Pet King

Chapter 1096: Storm

Zhang Zi'an saw the message from the editor, and savoured it several times. He had an inexplicable sense of expectation in his heart. Did things change?

Now that the weather is warm, he can go out with a single shirt. He said nothing, and let π wait for a while. He ran downstairs, opened the shutter door, trot, and went to the newspaper booth in the north to buy newspapers.

He came early today, and sure enough, he bought a freshly baked morning newspaper with a scent of ink.

Although it is not a headline, an article about the size of a tofu block was found in the corner of the front page. He was familiar with the signature, and was also Zhu Jisheng. The title of the article was-"Don't Overkill Literary Criticism."

This time it seems to have been written in a hurry. It is relatively short and not as lengthy as the last time, but the overall meaning is very clear. It expresses that Internet literature should not be a one-size-fits-all, it should be a specific analysis of specific issues, and it must guide and support the healthy and orderly Internet fiction. Development, traditional literature and online literature are not antithetical, and can play a mutually reinforcing role.

At the end of the article, it implicitly indicates that the content of the previous article was ambiguous. Pi's novel should have been placed on the recommended reading list. However, due to the errors in the writing and typography, it suffered injustice. Sincere apologies.

Zhang Zi'an finished reading in one breath, Changshu took a breath, and the haze that had been on his mind for many days was finally swept away.

However, this person's explanation looks suspicious. Is it really a typographical and typographical error? With such a big name, the front page article was published in a newspaper with such a large circulation, but the manuscript was sent to the editor without first proofreading it? Considering this man's old age, it would not be impossible to make this kind of mistake, but ... it always feels strange.

He couldn't even think about it so much. He took the newspaper and trot back to the pet store, went up to the second floor, and excitedly patted the newspaper on the desk, pointing to π to read.

"Π, don't worry, your novel is vindicated!"


He was startled by his listlessness, and he was urged to read the article carefully.

"I didn't expect that you were injured by accident, which is unfortunate enough-but because of the disaster, this person's influence is so great that he was recommended by name, and the effect should be enough to make up for the loss of the recommended position."


Pi was stunned by a sudden turn, still unable to believe it completely.

Zhang Zi'an explained to them the stakes. This kind of newspaper would never make a joke. The editor's message can also be used as a side proof. In short, there is no need to worry anymore.

π repeatedly confirmed to him several times, and he got an affirmative answer. Then the expression on his face changed from overcast to clear, and he was full of energy. It thought that today's chapter hadn't been written yet, sat upright and started crackling.

Among the elves, only Vladimir was still asleep. At this moment, they were awakened by the sound of their speeches. They rolled out from under the bed, pinched their necks with their paws, and yawned, "Dawn Yes, what are you excited about? "

Zhang Zi'an couldn't wait to tell everyone the good news, and immediately replied, "Sorry, Vladimir, woke you up. Actually, π's novel has been vindicated, and the person who wrote the article published the article again. It was wrong before. "

"Oh, that's fine."

Vladimir was unmoved, as if hearing a very ordinary message.

"Well, the only doubt is that this man's attitude is humbling and oblivious," he whispered while not paying attention.

Vladimir smiled lightly. "It's not surprising that people have been transmuted. Besides, he may have been really wrong before. Anyway, it's fine."

"It should be all right." Zhang Zi'an sincerely hopes so.

The matter of π came to an end for now, just wait for the responsible editor to go to work before confirming with the responsible editor.

Vladimir wiped his face indiscriminately and ran his tail to run downstairs.

He looked at his mobile phone and passed by overnight. There were several more unread messages. In addition to the media reporter ’s request for an interview, an unconnected [Crash the World] sent an email.

[Break the World] He knew from the Wanghaige Forum. This person wrote a web crawler program and took the lead to discover that cat abuse has spread throughout the country.

That web crawler program has always been on the laptop's self-starting list. As long as π turns on the computer to write novels, the program will always run in the background, automatically collecting, analyzing, and organizing cat abuse incidents in forums around the country.

This program is no longer needed, just find a time to delete it.

[Break the World]: I still have some doubts, but I am really right to tell you. Through the observations of these days, I find that cat abuse incidents nationwide are quickly calming down ~ ~ The speed of calming down It's like pouring a pot of cold water onto a charcoal fire, almost completely extinguishing the fire, and only a few scattered Mars are still burning, which should be an example. I'm curious, how did you know in advance? Earlier you said that this is because the socialist spiritual civilization has achieved staged results, shouldn't it be serious?

[Zhang Zi'an]: [Funny] Of course it is serious.

He thanked the other party for generously sharing the crawler program, but the inside story was not convenient to explain to the other party.

After the e-mail was sent, I didn't expect the other party to reply to another e-mail immediately. It seems that this person has also woken up or hasn't slept yet-Zhang Zi'an's understanding of the technical house is mostly the latter.

[Break the world]: [laughs and cry] Well, since you don't plan to say, then I won't ask, because everyone has a secret after all.

[Zhang Zi'an]: [Funny] [Funny].

Zhang Zi'an took this as a daily chat. He never met [Break the World], met on the forum because of cat abuse, and didn't know each other. Now that the cat abuse incident has subsided, if nothing unexpected, this may be the last time he contacted the other party, and then slowly forgot about each other.

This is like the friends you meet in online games. No matter how fateful you are when playing a game, most of them will no longer be connected as the game craze subsides, and will eventually be completely forgotten with the game. Because the game is the bond that connects each other, just like the cat abuse incident is the bond between Zhang Zi'an and [Broken World].

Zhang Zi'an thought this was the case and ended with two [funny] expressions, which was also pretty good.

Unexpectedly, when he just put down his cell phone and prepared to go downstairs to do daily routine cleaning work, the other party sent another email.

[Breaking the world]: Although the cat abuse incident is already over, I want to remind you that the world is still in the state of collapse.

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