Pet King

Chapter 1120: Dog King vs Dog King

A bag of spare ribs can barely fill a big dog, and a spare rib is only enough to fill the teeth.

The white dog gave all the bags of spare ribs to everyone without reservation. Although it was only a small favor, how could these stray dogs ever see this? The dog group is strict, and the leader always eats enough. Pat the buttocks and leave, so that other dogs can eat a bit of cruelty.

Whether it's the ribs or the ribs, the stray dogs have renewed their dazzling eyes and looked at the white dog with admiration. They have never seen such a leader. Now as long as the white dogs give an order, they are willing to let them die even if they are generous to die.

White dogs were very satisfied with their eyes and looked at Demu, saying, "Okay, now lead me over and see what other stray dogs can be our brothers."

De Mu was the first dog to lead the white dog and the large troops to run in a certain direction. It was closer to the site of the bloodthirsty pitbull, and knew the movement of the old opponent.

"Sink? What is it?"

The forklift driver, who was resting after doing his work, lifted his eyelids and smoked half of the smoke on his pants. He almost burned the pants of the work clothes.

He was stunned, watching Wu Yaya a large group of stray dogs running wildly, like a group of locusts crossing the border, raising a large swath of dust where they ran. He had never seen so many stray dogs come together.

"Close the door! Come on!"

After a moment, he finally reacted and shouted desperately to the roller mill driver, because the latter was on the running course of the stray dog. In his opinion, the stray dog ​​was like attacking the latter.


The driver of the roller mill was urinating by the car, and was nearing the end, and he trembled without hesitation.

The two cars were separated by a distance, which was not clear.

"I'll let you get in! The dog is here!"

The forklift driver called in one direction.

The road roller driver turned his head to look at it, suddenly felt cold, and crooked the submachine gun to his pants.

"My mother!" He didn't care about raising his pants, and he crawled back to the cab with the belt, closed the door, his eyes widened in horror, his hands fumbled left and right, and he felt a metal pry. Stick, tightly clasped in his hands, sweaty palms.

The ferocious stray dogs rushed over to the roller mill and rushed towards him.

If a large number of stray dogs really attack them, the glass alone is absolutely unstoppable, the crowbar is optional, and it can only serve as a psychological comfort.

He noticed that it was the leader of the German Shepherd that ran ahead. So it turned out that the German Shepherd unified the four stray dog ​​groups? Coincidentally, he was Demu who bet.

The odds are reversed. The villa is based on the sea. It seems that this time I can win a few drinks.

He also admires himself very much, even at this time, he still remembers the winning or losing of the gambling game. I don't know if the money is enough to buy himself an ashes.

The dog herd was getting closer, and the forklift driver on the sidelines also sweated, wondering if the dog herd would point his finger at himself after attacking the roller mill driver.

However, the stray dogs came and went in a hurry, and they did not stop beside the roller mill. They hurry and rushed past them without even looking at the driver, leaving only the dust and the stench of the sky.

"what happened?"

The two drivers for the rest of the life couldn't help but wonder, didn't this group of dogs come to attack them both?

They could have drove to the past to find out the truth, but they were all sweaty and almost collapsed. They saved a dog's life and they were too late to be lucky. How can they manage other things?

The area of ​​the landfill is very large, and the intensification of the urbanization process has caused more people to concentrate in the cities and generate more and more garbage. It is not feasible to reserve a little space. In theory, this large area of ​​saline-alkali land belongs to the scope of the landfill, but most of it is still empty.

De Mu led the front for a while, then slowly slowed down, and turned back to the white dog, in front of the Bit Gang site.

The white dog's two front legs were emptied, and stood up briefly for a better view.

It saw many dogs gathered in front of it, no less than its own side, but divided into two groups, one more and one less, seemed to be confronting each other.

Other stray dogs also stopped.

"What's going on?" White Dog asked. "The two groups of dogs are all stray dogs?"

The giant cormorant and the mixed breed Rottweiler also calmed down, screaming and rushing to answer, stating that the few were stray dogs, and the large group opposite was the wild dogs who had been entangled here for many years. Sting in the flesh, look like this, the wild dogs have come to look for differences.

Of course, the giant salamander and mixed breed Rottweiler cannot say so clearly, but many meanings can be learned from their angry expressions and tone.

"So it is." White Dog nodded.

Seeing the spot and glancing at the whole leopard, the wild dog it just met has made it clear what kind of wild dogs these goods are ~ ~ It is like a bandit who takes the mountain as the king and does nothing evil.

Among the four stray dog ​​leaders, the bloodthirsty pitbull may not be the strongest, but it is definitely the most fierce. Dare to trade blood for blood and life for life. It would be better to damage 800 or hurt one thousand. Because of this, its territory is also the largest of the four heads. It not only erodes the territory of the other three bosses, but also continues to expand to the territory of wild dogs, fighting continuously from day to night.

But today's confrontation was not initiated by it, but the dog king of the wild dogs has been complaining about it for a long time, leading his subordinates to wipe out the bloodthirsty pitbull in one fell swoop.

The dog king of the wild dog rarely appears directly, and even the employees of the landfill rarely see it in person. It has been repeatedly rumored that it has died, died of injuries, died of other wild dog challenges, or died of old age. Yes, but its appearance makes these rumors self-defeating.

The Dog King is also a dirt dog, with black all over his body, one ear missing, and one eyelid being scooped off by other dogs. The body is covered with scars, which proves that it has been battle-tested.

It doesn't look too strong, but it has a chilling breath in its body, and when it is stared at by those cold eyes, it seems to be staring at death.

Even the fierce, bloodthirsty and fearless pitbull, in the face of this legendary dog ​​king, has shown unprecedented caution and has not proactively launched an attack.

Among the newly recruited white dogs, only a few stray dogs from the former German Pastoral Society remained quiet while the other dogs were running and barking in excitement. Therefore, members of the wild dog group and the Bit Gang found it very early. To their arrival.

It is also due to the arrival of this unknown force that the original Wild Dog King, who was about to launch an attack, temporarily postponed the offensive plan temporarily, staring coldly at the white dogs-maybe humans will misunderstand who the dog leaders are, It won't.

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