked up, and saw a dozen full moon-like eyes on the wall, staring at it. If he changed his place, It is estimated that an ancient **** has risen.

As soon as the owner chased down the alley, he saw the golden retriever ran sobbing with his tail, and asked for comfort around his legs.

The owner was wondering, not knowing what happened to it, but looking at the dimly lit alleyway, he decided not to pursue it, after all, curiosity killed the cat.

Hundreds of stray cats gathered on the roof of this area's bungalows and small two-story buildings. If they were normal, they would have been noisy, but at this time they were extremely quiet and almost no sound occurred, even if The residents under the roof were unaware.

Vladimir glanced at the faces of stray cat representatives, and each meeting added some new and unfamiliar faces, which meant that the strength and scope of stray cats had expanded again.

The meowing fire is in Ebara.

However, with the expansion of the sphere of influence, the communication problem has encountered a serious bottleneck. Instant messaging is tantamount to extravagance. It can only double the number of communications teams and try to keep the information flowing.

"Today, I want to inform you about one thing," he said. "I have a friend, an internationalist warrior who is deeply sympathetic to the situation of stray cats. It has encountered extremely unfair treatment!"

The stray cats listened quietly, their eyes blinking.

"A reactionary academic authority who did not know where it came from, launched a despicable slander and attack on my friend. This is not only an offense to my friend, but also a provocation to all stray cats!" It clasped a front Claw, said angrily.

The stray cats straightened their bodies, the flames of anger burning in their eyes, and they grumbled over the suffering of the class brothers.

Vladimir waved his front paws impassively, "I am now officially issuing the highest wanted order! Please fully mobilize the subjective initiative of your stray cats to maximize the ability of stray cats to gather information. Get me out of this reactionary academic authority! "

The stray cats were angry and broke the silence that had been kept for a long time, howling to fight.

The family watching the TV under the roof heard the movement from the roof and muttered: "It's almost spring, and it's still a cat." Then turned up the TV volume casually.

Vladimir nodded with satisfaction, waited for the cats to vent their emotions, and calmed down a bit. He said, "The focus of this work should be on first-tier cities such as Beishang, Guangshen, etc. ~ ~ Conjecture, like that kind of reactionary academic authority will probably live in big cities and lead the erosive life of the exploitative class's extravagant desire. "

The communication-minded meows who were as light as a bird nodded that they would be responsible for conveying the matter to the meow-meow branch of the big city.

"In addition, stray cats in other areas should not relax their vigilance. After all, there is no absolute truth. Our root is in small and medium-sized cities and rural areas. The basic principle of surrounding cities in rural areas cannot be shaken!" Added Vladimir.

Some stray cat representatives raised questions-what is reactionary academic authority and what does it look like? Isn't he as pale as a pitbull? Is he wearing a gold chain around his neck, tattooed on his body, and carrying a knife with him?

Even if you are looking for someone, you have to have a goal. If you do n’t know what the other person looks like, it ’s a haystack.

Vladimir shook his head. "It's not that simple. The enemy is very cunning. He is good at camouflage. He has strong concealment and deception, and will not easily reveal his feet."

It recalls the photos seen on the computer screen, describing: "The old man is very old, tall and thin, and very handsome. The photos I have seen are all dressed in old traditional clothes ... What are old traditional clothes? Well ... Anyway, it's different from young people! Is there any other question? "

It would be nice if you could send a photo to each stray cat, but this is not possible, you can only spread the net and pinch out all suspicious characters.

The stray cats were quiet, and there was no other question.

"Okay!" Vladimir smiled with satisfaction, and then his eyes flashed coldly. "Now it's time to discuss the statue of the cat god. It's time to collect the nets and fish! The heavenly Wuling group meowed, and the Sanhe cat's claws shook. By asking where the statue is going, the paper boat's bright candle is burning!

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