Pet King

Chapter 1140: Harassment

He He suspected that Zhang Zi'an and the owner's packing of the plaster statue was too arduous. She didn't want to wait, so she asked Gao Ke to go one step ahead.

At first, Gao Ke was worried that her overly cool dress would cause trouble, but after walking for a while, they gradually relaxed their vigilance and felt that there was nothing to do first.

Walking around, a little local girl came next to me, gesturing for a photo with He He.

He Heting liked the little girl, and when she saw that she looked so cute, she was glad to meet her requirements.

Immediately after that, several little boys and girls ran past and asked for a photo with He He.

He He was so happy in his heart that he felt that he was affirming his own appearance, and those who came did not refuse to meet their requirements.

Like some kind of opportunity, not only young children, but also young men and women from the local community came around, all asking to take a photo with her.

She was really flattered. She had traveled abroad a few times before, but no matter which country she went to, she took the initiative to ask the locals to take a group photo. She had never been sought after like this. It made her feel like a superstar. The feet are fluttering, I think the Egyptians' aesthetics are really good.

Gao Ke was occasionally asked to take a group photo, but it was much less frequent than He Ho. They were not jealous, and even happy for her. After all, she was really good-looking.

After He He took a photo with a young man, Xiaoying was about to move forward, but the young man suddenly said something to her loudly.

"???" She looked at Jack and asked what the man was saying.

Jack looked embarrassed, and said with a dry cough, "He said ... he likes you and asks if you want to be his girlfriend."

He He and the others were completely stunned, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

She occasionally meets men in the country, but she usually asks for a mobile phone number or WeChat signal.

"Tell him, thank you for your kindness, but I'm here to travel and don't want to find a boyfriend for the time being." She said euphemistically. Although this little brother is really a bit sunny and handsome, she really dare not take an Egyptian boyfriend home, otherwise the father will definitely break her leg.

Jack translated her.

He He and Gao Ke did not take them seriously, they only took this as a joke, and they teased each other that the Egyptians were really straightforward.

Before taking a few steps, another slightly older local man asked to take a photo with her. After the photo was taken, he said to He Ho with a look of sincerity and excitement, and stopped in front of him not to let her leave.

"What is he talking about?" He Ho asked jokingly, "Do you want me to be his girlfriend again?"

Jack was even more embarrassed, and he hurriedly replied: "He said ... you are his dream goddess and want to marry you ..."


Even if it was a joke, it was a little too much, let alone the expression and tone of the man didn't look like a joke.

Gao Ke has always had a good opinion of He He, and when he heard the words, he could not help pouring out the sour water, and complained, "What is going on with these locals? I haven't seen a woman or what?"

As soon as the words came out, he realized that because Jack was also a local, he immediately laughed and said, "Sorry, Jack, I'm not saying you ..."

Jack shook his head slightly. "It doesn't matter, in fact, I can't be regarded as a real local. When I was a kid, I followed my parents abroad, and when I grew up, I returned to Egypt and entered Cairo University to go to school. I don't know the customs here ..."

He He's good mood was ruined, and he waved his hand impatiently. "Forget it, let's go, just ignore this person. I have never seen such a shameless person, and don't look at myself!"

She wanted to get around the man, but he was entangled, always blocking her way, and she was embarrassed to marry her.

He He, however, stretched out his hand and tried to push him away.

At that time, she took a selfie with her mobile phone in her right hand and pushed it with her left hand, but she did n’t know that most Egyptians thought that “the right is better than the left” —the right is auspicious, whether it ’s dressing for dinner or going out to pray in the temple. It starts with the right hand and the right foot, and the left hand is not clean. The left hand is used when solving physiological problems and doing dirty work. It is extremely impolite or even insulting to shake hands with others or hand things.

The Egyptians know that foreign tourists do not understand these etiquettes and have a certain tolerance for foreign tourists. If He He inadvertently delivers things with his left hand or shakes hands, they may understand, but she pushes people with her left hand, which angers that. A man—it does not rule out the possibility of including deliberately finding fault in anger.

In short, the man shouted loudly, claiming that He He intentionally humiliated him with his dirty left hand, attracted the solidarity of others, and surrounded He He and his team to keep them from leaving.

Many of them have used the name of solidarity as the name for their solidarity. They have been staring at He He's slippery thighs. Where have they seen this? Now there is an excuse ~ ~ you can take a chance to kiss Fangze.

At the beginning, Gao Ke still put on a tough look. He wanted to beat the hero in front of He Ho, but his fists were hard to beat with his four hands, and he was quickly deterred by the momentum of the locals.

Zhang Zi'an was quite speechless after listening to Gao Ke.

In this case, the main reason was that He He was too exposed and became the focus of local people's attention, otherwise such troubles would not find her.

Similar to the situation in China in the past, many Egyptian local men want to take the opportunity to marry foreigners to emigrate and leave Egypt because Egypt is too poor, with a per capita monthly income of about 500 yuan, and domestic political instability, frequent turmoil, and political With military rule and compulsory military service, all men of appropriate age must participate in the military service.

Therefore, as long as it is a young man who can still grow, he wants to find a foreign female tourist to marry as a springboard for immigrants and to reach the peak of life.

However, Egyptian men are not stupid. Foreign female tourists are divided into three categories: first-class female tourists holding US passports, second-class female passports holding European passports, and third-class talents holding Asian passports. For passports, including China, Japan and South Korea. In addition, compared to the slightly conservative Asian female tourists, the American and European female tourists are better at soaking up.

However, Egyptian men do not really want to live in a foreign country for a long time. Their routine is to trick a female tourist to marry and obtain a foreign passport and force her to return to Egypt to live with him or earn enough money to cheat enough money abroad. Abandon the foreign wife and return to Egypt to marry the local virgin.

Due to the local unique religion and folk customs, Egyptian men do not need to register with the government to get married. It is entirely possible for a wife from abroad and a wife from within the country to not count as bigamy.

Obviously, the man saw her holy clothes and thought that she was a casual and easy-to-use foreign female tourist, so she got her idea.

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