Pet King

Chapter 1125: River Nile

Listening to the driver ’s explanation of Egypt ’s strange customs and even endless traffic jams have become less unbearable, but the driver ’s English level and accent are a big problem, and many things have to be guessed, Zhang Zi'an and Wei Kang wasn't sure if he heard it wrong or understood it wrong.

He He complained on the walkie-talkie: "Mr. Wei, where is the hotel we booked? It will not be similar to these dirty and broken hotels? Then I will go back!"

Wei Kang handed Zhang Zi'an a helpless wink, and replied: "Xiao He, we must be prepared for hard work and hard work, don't be so coquettish ..."

After persuading for a long time, He He still resisted staying in these hotels, saying that her security was not guaranteed.

In fact, it is no wonder that she complained that the hotels they saw from the street so far were very old, and the people who came in and out looked complicated, and the safety aspect was indeed worth worrying about.

In the end, Wei Kang had to say, "Relax, the hotel we booked is different from these, it is very formal and safe."

The voice did not fall, and the road ahead was temporarily clear. The driver seized the opportunity to step on the accelerator and rushed across the most congested road.

It did n’t take long for the front road to turn around, and the road conditions and surrounding buildings were clearly different from what they just saw. As evidence, BMW Mercedes-Benz and even more high-end luxury cars can be seen driving on the street. Wrong on the set.

The driver explained that Cairo is divided into the old city and the new city. The old city is dirty and dirty, and the new city is much better.

In fact, rather than the old and new urban areas, it is more appropriate to say that the slums and rich areas are more appropriate. The gap between rich and poor exists everywhere.

The taxi passed the viaduct on the Nile River, and when he saw the Four Seasons Hotel in front, He He finally stopped complaining, and felt that Wei Kang was quite generous.

Wei Kang chose to live here, because of security considerations, and because it is very close to Luo University, and it is just southeast of the Giza Zoo from Cairo University, walking along Murad Street. Just a short walk away.

In the next few days, he will bring four disciples to conduct a series of exchanges with the teachers and students of the Department of Biology of Cairo University.

At this time, it was evening to lead Zhang Zi'an and four disciples to check in the hotel.

The hotel has already passed in advance. The stay of Fina and Feimas caused some concern, but did not cause any trouble.

He He lived in a single room. Wei Kang shared two double rooms with three boys. Zhang Zi'an was also cheeky to come to a single room under the pretext of taking care of Feimas and Fina. Otherwise, Wei Kang originally planned to share with him. Shared a double room.

Wei Kang knows that these young people can't sit still. After coming to Egypt, he definitely wants to seize every opportunity to go sightseeing. So he repeatedly tells that he can't leave the hotel without permission at night. After finishing packing, he hurries to jet lag. If you want to go sightseeing, there will be a whole tomorrow. Days of time.

Zhang Zi'an took Fina and Feimas into his room and hung up the Do Not Disturb sign, because the three boys were on the road, begging to play mahjong and golden flowers tonight, or try their luck at the casino on the top floor. He was not interested in accompanying him.

The hotel facilities are good, the cool central air-conditioning isolates the outdoor heat. The most important thing is that the viewing terrace of his room is facing the Nile River. As long as you open the curtains and walk into the terrace, you can lean on the railing and enjoy the sparkling waves of the Nile.

There were two back chairs and a small round table on the terrace, and Fina occupied one of them, crouching on the soft cushion, staring into the Nile River in deep thought.

Zhang Zi'an was busy packing his luggage. After packing, he picked up his phone and released the elves in turn.

"Meow meow! It's so hot in Tokyo! It's so hot in Egypt! The old lady had to take it off!" Snow Lion seemed to have a nightmare, and when she came out, she was blind, and then found that the room was cool and comfortable. There was a roll on the carpet.

Zhang Zi'an winked at it.

"What? Smelly man! Tell you, come here less! Be careful, I'll choke you!" He threatened with open arms.

Zhang Zi'an had no choice but to speak to the terrace again.

The Snow Lion looked back puzzledly, and saw Fina's slightly lonely back. Then she understood what Zhang Zi'an meant, and asked him to accompany Fina, so as not to immerse Fina in her memories.

It spit into Zhang Zi'an silently, meaning it didn't accept the feeling, because it had intended to do so.

Then, he ran to the terrace and tried several times before jumping on Fina's chair and enthusiastically shouting, "Your Majesty! The journey is hard! The slaves come to lick your hair!"

It desperately pressed his face away, and the returning Fina resisted and pushed her face out with a cat's claw ~ ~ There was no time to continue to be distressed by memories.

Immediately after Vladimir was released, he ran into the terrace, jumped to the table and proclaimed impassionately: "It is time for the suffering cats of Asia, Africa, and Africa to unite!"

"Meow ~" Xinghai stared at Vladimir, with a deep meaning: "Vladimir, come on!"

Vladimir clenched his fist confidently, "No problem! The meow flag will surely be inserted all over the world!"

Xinghai nodded, "Meow ~ Xinghai is saying that you have to work hard after returning to Binhai!"

Vladimir did not understand that the stray cats in the coastal city have been unified, the statue of the cat **** has been resolved and taken to Egypt, there is no danger of resurgence, the cat abuse incident has been stopped, and the remaining task is to spread to the country and even As the world expands, the fire of meowing has become a trend of Hagiwara. What else needs to be specifically told to refuel?

It was wondering questioningly, but Xinghai had run away to explore the layout of the room.

However, it is also accustomed to the ambiguous way of speaking in the Xinghai Sea, and has simply dispelled the question of questioning. Since it has arrived in Egypt, it cannot be returned immediately. As for the establishment of a meow branch in Egypt, it will go back. Region and Africa radiation, otherwise isn't it just a trip? No matter what, it is not too late to finish the task here and return to Binhai City.

After Lao Cha was released, he kicked his fists, kicked his muscles a few times, and just heard the conversation between Xinghai and Vladimir.

At this time, Zhang Zi'an also stood beside the box containing the statue of the cat god.

Lao Cha looked at the statue of the cat god, and looked at Vladimir's back again, and muttered quietly, "One thing is born, there must be a gram, and there is no such thing as absolutely invincible ... "

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