Pet King

Chapter 1122: Counterattack

Many years later, when retired workers in the landfill were pulled by grandchildren and begged to tell stories, their stories often began like this: When it comes to the world ’s domineering, the long-term must be divided, and the long-term must be combined ...

When employees talk about this in private, they always shake their heads and sigh, "I never thought, I didn't expect ..."

Unexpectedly, the end of the chaos in the landfill was actually a medium-sized white dirt dog.

The white dog stood on the stone, and the dogs under it did not dare to bark loudly, they could only hear the wheezing sounds one after another.

"Brothers-no matter what your hatred of each other before, from now on, whoever is willing to follow me, we are brothers to each other!" It shouted.

The group of dogs was in a state of excitement, and screamed in humming, and felt that the first time that the boss was so deserving of himself, he was always called by the boss like a minion, and he was more willing to follow it.

Hundreds of dogs gathered together, and they were all stray dogs and wild dogs who didn't know what to bathe in. The smell was conceivable.

The white dog had a headache when it was smoked. It looked at the vast landfill and saw the overwhelming mountains of garbage and the numerous buzzing mung bean flies.

It glanced at the dog heads below and said in confusion: "But what I don't understand is why the brothers have landed in this field? The great mountains outside don't go, but they gather in this dirty place, why is this?"

Barking Barking Barking Barking!

The stray dogs scrambled to answer, and the result was a mess and they couldn't hear each other.

"Don't cry out! Come on."

In the end, the white dog appointed Demu to speak, because the IQ of this demu is slightly higher and the logic is clear.

The other dogs slowly calmed down.

De Mu was annoyed, complaining angrily to the direction of Binhai City during this period of grievances.

"What? You mean, you have been bullied by stray cats? You have been driven homeless by stray dogs, and you can only live here? No, you are homeless." "It's a bunch of counselling bags! Rice buckets!"

The stray dogs all bowed their heads in shame.

The wild dogs use their noses to disdain, meaning: The boss is right, it really encourages you!

Of course, the stray dogs are dissatisfied, keeping a clear distance from the wild dogs, scolding each other, meaning: What grandson do you pretend to be? If you have the ability, you can try! You went and were taken captive back!

The wild dogs looked down on stray dogs before, and now they were even more disdainful.

The white dog thought about it. The fighting power of the stray dogs is understandable and experienced. The four heads are strong and courageous. The other stray dogs are even worse than the four heads, but at least they are physically Where can there be no worse, how could it be so miserable to be bullied by stray cats?

There must be something wrong with it.

The giant puppet felt that the white dog's eyes fell on him, and he was also ashamed and ashamed. He was worried that the white dog scolded Bai as such a big man, and quickly rushed out to justify loudly: Bai Boss! This dog is not powerful, but the enemy army has a cat tyrant!

The white dog panicked. "Cat Ba? What is this?"

De Mu yelled and explained, stray dogs did not pay attention to stray cats in the past, but one day, stray cats changed, and they became free and organized like dogs. In many areas of Binhai City A sudden attack was launched on the stray dogs, and the stray dogs were caught off guard and defeated. Later, a rumor spread among stray dogs that a cat tyrant appeared in the stray cat. This cat tyrant was cunning and brave. The stray cats were victorious under the command of this cat tyrant. .

"Oh? What does this cat fighter look like? Is it impossible to have three heads and six arms?" White Dog sneered and was motivated to win.

De Mu shook his head and said: Few dogs have ever seen the real body of this cat tyrant. There are rumors that it looks like a crazy tiger, a ugly face, a sharp sword, a claw like a sharp blade, a dorsal wings, a tail like a steel whip, Endless ...

White Dog couldn't hear it, interrupted its description, "Do you really believe these nonsense?"

De Mu faced the other three chiefs face to face. They hadn't seen Cat Ba with their own eyes, but tended to believe these rumors, otherwise how could they explain the fact that they were defeated by stray cats? If Cat Ba is actually an ordinary cat, where do they put their faces?

"So, the city over there is called Binhai?" The white dog raised a front paw and pointed in the direction of Binhai. Although Binhai City cannot be seen from here, the dog's sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and it is extremely complicated to smell the scent from that direction, which means that there is a city over there.

Stray dogs scrambled to affirm.

The white dog thought for a moment, and quickly learned the clue-it couldn't be wrong. The so-called cat tyrant should be its destined enemy!

That cat must be the same as itself ~ ~ A cat that looks ordinary but not ordinary!

"Brothers! Are you really willing to stay here? Every day you break your head for these **** that is not even as good as water?" It roared hard.

Barking! Not willing!

"You just want to die here, and be bullied by stray cats all your life?" It growled again.

Barking! Not willing!

"So, do you want to kill me back?" It roared even more.

Stray dogs miss the old days, living in the city, although often threatened by the dog team, but at least 100 times more comfortable than living in the garbage dump!

They dream of going back, but when they think of going back, they face the terrible stray cats, and they can't help but be frightened.

However, now they have a god-like new King of the Dogs, and they will surely lead them to victory, defeat Cat Cat, and regain lost territory.

Wang Wang! willing! willing!

The white dog lifted a front paw and waved it vigorously, and shouted, "Exterminate the cat tyrant and restore the power of the king! Exterminate the cat tyrant and restore the power of the king!"

Barking barking! Barking barking!

Although stray dogs and wild dogs did not understand, the white dog's momentum infected them, and they followed the barking indignantly.

The white dog hit the iron while it was hot, yelling at the direction of Binhai City, and shouted, "Brothers! From today, we have to fight hard and recuperate! Eat ours, and spit them out! Take ours and give them back! "

Its gaze swept over every dog ​​present, and hissed with a sigh of exhaustion: "One inch of sea and one inch of blood, one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand troops! When everything is ready, the brothers will follow me to attack Binhai!"

The roar of the group of dogs shook the wild and even covered the roar of the tide.

If Zhang Zi'an was present, he would definitely sigh-Nima is another elf who likes to change the famous celebrities!

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