Pet King

Chapter 1103: Hieroglyph

When it comes to the exam, the four graduate students, male and female, were immediately excited, because it was not them who were taking the test, they were very happy to watch the lively, He He also urged: "Mister Luo, don't put water!"

Wei Kang was worried that Mr. Luo made the problem too difficult for Zhang Zi'an to come down from the stage. At the same time, he also hoped that Zhang Zi'an could answer it correctly, so that this trip to Egypt would be even more powerful.

Teacher Luo smiled without saying a word, flipped through the book she brought, and finally stayed on one of the pages, pushed to Zhang Zi'an, and said, "What does this picture mean?"

Not only Zhang Zi'an, but other people, including Wei Kang, also gathered around and watched Qiqiba neck.

Wei Kang took a breath and exclaimed, "This ... this is Egyptian hieroglyphs!"

That's right, this page in the book is a series of pictures. Each picture is filled with Egyptian hieroglyphs. Teacher Luo is pointing at a picture in the upper right corner.

Teacher Luo nodded. "When talking about ancient Egypt, you have to talk about the ancient Egyptian language and languages. The words and languages ​​are the basis of all civilizations. If you can understand the ancient Egyptian language, even if it is only one or two, it is presumably other aspects. Needless to say. "

"This ... Isn't this too difficult ..." Wei Kang glanced at Zhang Zi'an anxiously.

Teacher Luo also looked at Zhang Zi'an. "What do you think? If I find it difficult, I can change to another topic."

Zhang Zi'an stared at the picture dreamily.

First of all, the hieroglyphs in this picture are all surrounded by a frame. The frame is oval, and the bottom has a symmetrical base. It looks like an elongated dressing mirror.

Inside the box, at the top is a right-angled triangle, and the hypotenuse of the triangle twists like a step.

Below the triangle is a lying animal with head, tail, and limbs. It looks like a lioness from its appearance.

Below the lioness, there is an inverted U-shape, and the open end is connected with a circle, some like a fishhook.

Other symbols include two birds, feathers shaped like daggers, squares, semicircles, and several symbols that are difficult to describe.

The four students guessed wildly, guessing everything, and He He got compliments from Gao Ke and Xiao Tianyu every time he guessed.

"How? Do you know what this picture means?"

After a while, Teacher Luo asked with a smile.

"If I'm not mistaken ..." Zhang Zi'an replied with confidence: "This picture is from the Rosetta stone, meaning-Cleopatra."

"Cleopatra?" Ho Ho repeated. "How do I hear the name ... Ah! Is it Cleopatra?"

"No, this one on the stele is Cleopatra I, and the Cleopatra is the seventh, a long way off." Zhang Zi'an once again politely corrected her.

Wei Kang saw Zhang Zi'an answered so decisively, and he couldn't help but be glad and nervous, so he asked Teacher Luo's opinions with his eyes.

Teacher Luo was also surprised, "Have you ever seen the Rosetta Stone Stele, or have you studied the ancient Egyptian script?"

"Well ... a friend was interested in the Egyptian script, and I also learned something from him." Zhang Zi'an answered vaguely.

"Oh, what else do you know about the hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt?" Teacher Luo asked. He couldn't believe that an ordinary person knew obscure hieroglyphics.

Zhang Zi'an slightly thought, pointing at the picture and saying: "The hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt are a combination of phonics and ideograms, the front phonograms and the back ideograms; when writing, they can be from left to right, from right to left, or From top to bottom, even from the middle to the left, it is usually determined according to which side of the human or animal face in the text; a sentence is usually the subject-object structure, which is the opposite of the Japanese subject-object structure, which is quite anti-human. of."

Don't ask him how he learned Japanese. Ask for fun.

Wei Kang and his four students could hear the fog in the clouds and couldn't judge right or wrong at all, but it seemed that Zhang Zi'an looked calm and not blind.

Teacher Luo closed the book and laughed: "Well, I can leave the class in advance, I wish you all the best in this scientific examination! Also, remember to bring back the local souvenirs!"

In spite of this, he waved goodbye regardless of Wei Kang's retention, and easily left Wei Kang's office.

His actions have said it all.

"Xiao Zhang, when did you learn the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs?" Wei Kang couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and asked Zhang Zi'an's arm.

Zhang Zi'an broke his arm calmly and said lightly: "I can't talk about 'learning' at all, I really only know a little about it. Since I knew I was going to follow the scientific expedition to Egypt, I wondered if it was idle anyway At your leisure, you know that my shop has no business, so you can read some books about ancient Egypt in your spare time ... "

"Look at people ~ ~ People have already left the school, but don't forget to use all their free time to study, this is to live to learn from old! You, you should learn from others! Oh!"

In addition to Wei Kang's joy, he did not forget to take the opportunity to teach the four disciples, especially staring at Gao Ke, who studied hardest.

Gao Ke smiled bitterly at Zhang Zi'an, hiding behind Xiao Tianyu's generous body, avoiding the stabbing sight of the instructor.

In fact, Zhang Zi'an's understanding of object-shaped characters is just just beginning. In the eyes of connoisseurs, not even getting started, he did use his free time to learn about ancient Egyptian characters and languages, because there is an existing teacher in the store It's just that the teacher's temper is not very good. If he misreads or admits something wrong, he will get a meal with contempt.

The first thing Fina taught him was the name of Cleopatra, including pronunciation and writing, so he recognized the name in the picture of Teacher Luo at a glance, pretending to be small.

No matter how he explained that he was just a rude one or two, Wei Kang believed that this was only modest words.

Four graduate students also admired him. In addition to Du Xuetao's sincere love of studying, the other three just wanted to mix a graduate diploma to find a job. Although they didn't say anything, they all added to this trip to Egypt. Share of confidence.

Even He He did the same. She touched several nails in a row, and felt that it would not be possible to continue to find faults, but she damaged her image.

Respect by strength can be convincing.

They are confident that it is a good thing, and Zhang Zi'an simply defaults to seeing the situation, and will not say more. Anyway, after arriving in Egypt, if you really encounter problems involving ancient Egyptian script, language, customs, and knowledge, you can naturally ask Fina. It is a living dictionary and encyclopedia of ancient Egypt, which is unparalleled in the world.

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